Chapter four The Apology

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Jasper sat there watching me his soft lips opening and shutting like a stunned goldfish. Who would have thought the great Jasper was capable of being stunned speechless? Clearly my little revelation surprised him. The Bella he knew was never so straight forward. This is something new. I haven't always been able to speak my mind and stand up for myself, especially when it comes to Jasper. He has always been able to sweet talk his way back into my good books but that was the old Bella! He's going to have his work cut out for him if he wants me to forgive him this time. How dare he judge me as not good enough for him? He should be on his knees begging me to put up with him.

Jasper took a deep breath finally finding his voice. It felt like hours of silence to me but I was determined not to be the one to break it, this man owes me. "Bella I am sorry I never intended to hurt your feelings. I certainly didn't expect dad to tell you what I said and if he did I would have thought he would have sugar coated it and not been so blunt".

I snorted and rolled my eyes glaring at Jasper. Typical he is trying to lay the blame on Uncle Will and not taking any responsibility for his part in this. "Uncle Will did try to put it as nicely as possible but I know you I know how you think. I may not have seen you in four years but you're the one who hasn't changed or grown up at all. I knew you wouldn't even show up for the meeting. I'm not stupid Jasper and you are so dam predictable it borders on boring!"

Jasper looks like a puppy that has been scolded and completely sorry for the way he has treated me. I am not letting him off that easy. If he thinks I will forgive him because he does puppy dog eyes he's wrong so very wrong.

With a huge sigh Jasper speaks "Bella could you let me make this up to you? I know you are angry and rightfully so. Let me take you out to dinner and we can catch up and talk about this marriage thing. Just the two of us. No fathers trying to dictate things, less pressure, we can be completely honest with each other. Then we can work out if this could work".

Clearly he is trying but I don't want him to think he can win me over so easily; he has to work it for it. I look up into his eyes; I can see how much he is regretting his actions that much is obvious. There is something else I can see but I can't quite put my finger on it. The Jasper of four years ago would never be this open with his emotions. Maybe he has grown up a little? Hmm that is an interesting thought.

"Jasper you know me I will do anything for my family. If it means marrying you to ensure our companies are saved I would do it. Saying that I don't want to be in a completely loveless marriage, I want children. Is that something you would be willing to consider? I know I am asking a lot considering we are talking about a business arrangement. We aren't in that much of a rush couldn't we get to know each other more. It's not only family I would be asking for I'd want I would want a monogamous relationship. "

Jasper smiles slightly while searching my eyes leaving me feeling like he was trying to read me like a book.

"Honestly Bella I never thought about love, marriage and children. I have been too busy having fun. Marriage and kids are not part of the playboy package! This is very different from the proposal that has been put to me. I'm not saying no, I need time to digest this but I guess if anyone has a chance to make me think of the family and future it's you Bella. I have never met anyone more stubborn and determined in my life" he finishes with a chuckle.

This is not the response I expected. I am shocked, Beyond shocked. It was my turn to look into his eyes and try to read him like a book. Was messing with me, was this some kind of cruel prank I couldn't find proof of any prankster in those eyes. What I saw was love stunning me with its openness. Is it possible that the biggest playboy loves me? Has always love me? No! That can't be possible. He didn't want to join the meeting, I had to chase him and now I'm sitting here as confused as hell. I definitely need to find some answers, get to the truth which I am no in desperate need of. Decision made I nodded my head hoping that the confusion I was feeling wasn't evident to this beautiful specimen of manhood.

Book one the  Bella Rosen series The billionaire playboyWhere stories live. Discover now