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They arrived and start to walk to the temple, suddenly...

Sora:" Look up ahead a door"
Razor:" Are we here??"
Selena:" Doesn't seem like it, there's writing here..., written in Greek's alphabet"

"Για να ανοίξετε την πόρτα πρέπει να έχετε τη γνώση της αστερίας, να ανοίξετε αυτήν την πόρτα, περιμένετε μέχρι το βράδυ και κοιτάξτε τον ουρανό, ο αστερισμός που βλέπετε είναι η απάντηση για να ανοίξετε την πόρτα, να βρείτε το αντίστοιχο σύμβολο του αστερισμού"

Mary:" Hmm? I don't understand this, writings, does anyone of you understands?"

Leena walks to the front of the door and starts to read

Leena:" To open the door one must have the knowledge of star gazing, to open this door wait till night and look up the sky the constellation you see is the answer to open the door, find the matching symbol of the constellation"
Selena:" Since when you learned to read Greek?"
Leena:" I've learned more than you know"
Sora:" Be patience Razor, if it needs to be done then we'll do it"
Mary:" Sora's right we need to wait till night time"
Razor:" Ugh, whatever"

Night time...

Griffin:" Guys it's night time already, we should see the stars now, and Leena I guess this is the time?"
Leena:" Yea...,"
Griffin:" What do you see Leena?"
Leena:" Aquilla, the Eagle"
Mary:" Aquilla..."
Sora:" Hey look here's an Eagle head symbol, I'll press it okay?"

Sora pressed the Eagle head symbol..., and the doors opened

Sora:" This is magnificent...,"
Razor:" Better than the castle isn't it"
Griffin:" Yea..."
Selena:" Look at this place..., who built this..."
Mary:" The Gods itself, this cannot be a man's work"
Griffin:" Let's keep moving we're close now"

Razor feels something near them...

Razor:" Somethings not right here"
Selena:" Since when we can trust you?"
Razor:" Shh"
Selena:" Why are you shushing me"
Razor:" Can you guys feel the eye looking at us..."
Selena:" Huh? Quit playing around dumb ass"

Something tries to attack Selena from behind

Razor:" Selena behind you!"

It's a huge Lion trying to attack Selena, Thankfully for Razor's reflexes she's safe..., well they're safe for a moment

Razor:" Look for a safe place to hide..., I feel something in this Lion"

They all went running to look for a safe place

Griffin and Leena went to the same direction and same place to hide

Griffin:" We're save now, you're, okay right?"
Leena:" Y-y-yea I'm fine"

Back to razor, looks like he's trying to tame the Lion...

Razor:" Hey there, calm now... we don't mean any harm to you..., we're here to find answers..."

Razor sees an arrow that sticks to the lion forelegs

Razor:" That arrow, must be making you this aggressive is it? Let me help you"

Razor getting close to the lion, it starts to roar like it has a trauma at humans

Razor:" Relax, I'm not a foe, okay let me just take this off from you"

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