Chapter 9: Escape Plan (Part 1)

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Sabriye woke up and felt a bit of fatigue hitting her. "Curse this fatigue," she cursed under her breath, looked at her surroundings and realised that she was in a dark, unfamiliar room, which looked locked. Sabriye then remembered what happened to her and the trio and tried to move to search for them, only to realise she was chained up (A/N: Like in Ejen Ali the Movie where the trio and Agent Fit were chained up.).

Growling, she searched for the trio and found them chained up as well and unconscious. Sabriye also noticed that it was just her and the trio alone in the laboratory so she seized the chance to try and help the trio and herself escape. She used Substitute to teleport out of the chains and created an illusion of herself in the chains before attempting to free the trio.

While she searched for the key to unlock the chains, the trio stirred and woke up, which caught Sabriye's attention. "Guys, are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?" Sabriye whispered out of worry. Bakar and Alicia nodded but, much to Bakar, Alicia and Sabriye's shock, Ali shook his head while panting. "Everything... hurts. Everything's... blurry. Looks like... they got me good."

When Sabriye took a closer look at Ali's face, she noticed that there was a scar across his right eye and bruises around his neck. This struck horror into Bakar, Alicia and Sabriye's hearts. "Dos and Trez did this?!" Sabriye almost shouted out of anger. Ali shook his head again, much to their confusion. "Not just them... Agent Rizwan too."

Sabriye almost snapped; keyword: almost. Sabriye shook her head rapidly before she could do anything irrational. "I'll get you all out of here. I just need to find the key to unlock the chains. Once we get out of here, we'll get Ali immediate medical attention, alright?" Sabriye told them her plan in a deeper-than-usual, authoritative voice, to which they nodded.

"Bakar, Alicia, are you able to fight? In case we run into the Numeros again?" Sabriye asked as she searched for the key and saw them nod in response. 'So it's just Ali out of commission for now.' Before Sabriye could do anything else, she heard footsteps coming from the entrance.

Sabriye faced the trio and looked at them sadly, "Change of plans. Sorry, I can't free you right now, but hang in there just a little longer. I'll find a way to get out of here, alright? You too, Ali." The trio nodded again in response. Sabriye nodded at them before using Psychic's Invisibility and disappearing from their sight.

However, Ali wasn't able to hold on like he promised her. He passed out from the agony coursing through his entire body. "Ali! ALI!" Bakar called out for him but he wouldn't wake up. Bakar and Alicia felt worried for him yet guilty for not being able to spare him so much pain.

Just then, Dos, Trez, Dr Aaron and Rizwan entered the laboratory. "Well, well, well, you seem well rested, MATA agents, except for two of the kids," Dr Aaron said with a malevolent smirk. Dos looked at 'Sabriye' and asked, "Rizwan, did you go hard on her? She hasn't woken up." Rizwan raised an eyebrow and responded, "No, it was only at the neck. I didn't hit her anywhere else. She would've been awake by now."

They just brushed it off as her having a huge weakness to Rizwan's attacks, which personally infuriated Sabriye, and started interrogating Bakar and Alicia, with Dos demanding to know, "I'm asking you again: where is IRIS? If you don't..." She pointed her electric needle at 'Sabriye's' neck, making them freeze supposedly in fear.

"If you want her alive, tell us where IRIS is," Dr Aaron threatened while Rizwan added, "We won't hurt you or her if you tell us peacefully." Trez then added, "We're giving you 10 seconds." They started counting down as they seemed to panic. However, knowing Sabriye's trick, they smirked internally.

Once the countdown was done, Dos threw her electric needle at 'Sabriye' but to her and the other Numeros' shock two portals appeared - one in front of 'Sabriye' and the other behind Dos. The electric needle passed through the portal in front of 'Sabriye', came out of the portal behind Dos and electrocuted her, causing her to faint.

Trez, Dr Aaron and Rizwan looked at Bakar and Alicia and saw them smirking at them as if they've claimed victory. Just then, a fiery red glyph appeared on the wall far away from them and a fireball flew out of it, hitting Dr Aaron's helmet and head. Sabriye then appeared behind Rizwan and used Electro Paralysis to paralyse him temporarily.

However, before she could do anything else, Trez managed to catch Sabriye with his huge bare hand and slammed her to a nearby wall, making her grunt in pain. "Heh, you sure are sneaky for a kid," Trez commented. "Yeah, I get that a lot," Sabriye responded with a scowl on her face. "Besides, who knows how many tricks I've got up my sleeves? Only I do," she added with a small smirk.

That caught Trez off guard while Sabriye did something unexpected - she used Electric's Thunderbolt and electrocuted him, causing him to let go of her. However, before she could take a step away from Trez, a strong force was wrapped around her body and she started to float in the air, unable to move much and could only struggle her way out.

Turns out it was Dr Aaron's doing, with his helmet. "Gotcha!" As he brought her closer, he asked, "What was that power you have? Are you a witch or something?"

Sabriye just looked at him weirdly and barked, "Really? You finally noticed my power and that's the first thing you ask? A witch? Seriously, you need to think better than that. Unless, of course, you're like a kid that believes in the fairy tales. Don't you think you're too old for that?"

Bakar and Alicia just looked at her in bafflement and thought, 'Wow, that's a bit harsh. Is this how she is towards villains?' Growling in fury, Dr Aaron slammed her to the wall again.

"Now, choose wisely, agents: either you tell us where IRIS is or she will freeze to death," Dr Aaron threatened them and laughed maniacally, leaving Bakar, Alicia and Sabriye looking at him in horror. What will they choose? Little did they know, except Sabriye, that the latter gave her an advantage.

A/N: Hey guys, done with another chapter and sorry if it's not long enough for some excitement. Anyways, thanks for reading this, I hope you guys liked it, stay tuned for more updates and I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye! 👋🏼

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