Books Are my Best Mates

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A girl of thirteen I was,
When that happened.
My brother had given me
A book.
Yes, a story book!
I got obsessed with them
From that moment on.

Each time I read a book,
I have the bliss an
Emperor feels when he
Conquer one more territory
'I could've started earlier'
I wonder these days.
Now, that i cant manage
Both reading and studying,
My parents forbid me
From reading too much

The feeling that I have,
Each time I enter a
Library is unaccountable.
The sight of the exceptional
Beauty of books arranged
In a wonderful manner
Is enough to exhilarate me.

Books, they are of different Kinds.
Some of them, may
Leave you spell bound.
Some of them,
May leave you deep in thoughts.
Some of them,
Tells us a lot.
By some others,
You get carried away,
And those are my

I always did have a
Sensation of excitement
When I hold a dusty
Old tome, thick, with
Yellowing pages, in my
I scour first for a library,
Whichever school I may go.

I reckon, its quite
True that you live many
Lives before you die,
If you read books.
All I mean is that,
Books are my best mates!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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