|39| Crumbling castles

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Shivaay Singh Oberoi had been in a lot of stressful situations before

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Shivaay Singh Oberoi had been in a lot of stressful situations before. But none of it could be compared to this moment, where he had Annika lying on his lap on their way to the hospital. Omkara was driving as fast as he could, and Dadi was in the passenger seat saying some inaudible prayers while throwing some worried glances at Annika. She was not completely unconscious, as far as he could tell. She would occasionally yelp in pain with her eyes constantly closed, and it clenched the blood out of his heart.

"Shivaay..." Annika called him out weakly.

He rubbed her hand and reassured her everything would be fine. When she called him again, he bent closer to her.

"Baby..." She said and closed her eyes in pain. She placed his hand on her abdomen and looked at him with bloodshot eyes, one that would haunt him forever, before blacking out. A myriad of emotions passed through him at that moment, and he held her closer as he yelled Om to drive faster.

Time passed in a swift, and before he knew, they were taking Annika in a gurney to the do an ultrasound. Shivaay impatiently took out his phone and googled her symptoms. Seeing this, Om immediately snatched his phone away.

"Shivaay, breathe now. Let the doctor come," Omkara opined and held Shivaay's hands for a minute. Shivaay looked like a lost man, as millions of thoughts went through him. He didn't like standing there, helpless. He needed to do something. But all he could do was stand and wait as his mind yelled to him the most calamitous contingency that was possibly happening with every passing second.

When the doctor came, Shivaay stood there staring, at the closing door behind her. It took him a minute before he approached the doctor as he prepared himself to hear what he dreaded the most.

"Mr Oberoi, are you aware that your wife was pregnant?" The doctor asked, and Shivaay managed to nod as Kalyani and Omkara looked at him shocked. His eyes suddenly started burning, and his throat turned sour.

"How is Annika? Is she going to be alright?" Shivaay managed to ask.

"What your wife had is called an ectopic pregnancy. The baby had been implanted in her fallopian tube, which ruptured. She has internal bleeding, and we are taking her now to surgery." Doctor Thakur informed them in a low tone as she pulled out the consent form. When Shivaay didn't react to it, she continued, "Do you have her files with you, Mr Oberoi? We need you to sign this form."

"Her files are here."

Shivaay turned to see Rudra and Gauri turned, and he immediately grabbed the file. He opened it and turned the pages as if he was searching for something which made Gauri look at him puzzled. He immediately saw Omkara, who took the cue and asked Gauri to bring some water for Dadi. Shivaay tapped at one paper as he handed the file to Doctor Thakur. She studied it and gave him a small nod. Shivaay signed the consent forms. With an unavoidable tremor mildly taking over his movement, he handed it to her.

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