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When semester break for Beacon came around, team RWBY and JNPR spent a lot of time with Yin. The teens were at Yin's apartment watching a movie marathon in their pajamas. Though, no one was really watching, everyone was doing their own thing. Ren was flicking popcorn into Nora's mouth, Phyrra and Weiss were braiding each other's hair, Ruby and Jaune was having a staring contest, Blake had her nose in a book while Yang was stacking pretzels on her head, and Yin sat quietly on the couch as he sketched in his sketch book.

"Don't move, Blake, I'm on a roll here." Yang told her partner.

"Mhm." Blake replied, eyes still fixated on her book.

"Ha! You blinked! I win!" Ruby cheered.

"Awww, maaaan!" Jaune groaned.

At the same time Nora was laughing at Jaune's failure, Ren had flicked a piece of popcorn. The popcorn went straight into her throat making her choke. Nora coughs out the popcorn which hits Weiss in the forehead.

"EWWWW!" Weiss screached.

"Nora, are you alright?" Ren asked her.

Beaming, Nora gives her partner a thumbs up.

"Guys! Check it out! Look how high I'm stacking these pretzels!" Yang said excitedly.

"Woah! You're almost at three feet!" Jaune said in awe.

He leans in to get a better look, but he leaned in a bit too close, bumps into Yang who bumps into Blake, causing the whole pretzel tower to topple over. The whole room is silent, waiting for Yang to blow a fuse.

"You're dead meat, vomit boy." Yang growled.

"Eeek!" Jaune yelped hiding behind Ruby.

"Hey, Yin, what are you working on there?" Phyrra asked.

"Just a drawing that I started on yesterday." Yin replied.

He finishes up the final details to his drawing then sets his pencils and colored pencils aside.

"I just finished it actually. Wanna see it?" Yin said.

"Sure." Phyrra replied.

Yin hands Phyrra his sketch book. The drawing Yin had done was of the shattered moon reflecting onto a lake, and on the shore of the lake is a cherry blossom tree with its petals falling.

"Yin, this is beautiful. You're a wonderful artist." Phyrra told him.

"Thanks, Phyrra." Yin said smiling shyly.

Nights like this was a common occurance during the semester break. On the first day back, Ruby calls Yin and tells him about the coolest food fight ever! After work, Yin visits the campus and finds team RWBY in the library playing a tabletop game.

"I hate this game of emotions we play!" Weiss cried.

"Don't worry, Weiss, we'll get through this together." Ruby said jumping into her lap, hugging her.

"Shut up! Don't touch me!" Weiss replied hugging back.

Then Sun comes over and introduces the others to his friend and partner, Neptune. A couple days later, Yin saw something on the news about a giant robot thing running through the city. He knew his sisters had been up to something lately, so he gives them a call.

"Did you guys have something to do with this?" Yin asked Yang.

"I...have no idea what you are talking about." Yang lied.

"Yang...come on, don't lie to me. I'm your twin, I know when you're lying." Yin sighed.

"Okay...yeah, that was us. We were trying to figure out what Torchwick is up to; and things...didn't go exactly as planned." Yang explained.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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