Meeting shoyou

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                                   (Oikawa pov)

"My limp has more or less gone away. I could probably make it back for the second set. Or, maybe the last set" I thought to myself. As I made my way to the boys changeroom, I had only one thing on my mind.

"If I make it back for the last set, I could still beat that smug kageyama" I continued to think. "We'll see who the better setter is."

A wide smirk spread across my face, as I fantasized about the look on kageyama's face once I defeat him.

If it wasn't for my stupid knee I could play all three sets. But I'm sure coming in for the last set will just have to do. I sighed.

As I walked down the hallway, I stopped at the changeroom door. Something felt... wrong. I put my ear to the door. I listened.

I could feel the cool door up against my face. It was difficult to make out, but I could hear what sounded like a group of boys, yelling.

What where they yelling? I pressed my face harder against the fake wood door. It sounded like... someone was being beaten up?

Are they in trouble? What the hell was happening? . Should I intervene? Or just mind my own business?

"Fuck it" I muttered, as I swung the creaking door open.

I open it to see three, fairly big, boys kicking a red haired... middle schooler? Why on earth would three high schoolers pick on a middle schooler.

I quickly became livid with anger.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE" I yelled at the three boys.

They seemed surprised, but it didn't look like they where going to stop.

I grabbed the biggest by his shoulders and punched him, right in his gut. I could see him wince. I turned to the other two. Who were looking more scared than before. I hit one in the face and the other in the side.

The next thing I knew, the three boys were running out of the changeroom. I guess I scared them.

I turn to the red head who is still on the floor. Than it hit me. He just got kicked out of his mind. I got so carried away teaching those three a lesson, I completely forgot about the injured kid.

I quickly ask him "hey, are you okay? Are you hurt?" He responds with "do you go to Aoba johsai?"

That response took me completely off guard. He probably saw my windbreaker, but still. He just got kicked shitless, and that's what he's wondering?

"W-what, y-yes? You just got the shit beaten out of you and that's your response?"

To my surprise he starts to giggle "oh! Sorry. I guess I got distracted. But yes. I'm okay all thanks to you. My name is shoyou Hinata. What did you say your name was?"

The second he smiled, it felt like the whole room just lit up. It was so genuine. I couldn't explain it.

I told him I was happy to help, and introduced myself. I expected him to pause or take a second or something. But he just jumped right into the next question.

He seemed to know that I was there for a practice match. He asked me in a way that made it seem like he was going to just burst out of his body of excitement any minute. He seemed genuinely interested.

"You're an odd guy, shoyou Hinata" I laughed

After I said that, there was this moment. It felt like him and I were the only two people in the whole world. It felt like is smile was glowing.

The moment was broken by him "thank you for helping me, oikawa-Chan! I have to go."

And just as fast as he came into my life, he left. I didn't even get to say goodbye.

I didn't know a thing about this kid. Only his name. But, I couldn't help but feel like I need to protect him. I can't explain it.

That damn smile (Oikawa x Hinata)Where stories live. Discover now