Chapter 8: Mission: Star Agent Vs Villains

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The trio and Sabriye arrived at Cyberaya Harbour and were currently patrolling the area for any signs of Dos and Trez. Ali, Bakar, Alicia and Comot were in their hiding spots and were on a look-out for Dos and Trez while Sabriye hid in plain sight with Psychic's Invisibility and watched the area with Dark's Night Vision, which the trio were genuinely jealous of.

They waited and waited until Sabriye caught a glimpse of dark purple in the dead of night and looked towards its direction. That was when she saw them. 'They're here,' Sabriye informed the trio through Psychic's Telepathy and the sudden voice in their heads startled them. "W-We'll be there," Ali answered through an earpiece that was provided to them.

'Man, I need to get used to this,' the trio made a mental note. The trio took the chance to strike first as they all agreed to save Sabriye as the last resort, in case things go downhill. Sabriye stayed invisible and watched the trio fight, despite the uneasiness she felt about letting them fight alone. Just like they all suspected, the trio were losing their battle against Dos and Trez.

After the trio were knocked out cold, Dos and Trez thought they won and proceeded to interrogate them. Little did they know that they were being watched. As Sabriye was listening to their interrogation, her onyx gray eyes widened when she realised what they were after - "Tell me, where is IRIS?"

'They're after IRIS?' Sabriye then recalled that General Rama sent other agents like Agent Fit and Bobby to Cyberaya Harbour in order to find out what they were planning and what they were after only for them to escape without dropping any hints about what they wanted. 'Maybe they kept coming here to lure us to them.'

She was then brought out from her train of thoughts when Ali retorted a bit feebly, "Like we will tell you." That was when Sabriye remembered, placed her mini camera on one of the giant containers she was sitting on top of and operated it with her phone.

Luckily, the camera started recording before Trez cracked his knuckles and threatened, "If you don't tell us where IRIS is, I might as well just crush you and we'll infiltrate MATA again like last time to go look for it ourselves."

Sabriye then stopped recording, put her phone and mini camera away and took the chance to strike by kicking Dos in the face and knocking her out cold temporarily on the nearest container. Trez then checked his surroundings to look for the hidden threat - only to be electrocuted and paralyzed on the ground.

The next thing he knew was Sabriye standing in front of him and making a request in a cold, menacing tone, "That's what you get for hurting my friends. But, before I knock you out, I want answers. Why are you after IRIS? What are you going to do with it? Is Uno still alive?"

Trez was shocked about the last question. He suspected that Sabriye was a new recruit, since he had never seen her before in other missions, but he didn't expect her to know of Uno. Ali was a new recruit at first and he knew nothing about Uno until they infiltrated MATA to separate him from IRIS.

After Trez regained his composure, he  snarled, "Like we will tell you, little girl." Sabriye growled but before she could say anything, she felt a sharp pain on her back and was knocked out cold. "Thanks for buying me time, Trez," a deep male voice thanked Trez. Trez simply huffed in annoyance.

A/N: Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter. I kinda ran out of ideas for this. Can you guys guess who the newcomer was? You'll find out who in next chapter. Thanks for reading this and I hope you guys liked it. And sorry for the late update. Yeah, that's another thing I need to apologise for. Anyways, stay tuned for more updates and I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye. 👋🏼

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