Frazel: Jessica Jacobs

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A/N: Hello here I am again. Twice! Hope you guys appreciate my double update!!!!!!

 Elow4Life here is the Frazel story I promised!!!!!!

Love you guys!!!! 💜💜💜

PS: This is a cute date between Frazel and of course a stupid mortal has to come and be nosy. 


Jessica's POV

Working as a waiter at one of the most famous coffee shops in New York city had its perks. 

One of it being able to check out boys at free of cost. 

Or getting to hear couple flirting

Or eavesdropping into other people's fights.

Well you gotta admit this all really exciting and since I am naturally very curious I can't help but interfere.

So today its was really quiet and not a single couple had come in. Therefore my day was really boring. 

But suddenly the door flew open and a couple about in their late twenties entered walking hand  in hand. They ordered two hot chocolate drink and sat down. 

I admit I was really curious because they seemed pretty different from all the couples I've seen,

As I went to serve their order I noticed matching rings. Oh they're married.

"So are you guys married?" I asked cheerfully 

The man nodded though looked a bit uncomfortable. Hmm I wonder why?

"Oh That's great. I am Jessica Jacobs! What is you're name?"

"Um I am Hazel and this is Frank" The woman said politely 

I nodded and continued "Do you guys have children?"

The man choked on his drink but the woman replied a bit roughly "Yeah We have two children!"

"Oh really?" I asked shocked because the woman was petite and really thin. Shouldn't mothers be fat?

"You look really in shape for a mother of two kids" I said frowning

"Well I work out?" She said looking a bit peeved 

"Oh what exercises do you do?" I asked 

Before Hazel could answer Frank's phone began ringing and she quickly attended it 

"Hello brother" Hazel said smiling and Frank swiftly smiled hearing ;brother'

They must be close.

Since Hazel was busy I decided to talk to Frank instead. 

"So Frank how come your wife knows the password of your phone?" I asked 

"Huh? Why isn't she supposed to know?" He asked perplexed

"No she should not know. Husbands shouldn't tell things like passwords to their wife" I advised 

"Why not?" Frank asked confused

"Because then Wifes can always open your phone and find out everything"

"Uh Find out what?" Frank asked looking at me as if I was speaking an alien language.

"She will find out who all your flirting with!" I replied because it was obvious

"Ma'am I don't know what you're talking about. Why should I flirt with another woman when I am married and have kids?" 

Before I could reply the door flew open again and a beautiful blonde woman walked in wearing skinny jeans and a black tank top. She smiled at Frank an walked towards us. 

"Hello Frank!" the blonde woman greeted warmly

Oh shit! She's the mistress. I should take her away from Hazel.

However before I could do anything Hazel got up and hugged the blonde woman. 

"Annabeth!!! Thank you so much! I couldn't believe it when Nico told me you would come to give the tickets!" Hazel said smiling

"Of course I would! You guys have been so busy with work and children, you both have nit been spending some alone time. So here is the tickets to the concert, aquarium and amusement park! Go Enjoy" 

"Thank you Annabeth!" Frank said smiling 

"Anything for my little brother and sister" She said hugged them both "Percy was pouting that he couldn't come. He says he misses you guys a lot, so come visit him after all this or else he is gonna throw a tantrum" 

Hazel giggled while Frank face palmed "We will"

"Bye guys" Annabeth said smiling and as she walked away she pulled me with her

"Heyy what do you think your doing?" I shrieked

Annabeth then glared at me scarily and I swiftly shut up. "You have been too nosy"

"What?" I asked 

"Don't you have some manners?" Annabeth asked sharply "Who in Hades are you to go ask them all theses stupid questions?"

"I was just curious" 

"Curious my foot! You better keep your nose out of other's business because next time i see something like this I swear I won't be so merciful" She snapped, her stormy grey eyes scaring the living shit out of me.

"Yes I w-won';t do it again, I promise!" I squeaked.

She smiled but her eyes were still glaring "You better not" She whispered and walked away. 

I stared at her retreating figure, fear knotting y stomach. 

I swear I am gonna shut my mouth if people like her are going to some after me every time I am curious. 

Yeah and from that day I knew how to hide my curiosity because when it comes out two hard scary stormy grey eyes haunt my dreams. 










A/N: So thats Frazel guys!!!!! Tell me what you fell about it in the comments!

Also I am running out of ideas for characters! Can you guys suggest some names? Please help me out!!!!!!!!!!

Next coming will be a type of part 3 of Percabeth: Emma Jackson where son of Mrs. Robinson is crushing on Annabeth! Are you guys ready for that???? And then a Theyna story is coming up too!!!!

So any other requests? Pls comment!!!!

Also Thank you for Reading and supporting me❤❤❤❤

PS: I have exams till the end of the month so maybe the updates will be a few dates late. Pls forgive me !!!

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