The Boy Down the Street: Prologue

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The Boy Down The Street

"Yes Dad, school is fine." I answered into my phone , knowing exactly what was about to be said.

"So how are your grades? They better be all A+'s because I know you can do it," He answered.

"Yeah, they are, in Algebra I'm making a 104.3," I replied, feeling quite proud of my self.

"Well how are you doing in English? It should be up there with that 104.3, right?"

"Yeah, it is, I'm making a 98," I said, once again feeling proud of myself.

"Well that 98 should be a 104, Kels. I know your could do better."

I sort of half-giggled, hoping he was joking. But then he continued.

"Im serious, Kelsey. All your grades should be 104's," I sighed, wishing I could hang up the phone because I knew he was about to drag my brother into this, "you know your brother did great in school and he always made excellent grades. He graduated high school at the top of his class, and got a full scholarship to UTC."

"Yes, I know Dad," I said, I was trying to hide the fact that I was becoming very annoyed at the conversation. "Okay, good. Just bump those grades up."

Gosh, why can't he just accept the I was doing good and making all A's in my classes? My lowest grade was a 95, and a 93 and up was an A!

Ergh. I just hate that he always compares me to my perfect, flawless brother.

My brother was only my half-brother, and so I never lived with him and since I haven't lived with dad since I was three, I usually only see him at family gatherings and on holidays.

This sounds bad, but I'm actually quite glad I don't live with my dad. You see, when I was three my mom and dad split up, and I stayed with my mom.

Now, eleven years later, my mom has married Sam, who is an amazing person and is more of a father figure to me than my actual dad is. I have two step-sisters, Sarah, who is ten, and Kaylynn, who is eight.

I usually only see my dad maybe once a month, but he often calls and checks on me, and makes sure my grades are up.

Yeah, as you can probably tell, he's super strict. That's what annoys me.

Sam always feels relieved that my grades are as high as they are and thanks me for trying to do my best.

"KELSEY!!! SUPPER'S READY!" I snapped out of my thoughts and came back to reality.

Oh, it was mom telling me it was time to eat. I quickly ran downstairs and the smell of garlic bread was in the air. Yummm.

"What are we having?" I asked.

"Baked spaghetti with garlic bread." Sam said with a smile while standing at the stove waiting for the oven timer to go off. Sam was always a great cook.

"Yay! I love your baked spaghetti." I replied as I reached into the cabinet to get plates out.

As I set the plates on the counter Sarah and Kaylynn came running into the kitchen, with mom following behind.

"Guys, you know that house down the street that was recently put up for sale?" Mom said.

Oh god. Please tell me she didn't buy it. Please.

"Oh my gosh guys stop looking at me like I'm about to tell you I went and did something stupid," she said with a laugh.

That's exactly what were thinking she did.

"Well," she continued, "somebody bought it and they moved in today," she smiled, "and they seem nice. I invited them to dinner with us this evening. Kelsey, they have a son about your age and they also have a daughter a little older."

"Okay, when are they coming over?" Sam asked.

"Here in about ten minutes."

"Okay." Sam replied while preparing the rest of our meal.

Exactly ten minutes later, they arrived. They rang the doorbell and I ran to get it.

Once to the door, I swung it open and looked over the family I saw in front of us.

There was a tall, dark headed man, standing next to his shorter, curly haired wife, and standing behind them were two teens grinning from ear to ear.

The boy, who did look a tad bit younger than his sister, had his chocolate curls flying all in his face as he grinned shyly at me and his sister had the same color hair.

You could definitely tell they were siblings. I opened the door wider and invited them to come in once I realized I had been standing with the door open staring at them, not saying anything.

As they walked through the door, I smiled at each of them,and they introduced themselves as they walked by me.

"Hi, I'm Anne." the mother replied with a smile.

"Hi, I'm Kelsey. The kitchen is right in there." I pointed to the kitchen and turned back around just in time for her husband to hold his hand out in front of me. I awkwardly took his hand and shook it, and then smiled and once again said, "Hi, I'm Kelsey."

He replied with a smile and quickly said "I'm Robin" and then walked on in.

I turned back to our two other guests.

The daughter walked up to me, smiled, and enveloped me into a hug. She quickly whispered in my ear, "Harry likes you. I can already tell." Then she let go and said, "Oh, and by the way, I'm Gemma." I just replied with a smile and she walked inside.

'Who's Harry?' I asked myself, dumbfounded that she said something like that when I didn't even know what she was talking about.

I turned and looked back at the curly headed boy and smiled, and he walked up to me, kissed the top of my hand and said "Hi beautiful, I'm Harry."


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