Chapter 1

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Draco's POV

I can finally relax and not worry about other people. I don't use a glamour spell because it feels too heavy, so I asked Pansy how to do makeup. She thought I was being a bit weird but Father always said I don't look like a true Malfoy so I changed my look.

Today was the so-called game night, so it forced me to take it off. I peel the tape and tissue off my chin to that made it look bigger and pointier. I wasn't my goal, but I didn't look too bad, so I left it. I took that skin product Pansy got for me and washed the makeup and concealer off. It left a rosy tint on my porcelain glass skin. Freckles went across my nose to my cheeks. I looked youthful and Blaise said I look like a kitten, but only they would know. Finally, I took the makeup off my eyes and lips. I shaped my lips to look thin by tracing them and using some concealer on the edge of them. For my eyes, I took the eyeshadow off with a damp facecloth and makeup remover. My eyes looked like huge silver orbs. It was creepy to me but Pansy loved it. I washed the gel out my hair too leaving it to air dry wet and wavy. 

I slipped on my lace robe and took my silver contacts out. I have silver eyes but they have flacks of green and gold. I waited for Blaise to come and get me on my bed. I really don't know how girls do it but I respect them a lot more after every time I do this.

Few Hours Later

I slip on a hoodie and shorts and make my way to the library. I see Pansy and Theo on the floor by the fireplace. A deck of cards, pencils, board games, and all our favorite snacks. I giggle at Pansy's excitement. I'm sure we're the only people in Slytherin who do this kind of stuff.  We tried that Kpop card game. You suck on the card and pass it to the other person. We stopped because she kissed Theo and was freaking out. It was hilarious, but I almost kissed Blaise so I'm glad we stopped in time. Then we made the TikTok board game. They made me do the Supalonley trend, and we did the hand dance on the floor. After, a few more TikToks, broad games, Seaweed, Oh Seaweed, and Oreo Pansy did the stupidest thing in the world. Magically binding Truth or Dare. 

I dare her to kill herself but only in my head. I got to make her suffer first. She lets Theo go first. He dared Blaise to take a sexy photoshoot of me and show his and my crush. At first I tried to refuse but Blaise's arm started hurting so being the wonderful friend I am I let Theo have his way making sure to get payback. Next was Blaises turn. He dared Pansy to slap her crush, push them to the floor and snog them. I burst out laughing knowing she had to do it. It was my turn. I turned to Theo and dared him to get Neville into bed with him. He blushed but I think he loves me for that. It wasn't payback ,but hey, It was all I could think of in this short amount of time.

Finally, It was Pansy's turn. She stares at me making me feel uncomfortable. She will ask the impossible of me, isn't she? Finally she speaks.

"Darl, I know your beautiful. We all do, so let's make someone fall for that pretty face. I dare you to change your look every week. Don't worry. I'll make you look beautiful."

I was shocked to say the least. She says I look like an Ulzzang bunny boy and she would show everyone. I heard glass shatter in the back of my mind. As I try to refuse that same glass stabs me in the knee. "Fine!" I scream earning a shush from everyone. It hurt a lot, so it forced me to scream. We all agree to go to bed and prepare for the next day. Pansy sneaks me to her room but I say nothing. She unrolls a futon for me and winks. "Sweet Dreams, Darling.  I love you." 

"Oh, shut it, Pans." I say playfully as she threw a pillow in my face. I'm not hopeful for the future.

The Next Day*

Hey Draco, wake up. I'm packed. Let's move it to your room." She beamed. 

"Then what was the point of bring me here." I groan as the harsh light scar my eyes.

"I need to figure out your colors. Now lets go."

I reluctantly follow her to my dorm and sit. She knows my hair is long and I never wash out all the gel, so she runs some water and washes it out revealing my true hair length. I sit at her knees as she brushes the tangles out my hair. She was surprisingly gently with the brush and comb. I never expected to from her. She led me to the mirror and put some red lipstick on the inside of the lips and told me to press making a pink to red gradient. I almost shit myself when I found scissors in her hand attacking my hair. Now I look like a girl. (Picture above, but still has blond hair) I was so ashamed but I like the look.

We meet Blaise in the hallway. I pull up my scarf to cover my face. He yanks it off my neck, covers his mouth, and starts bawling and laughing. I stick up my middle finger at him and pull out my wand. 

"Cruc..." He knew I would never do it but I would get pretty damn close. He wraps my scarf around my neck and stands in front of me to cover me. We walk into the Great Hall and take our seats at the Slytherin table. We talk amongst ourselves  until Pansy yanks my scarf off once more knowing I couldn't do anything about it. I had a beanie close by as I curse her. I feel eyes on my body and turn to see the Golden Boy looking up and down licking his lips. I quickly turn back as Weasel and Granger pull him away toward Ginny. I see Blaise stand up with his phone. I completely forgot about the dare last night. I lunge for his arm and hold on for dear life but he's stronger than me so he just drags me around to their table. He pulls up my picture of me siting backwards in the chair in booty shorts, tang top, and see-through baseball jersey looking as if I had lust in my eyes. I was not expecting his reaction.

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