Solangelo: Mrs Thomas

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"Bianca you can't skip your meals. Should I call your parents?" I asked sternly to the young six year old child 

"I want a happy meal not this stinky sandwich" She said pouting "My daddy makes tasty food that is not stinky" 

"You will eat what is given to you Bianca" I said sharply 

Ok let me clear it to you, I hate kids. They are so messy and such a headache to handle. My husband shares the same interest as mine so we have decided not to have any kids. However I always have to look after these little devils as a part of my job of a teacher. I am a woman who is in her late thirties and got married at a respectable age. 

"I want to go home and eat happy meal with willy and daddy" Bianca said pouting "Can I go home please?"

"No Bianca now eat your food or else I will have to call your mommy" I said as I guessed she was closer to her father so maybe her mother might be more strict. 

To my surprise Bianca giggled. I frowned and asked "Why are you laughing? Did I say something funny"

"Yes Mrs. Thomas" She said happily "I don't have a mommy so how are you going to call her?"

Sweet Jesus. Were her parents divorced or maybe her mother was not alive? 

"What happened to your mother sweetie?" I asked kindly 

Bianca frowned and replied "How can anything happen to my mommy when I don't have one?" 

I looked at the child carefully. Her blond hair was in pigtails and her uniform was neat. She completes her homework in time and also mages to come first in class and sports. How can a single dad help her do all that? She still hadn't touched her food maybe I should call her father and talk about her eating skills. Also there was this thing that she was so more smarter than all kids, maybe her dad was pressurizing her to study more? Anyway I should talk to her guardian. 

--------------line break-------------------

"Hello are you Mrs Thomas?"

I looked up from my table to see a handsome tall man in his late mid twenties standing outside. I nodded and gestured him to sit. He had golden blond hair and bright blue eyes that seemed to always radiate an aura of happiness.

"Yes. So I am guessing you are Nico Di Angelo?" I asked referring to Bianca's dad

The young man smiled and said "No I am actually Will Solace, Bianca's other guardian"

"Oh so will Nico be coming?" I questioned 

"Yes. We actually came together but Nico insisted on picking Bianca first and coming here. I hope it won't be a problem" Will said cheerfully

"No its fine Mr Solace" I said wondering how Nico can be a female name.

Suddenly a man about two years younger and shorter than Mr. Solace entered the room with Bianca in his arms. She was giggling and excitedly telling him all that happened in school. The man smiled and listened earnestly but at the same time he looked weary.He shot a quick dark look at me and went back to listening to Bianca. Mr. Solace gave me an apologetic look and walked towards the young man who was dressed completely in black giving out a dark aura. 

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