Mulan: Unriveled Bravery

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5th Century, Ancient China

The storm thrashed around in fury, beating on the fragile walls of a small hut perched on a mountain. Thunder crackled and rain poured as wails of anguish cried out for comfort. The night was dark and gloomy and the hut rattled as it swayed from the drafts. Inside the shack, a soon-to-be-mother was giving birth. She screamed with agony as each new wave of torment passed, just to be replaced by another. Dim candles showed a man hovering over her, his face scrunched with fear as he tried to comfort his wife. Another little child, her young daughter, gripped her mother, confused by the chaos. Time stilled. The mother was weakening and fading fast. She was not much older than a child herself, and this was her second child. She needed strength. But she was losing the battle. The wind howled at her, banging against the walls. Just as it seemed like all hope was lost, a delicate magnolia flower drifted in, softly floating right in her hands. The flower shone with a pink hue. The mother looked at the beaming flower in awe; strengthened, she gave a final push. This time, a small body slid out. Shrill wails echoed as the father rushed in, cradling his child and embracing his exhausted wife. Their child was another daughter. The overjoyed parents named the daughter '花木兰(Hua Mulan)', which means orchid flower. For:

'In the raging storm, came a flower, shimmering in the darkness. The rain pours and the storm fights, but the flower still radiates it's charm."


Thwack! "Leave my sister alone!" The girl bristled up with indignation as she glowered over the shocked bully. The boy was easily twice her size, but Mulan either didn't notice or she wasn't fazed by him. Mulan's long braids bounced up and down as she made sure the tyrant was dealt with. The growing child had caught the boy mocking her sister, who was a few years older than her, and pulling her hair. Furious, she had stalked up to the tormentor and slapped him.

She glared at the now confused boy, who towered over her. Thwack! "Okay, okay. I'm sorry." He backed away. Thwack! "If you dare do that to my sister again, I'll slap you out of China!" Thwack! A yelp of indignation. Thwack! This time, the boy fled, bewildered by what had just happened. Her sister looked at her gratefully. "Thanks," she whispered. "I was scared to death." Mulan winked. "No problem. That's what sisters are for." The sisters shared a warm glance before Mulan felt herself get roughly yanked back.

"Mulan! What were you thinking?!" Her father dragged her, wincing, by the ear back home. Her sister followed, protesting. "That annoying brat was bullying her." She pointed at her older sister. Her sister backed her up. "Mulan saved me." The man's eyes softened as he released her. The child plopped onto the dusty ground. "Mulan, you have a good heart. But you can't let your emotions overcome you. You have to understand that you can't fight evil with evil. How many times did you strike him?" Hua Mulan gulped. "Five times." Her father laughed and shook his head. "You have a fiery spirit. The boy probably realized he was wrong after the first time. My child, let love be your compass. It will guide you to far greater things." He paused. "Do you know what you were named after?" The girl smiled and beamed with pride. "The orchid flower. Because it floated into mommy's hand when she was having me."

Her father nodded with approval. "And do you know what the magnolia flower symbolizes?" "No, daddy." He kneeled down and looked her in the face. "It symbolizes love and beauty." Mulan, eyes wide, gulped. "Promise that you won't do that again?" She nodded. "I promise, daddy."


"It's a son!" The now 10-year old Mulan and her 12-year old sister smiled as their father roared with delight. The midwife rushed out, glowing with joy by the success. Her sister gazed at the scene dreamily as she tended the fire. They were as different as fire and water. Her sister had mellowed out over the years from housework and labor, but unlike her sister, Mulan had a flame of passion in her. Hua Mulan was not yet a teenager, yet she was renowned in the area for her fighting skills. She was also skilled in martial arts, sword fighting, and archery. More skilled than the men, or anybody else in the surrounding villages. Her father, an expert of fighting skills, had trained her himself. "You need to get your energy out somehow," he would tell her fondly. So instead of doing housework, Mulan was a skilled young warrior that would help her father out in the fields. Villagers would shake their head at her. "Why would a girl need to do that?" they would ask, shaking their heads. "You will never bring your family honor." Mulan would recoil back. "Do you want to duel me?" She was always met back with silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2020 ⏰

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