The Right One?

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Your POV

So I know this room is meant to be for one, but tonight I find myself sharing it with another five people. Ok, you can't tell me I'm not patient because sharing a room with pesky boys all night is not one easy task.

"So what have you guys done so far here?", Yeonjun asks.

"Well, finding that jewel was not one easy task, so we had to spend our whole time chasing after it.", Soobin answered.

"Yeah, that's pretty much what we did, oh and we ate a lot of street food.", Huening Kai added.

"What did you guys do?", Beomgyu questions.

"Oh us?", I mutter sarcastically, "We had a great time. Me puking out my soul and them two cleaning up the remains of my soul."

"Wow, sounds fun.", Beomgyu comments.

"Very.", I reinforce.

We spend the rest of the night sprawled around and squished in as we talk about our adventures and mishaps in our city of dreams. Who knew travelling could be so appalling? 

"Guys, we better get some sleep. We have a long day ahead of us.", Taehyun suggests.

"Mhmm.", I agree.

We slowly close the lights one by one as we settle in but the rest of the night's not easy. It's too hot in here, I can barely breathe and whether I move this way or that way, I'm always touching somebody's something. Currently, giant bunny, Soobin, is hugging me so hard that it could be classified as strangling. I know he's always had a habit of cuddling whoever's next to him but I never realised it could be engulfing. I try move away from his grip but there's only Heuning Kai on the other side which doesn't help much. I feel shorter than I ever have among a group of giants. The only person I can reach up to is Taehyun. I close my eyes and try to fall asleep but let's just say, I deem it a fail.

Yeonjun POV

I wake up in the morning and trudge to the bathroom. Someone's already in it. Scanning the room, Y/N is the only one missing so it must be her. I walk back to the bed and lie next Soobin and hug him. I crave hugs these days because I get so few from Y/N. Even being tall myself, Soobin just takes it to another level. He sleepily hugs me back.

"I love you hyung.", he mumbles.

"I love you too.", I pat him back and try contain my laughter. 

Soobin's sleep talk is pure comedy.

Y/N finally comes out of the bathroom and opens up the curtains.

"Rise and shine sleepy heads!", she shouts.

"Ah, don't be so loud. I'm still asleep.", I groan.

"Too bad. We've got places to be. Everyone get up!", she continues to scream.

Eventually, we all get up and get ready. Then we head to the breakfast lounge on the top floor of the hotel. After filling our tummies, we head to the jewellery shop that we suspect has the jewel.

"Erm... hello.", Y/N hesitates.

Her Japanese isn't anywhere near as good as her Chinese is.

"You want me to speak for you?", I ask.

"No, I'll handle it.", she whispers before going back to the old man who owns the shop.

"I don't think she'll be able to handle it.", Beomgyu giggles.

"Me neither.", I say.

"So... erm... we came here because we... er...", she started.

The man looked perplexed, "What is it that you want?"

I take hold of the situation, "Actually, she's not great at Japanese so sorry about that. Can we look around the shop? There's this specific jewel we're looking for but we're not sure how to describe it."

"Ah ok. Of course you may.", the man says kindly.

"Hey! I could've said the exact same thing myself.", Y/N defends

"Yeah, after hours.", I roll my eyes.

"Ok whatever.", she says.

We look around the shop, let's just say it's a really big shop. We could go around the whole thing and miss the jewel we're looking for. But Y/N has other plans. She grabs us all and takes us up to the third floor. Her eyes lightly glow amber. We wander around a little more but the light fades. But then there's a sudden burst of light from her.

"Found it.", she smirks as her eyes erupt like the colour of lava.

"Taehyun what do we do?", I ask.

"Let's see how much it is first.", he says.

We take the jewel down to the bottom floor and show it to the man.

"How much is this?", I quiz.

"Twenty five thousand yen.", he says.

But that's so much, we'll never be able to pay for it.

"Sir, why is the price of this so high?", I ask.

"This is a one of a kind gem. There's no other like it so it must be priced so high. Besides, it's also very old.", the man explains.

I explain to the others and we all let out a sign in unison. 

"This won't do, we have to get it.", Y/N perseveres.

"But how?", Huening Kai questions.

She faces away, "We steal it."

"What! No, you can't do that.", I say.

"We have to. We'll come back here a day before we leave Osaka. Then we'll steal it and destroy it.", she snarls.

Her eyes have gone amber again, her instincts must be kicking in.

"Let's go.", I practically drag her out of the store after thanking the owner for his cooperation.

But the more I think about her idea, the more it seems like the only option we have.

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