Chapter Fifteen: Lifeless

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Chapter 15: Lifeless

*Kelsey's Point of View*

"Ahh! What the hell, Kay?" I woke from my sleep as I heard it.

Ugh. What has Kaylee done to Sarah now?

You see, Kaylee and Sarah are my roomates. As I moved off to college, I wanted to rent an apartment instead of staying in a dormatory, but I quickly realized that I couldn't afford it, so I found these two idiots, which I call my best friends, and we split the cost and rented an apartment together.

"I don't know, man. I just like bacon!" Kaylee yelled back.

What? I'm so confused.

I sat up in my bed and walked downstairs to see what they were up to.

"What the heck guys?" I said as I reached the bottom of the steps.

I turned the corner and entered into the kitchen.

Just as I was about to ask them what was going on, something flew across the kitchen and hit me in the face.

"Oh. My. God. What was that.." I said through gritted teeth as I attempted to wipe the sticky gooey substance off my face.

Kaylee and Sarah were laughing.

"This is not funny, guys!" I said but they didn't listen.

"Seriously. I don't even know what that was.." I looked down at my hands and noticed that what had been thrown at my face was oatmeal. Ew, gross.

They were still laughing their heads off.

Fine, Ill make them stop.

oh my gosh. Harry. Thats what he did to me, like four years ago?

I always felt so terrible after that day. I don't regret the kiss, I just never wanted feelings for Harry because I was always afraid he would be just like any other guy- I don't know.

Its not that I hated him, I hated myself for trying to hate him. But I so desperately wanted to hate him... ? Now I'm just confusing myself.

My vision was quite blurry and tears were falling from my face, mixing with the oatmeal.

Kaylee looked up and saw that i was crying, "Oh my gosh! Kelsey. Are you okay? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for the oatmeal to hit you!"

Kaylee is so innocent sometimes.

"I'm fine, its Okay; its not that.." I replied, and turned and ran up the stairs into my room.

They can't see me like this.

I grabbed some clothes and a towel and headed towards the shower in the hallway, tears still threatening to spill out of my eyes.

I heard the tv turn on, and I recognized the channel as a news channel.

"And now for the latest "StarWatch": Harry Styles, and his longtime model "friend", Cara Delevinge are out again! It seems that Harry met her at a club last night and they partied quite hard. Are Harry and Cara a"thing" now?" God. It kills me when stuff like this comes on about Harry.

I don't know if I should believe it and feel like crap, or not believe it and still feel like crap. I'm a terrible person.

"You know Kay, that Harry guy is pretty hot. I'd tap that." Sarah joked.

If she was talking about any other guy on this planet, I would've just layghed and agreed, but not this time.

I have never told the girls about Harry, because they would mob me with questions and make me feel worse, without even knowing it.

It just made me cry harder, feeling impossibly worse.

I hurriedly jumped into the shower.

I lathered my Suave Coconut shampoo and conditioner into my blonde hair, washed off the gross oatmeal, rinsed everything out, and hopped out.

I brushed out my hair and braided it, pinning it on top of my head.

I threw on my clothes and went into my room.

I checked myself in the mirror; I was wearing some dark wash skinny jeans and a black three-quarter length tee with "Cool Story Babe" written on it.

My hair was drying in a braided bun so that it will be wavy when I take it down.

I applied my normal amount of makeup: concealer, powder, blush, eyeliner and mascara.

I blowdried the rest of my hair while it was still in the bun, and I took it down and styled it.

When I was finished I slipped on my light blue flats, grabbed my bag and my phone and headed out the door.

I didn't say goodbye to either of the girls, oh well. They will figure out I left later.

I needed to get out of there. I didnt know where I was going, I just needed some air. I needed to get over Harry. It's been FOUR years.

I walked for quite a while, until I came upon a busy street. I dont remember this street always being so... crowded. What's going on? Is there a parade or something?

Just then I heard tons of high-pitched screams.

What the hell?

I turned to my left and saw hundreds of screaming girls running down the street.

What is with these idiots?

I turned to my right saw a boy getting out of a black Range Rover.

He wore black RayBans, and a plain white t-shirt with black skinny jeans.

His brown curly hair whipped his face as the wind blew around him.

"H-harry?" I yelled and he looked my way.

I was in shock. What do I do? Should I talk to him? What if he hates me?

"Kelsey!" he yelled back, looking worried.

He ran towards me.

He was just feet away from me, and I was about to reach to hug him, but just as I tried, I was shoved to the ground and stepped on by hundreds of high-pitched screaming fangirls desperate to get to Harry.

"No guys! Stop! Please!" I somehow heard Harry yell.

My knees and elbows were bleeding, my head was pounding and my whole body ached.

My vision blurred and my hearing left, and soon my body stopped aching as my world went black.


Oh shit. lol

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Love you all,

-Julia xoxo

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