Broken Self

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Yeonjun POV

Don't think I kept the issue small. As soon as I found Jake, I smashed him in the face so hard that his nose began to bleed. Things got serious from there, he threw hard and solid punches at me too and I doubled back in pain but that didn't stop me from making the next move. Y/N tried to come in between us but in her weak state, she only served as more fuel for my anger because every time I looked at her, the fire in me renewed like a phoenix reborn. It wasn't long before Soobin, Beomgyu and Huening Kai came to the scene. I was just about to kick Soobin when a teacher came and screamed at us all before sending us to the head teacher's office.

"What is going on here?", the teacher yelled, I can't quite recall who it was though. 

She escorted us to the office before she left. The head teacher looked at all our sorry states.

"What happened?", he asked.

Y/N began and spilled everything. I looked at her, out of breath and  limping around like a deer that had been shot and my heart ached. He called all our parents and demanded that we all get a one week exclusion from school. But Jake was left for the worse, he's been permanently excluded. If there's anything hat went right, at least we've gotten rid of him. I get out of the office with my mum and Soobin approaches me but I put my hand in his face.

"Don't.", I shield him off.

"Please forgive me.", he begs.

"I don't want to hear it. Go and leave.", I say harshly.

Mum doesn't look too happy with my behaviour but now's not the time. The only person I want to see is Y/N but she already left. I sigh and get in to the car as I spot my science class staring out of the window and staring at me from the fifth floor.

Your POV

I get home and go to my bedroom and call Yeonjun. He picks up in seconds.

"Why did you do this?", I ask, "If you had left me to suffer myself, no one would've gotten in trouble."

"Is this the type of person you think I am? I'd let you suffer on your own so I stay safe myself?', Yeonjun spits.

"No that's not what I mean, but that's what you should've done.", I say.

"I'm not having it. What I did was right. Now he's far away from you and can't go to a school in this county even.", he defends.

"But look at you, crumpled and hurt. It gives me pains to look at you like this.", I cry.

"And did it not hurt me to see you uncover all those bruises today morning?", he says harshly.

"I don't know...", my voice fades away.

"See Y/N? You can't say anything.", he shushes me.

"What about the boys?", I ask cautiously.

"Are you really thinking about them still? After what they did?", Yeonjun quizzes.

"They were manipulated Yeonjun, and this time you can't say anything because I know how it feels to be manipulated.", I snap back.

"Ok fine, but I don't want to talk about them now. It's too early to think about all this.", he says.

"My parents are calling me, I'm going.", I say and cut the call without a bye. How cold we've become within three hours, is this how people drift apart? And more importantly, is it my fault?

I go downstairs, "Yes Mum."

"I've made some lunch sweetie.", she says.

I go sit next to her on the dining table and slowly eat the food.

"Will you tell me what happened?", Mum asks.

I tell her about Jake. She knows him and she also knows what he did to me before. And then I tell her about how Jake tried to use my friends against me Yeonjun stood up for me and this is where all this happened.

"I don't know if you realise but having a boy like Yeonjun by your side, you're so lucky.", Mum says.

"I know.", I sigh because I really am.

"Y/N, don't stress. I'm not mad at you for getting excluded and neither is your dad. It's not even partially your fault. The only think I wish is that you told someone earlier.", she says as she feeds me.

"I'm sorry Mum, I didn't want to worry anyone.", I admit.

"It's fine, the past is the past but you know what to do for next time. But god forbid that there's a next time.", she hugs me and wipes away my tears.

"I love you Mum.", I smile.

Yeonjun POV

"Yeonjun?", Mum calls.

"I'll be down in a moment.", I say. Quickly going on the group chat with the boys I type something.

Yeonjun: i feel let down in all of you...

And then I get up and go downstairs. We were such close friends, what did Jake do to make them believe such things. I'm half way down the stairs when I hear my phone ring so I go back up again.

"Hello Yeonjun, I'm sorry.", it's Taehyun.

"How come you weren't in the office?", I say as I realise I hadn't seen him all day.

"I didn't support Jake.", he says.

"But then why do you say sorry?", I question.

"Because I knew but I never told anyone because she begged me. I tried solving it from behind scenes but you did it before I got there.", he reveals.

"Taehyun, tell the boys to come over to my house tomorrow, we have things to discuss. I'll be asking Y/N to join us too.", I say in a series tone.

"Ok.", he says dimly.

I cut the call and go down and see lunch set out on the table. I go and eat and Mum just stares at my broken self with the saddest eyes ever.

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