1. (re-writing chapters)

213 8 4


Since the first time I layed eyes on him I knew we were connected.. but, how..?


Akaashi's POV

"Hey, uh Akashi right?" spoke a rather owl-looking boy

"it's pronounced 'ah-ka-ah-shi', but yes?" i replied kind of annoyed

"um.. would you mind setting a few balls for me?" he continued

"uh, sure."

"really?! I promise it'll only be for a bit!"

thinking about it now, he was so excited, to a stranger he would've looked like someone on crack.


"uhm, bokuto-san. i'm really tired, can we please pack up and leave?" I spat out, panting and covered in sweat.

"please just one more!!" bokuto pleaded, his hair slightly drooping.

"that's what you said an hour ago.." i muttered "fine, one more and we're done for tonight."

"yay!! akashi, you're tosses are the best! i love the way it feels when i spike it!" bokuto roared,

i still don't know what it was he said that made my heart feel like that.. maybe it was his look? or maybe his words? whatever it was, i thought i was going to have a heart attack. like my chest was going to explode. it felt amazing being praised, but i wanted more... like a hug, or.. a kiss?


"uh.. akaashi? are you dead..?" bokuto said jokingly

"ah, sorry i spaced out there for a second." i replied wiping sweat off my face.

after putting everything away we started back to our houses. except we got hungry and stopped for meat buns.

"bokuto-san, please don't eat them all." i spoke rather low, but attempted to stop the taller from shoving more meat buns down his throat.

"SfoRrY AkAghShIf" bokuto spouted with food in his mouth.

"can you please chew your food before you talk?" i snarled, grabbing one of the warm buns.

we continued walking in silence until we had to go our separate ways.

"akashi can I have your number? i wanna get to know you better!" bokuto blubbered just as i was about to put headphones in.

"ah, sure." i motioned to his hand so i could put my number into his contacts.

"thanks! i'll text you later okay?" he said walking away backwards


when i arrived home that night i couldn't help but burst out in tears. i didn't realize it at first, as i was taking a shower, but when i got out i noticed the tears flowing from my eyes.

"wh- why am I crying..?"        i thought hesitantly,

i had no idea why i was crying, i really didn't. the tears were just flowing down. i wasn't sad, nor did anything get stuck in them. confused, and to be frank, annoyed, i wiped them away and continued getting ready for bed.

i headed down stairs, grabbing a snack and speaking to my mother for a split second before saying i was off to bed. i really wasn't 'off to bed' as i was going to be up for a while since there was some homework that needed finishing.

usually, i would plug in my headphones and listen to music while doing homework, but tonight was different. i ended up having someone on call.

hey hey! this is akaashi's
number right? i hope it is!
wait- this is akaashi right??

yes bokuto-san. it's me.

okay great! uhm can i call you?
i need help with my
math homework. T^T

sure, i don't mind.
don't make it long though.

thanks 'kaashi!!


"thanks for helping me with my homework! even if it's over call!" bokuto practically screamed  through the mic

"yeah, but aren't you being a bit loud? won't you wake your parents?" I snickered

"nah! they're gone this week. business trip again." he continued, "they're never really home, so i'm often here alone heh."

"i see." i replied "so what is it you needed help with? math right?" i asked trying to get back on subject.

"yeah. i absolutely suck at math" he said " i have a quiz tomorrow. and I forgot to study"

"you didn't study?!" i replied in an annoyed tone.

"i know!! i'm sorry!!" he apologized

"ok, tell me the problem you need help with." I pestered


That 'it won't be long' turned into staying up till 4:30 am.

akaashi, was, well, let's say very sleep deprived the next morning.

a/n: Hey there everyone! I really hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I have some ideas coming up for the next chapters, so they should be coming out soon!

-Our other life- ||An add-on to "In Another Life" by LittleLuxray on Ao3||Where stories live. Discover now