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The cold air conditioning running down my back as Justin goes on and on about some spell we learned 5 times.

And we wouldn't have to do this, If Finn would have learned not to turn Justin into a raccoon last week! But gotta admit. It was pretty funny.

"Okay okay we get it Justin! Don't need to repeat it!" Shouted Max.

Max Russo... where do I even begin. We've been best friends since forever. I wouldn't be in this class if it wasn't for him.

Day by day I'd catch myself staring at him even though I knew, He'd never like me in that way.

It's just the way his smile makes my day, his laugh makes my heart skip a beat, him just sitting infront of me makes me blush...

"well if you know so much, Maximus. Why don't you turn hopper into a frog for me?" bluffed Justin.

Max stretched up and out of his chair and stood infront of the class.

"Just a frog? Oh come on. I could do something way cooler!" Max shouted in excitement.

I chuckled a little of how cute he was acting. The way his face lit up when he thought of something better. He's adorable.

"What you laughing at L/n?" Max smirked.

"Probably laughing at your idiotic ass" mentioned Alex as she flipped through her magazine.

"That and how cute- CURRENTLY pathetic you are?" I corrected myself. "Not your best save" whispered Marcel from behind me.

"I know!"

"Cute huh?" Max mumbled to himself.

"Hey Justin, What if I can turn Y/n into a butterfly! Since that's her favorite animal" Smiled Max.

"Last time I checked this was Wizard class, not butterfly shit" Bri mentioned.

"Bri!" Kalden nudged her.

"And as much as I would love to do that. I don't think I wanna be a butterfly" I chuckled.

"Let's give it a shot!" Max smiled as he shot his wand power. I ducked down and it hit Marcel.

"Dude!" Marcel shouted. "Whoops!" Shrugged Max. I looked over and Marcel was a eagle.


𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐎𝐘 (𝐌𝐚𝐱 𝐑𝐮𝐬𝐬𝗼 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now