The different alphabet challenges that you can request for ANY Marvel character.
This can include;
- Avengers
-Guardians of the Galaxy
- X-Men
(You can also ask for my Avengers/Guardians/X-Men OCs, Rylan/Rosa/Roxi respectively, if you wish.)
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A. Activities- Reading. They adore reading with you. Either it's reading to you, or being read to.
B. Beauty- He adores how you see the good in him. How you can see the man behind the monster.
C. Comfort-Usually by holding you close and gently stroking your hair.
D. Dreams-The pair of you living alone some place together, as a family.
E. Equal- Defiantly a dominant.
F. Fight- It depends on the argument but usually he's quick to forgive you.
G. Gratitude-He adores you. He is always grateful to have you.
H. Honesty-Despite being known as the god of lies, it is rare if ever he lies to you.
I. Insperation-He wants to become a better man for you. He wants to be the man he thinks you deserve.
J. Jealousy-Incessantlyjealous. Very easily jealous.
K. Kiss-He adores kissing your neck.
L. Love Confession-You told him. He smirked and said, "I know. But I love you more."
M. Marrage-Does want to get married. Is trying to figure out the best way to ask.
N. Nicknames-Most of the time he will call you 'Love' or 'My Queen.'
O. On Cloud Nine-It was blatantly obvious to everyone par from you and Loki that he liked you. Seeing as he was open with you and was the only one he'd talk to.
P. PDA-Adores PDA. Will kiss you whenever. Witch can be embarrassing.
Q. Quirk-He will always set up movie nights so that the pair of you can enjoy watching movies that you love as he knows how much they mean to you.
R. Romance- Loki can be a hopeless romantic often relying on his books in order to help him in that process.
S. Support-Loki always supports you in your decisions no matter what they are and will help in any way he can.
T. Thrill-Loki enjoys to try new things but he doesn't need to try new things.
U. Understanding-Loki struggles with empathy. But he tries his best to understand you.
V. Value-Loki values you and your relationship above all else.
W. Wild Card-Sometimes he makes up excuses just so you can come and hug him because he loves your hugs.
X. XOXO-Will kiss you in public. Adores cuddling with you in private.
Y. Yearning-Hates not being with you for extended periods of time as he begins to become worried.
Z. Zeal-He is willing to do anything for you. He will kill for you he will die for you he will live for you. Anything.