genin exams

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                                                            know what they r all naru pov except when i say they arent so just know if they arnt marked they are naru pov lol


i woke up and saw sauske-nii saying next to me..yesterday i turned 13 hehe  finaly it was time to graduate. yesterday i failed but actualy didn't cause i passed later hehe. o well that dosnt mater.

i woke sauske up and got ready for the day. i put on my orange skirt and black top compleat with my 2 sizes to big jacket. i giggled and put my hair in its signitre pig tails smiling. walking back to our room i saw sauske was dressed and had left. going ot the kitcian i saw him eating his rice and had been nice making my roman for me.

"arigoto sauske-nii" he smirked and said

"yaya eat you dube or were ganna be late....again" i sweatdroped. and pouted but ate. yep that s my big bro for ya. hehe

after we finished we started walking,

"so you think we'll be on the same team" i asked he nodded

"i hope so as long as i dont get parred up wit eather sakura or ino im good" i giggled and nodded

"same but i do wanna get peared with you nii-san" i said and he agreed.

       we finaly made it to class and took our seats when sakura glared at me and pulled me off me chair making me land on my butt...whore.

"ooh sauske i didn't see you there. is this seat taken" he glared in response but said nothing,

"i got up and took another seat. i mean realy that b**** was so rude. ino glared and hit me.

"whore y dose a fatty like you even try to get close to him. he will never love a pig like you or bilbor brow' that tore it for nii--san

"will you two stop harrassing my little sister' he said picking me up. i sighed....first kuy now you sauske...i mean realy im strong now i can ha..


"no one asked you kyu" i mentaly said making him chuckle.

iruka walked in and smiled seeing the dumbfounded girls.

'alright everyone take yor seats." they did

every one but team 7 and 8 were given their teams now it was just me, sauske, ino, shikamaru, togi(sorry cant spell), sakura...sadly,

"and team 7 will be....sauske" i smiled

"sakura" i frowned and sakura smirked at me tryumpant.

"and narko" now i smirked and se frowned. me and sauske smiled at each other happy to be on the same team.

"8 will be ino, togi, and shikumaru" she complained but sensi just kept going

"you will meet your new sensi shortly' then poof he left..

after abot 3 hours later we all waited and finaly the white haired man came in. he was kakashi...greeeeat... me and him have meet...and he's ok but always late and a perv with those cha cha books of his. sigh o well

"my first impression of you is...your boring...met on the*.poof me and sauske felt for the roof* roof!" he said poofing and meeting us there. leaving sakura to walk alone. i high fived sauske and he smirked. until we were scowlded my kakashi..heh o well sakura finaly made it up

"ok now lets all get to know each other lets interdce our selves."

"u go first sensi so we know how to do it" god is she realy that stupid...i mean u say basic things

"alright. well for my likes...i dont feel like telling u and that goes for my dislikes to"

"LIKES CHA CHA BOOKS HATES THE WAIT FOR THEM" I whispered this into saskes ear and he chuckled.

"my hobbies....arent realy your buissness"


"and my dream....i have them at night

"TO OWN ALL THE SERIES OFF CHA CHA BOOK" i whispered that into his ear as well and we both chuckled...

"you smily...sense you find this funny u go first' i nodded

"im naruko Uzumaki. i like raman and my nii-san*glanced at sauske* i dont like rapests or cold blood killers, my with nii-san and playing help nii-san take revendge.' i said smiling and saske smiled to

"ok u pinky"

"yo im sakura (forgot her last name cause i just dont care) i like....hehhehe i dislike hobbies ..hehehehe my dream 8glances at sauske* hehehehhehehheeh"

"o...k....u emo" i sighed realy thats just mean

" im am sauske uchiha...likes....only my little dislikes ....everything that threatens that and geting stronger....i dont have a dream cause im going to make it a am goingto hunt down a certen someone and eliminate them" i nodded

'' alright....a helper a fangirl and a revendger....just great.'i frowned....helper...that ass i am no ones sidekick i will seek rev...o screw it ill think of that later..

"meet in training ground 7 at 4am" we nodded and wveryone left...

"well that was intreating: i said

"hay SAUSKE you wanna go get something to eat." sakura said he glared and walked away with me

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