met again -chapter 4

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Hi yall im back :D

{Met again}

After a couple of years,Mal came as surprise.

{Last chapter}👇

"Mal is that you?"indo said in his heart.
"I miss you..."

{Back on the chapter}

Asean:You can sit beside palestine.

Mal:Yes sir.

So mal sit beside palestine and then the whole class back to learning.

{Lunch time}

Mal sitting alone at the school garden as it was full with flower especially beside hibiscus bushes.

Suddenly,phil came and sat beside mal

Phil:hi there.

Mal:oh hi.

Phil:nice to meet phillipines but you can call me phil instead.

Mal:ok name is malaysia,but you can call me mal.



Phil:you know indonesia,my friend always talk about you.


Phil:yup.beside,you guys know eachother?

Mal:me and indo always spend time together while we were a fillies but i had to move.

Mal said with a sad tone

Phil:then why are back here?

Mal:you know belanda,j.e and british colonized me.then after it has ended,i used to lived with singa but he left me.

Phil:oh sorry to hear that,mal.

Mal:its ok

*Bell rings*

Phil:welp lets go to class


{In class}

Mal came into phisics class.luckly phil was there so she sit beside her.

Phil:long time no see mal.

Mal:great to see you

Phil:you too

Then class begane to start.But someone who sit 3 chairs away from mal did not pay attention to the teacher instead of looking at mal.It was netherlands,dutch son.He look at mal with a mysterious looking face.

Neth:so thats malaysia?

Neth said in his his heart while smiling.

{Back from school}

Indo saw was mal.he tried to catch up to her and made it.

Indo:hey mal!

Mal looking back with a surprise face

Mal:indo is that you?

Mal said with tears in her eyes

{At park}

Indo:So where do you live now?

Mal:in my old house.i miss this place so much.

But something unexpected happen.Someone bump into indo.


Neth:oh hey babe.

Indo:stop calling me that we already break up month ago!

Neth:cant you forgive me?


Neth takes indo hand and left mal behind.Mal was so surprise she cry and left the park to her house.

She slam the door and lock herself at home.

Mal:I should never meet him...

Nyahhahahahahhahahah!what do you think next people?

Yep im tired and i will continue dis later...



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