Steve Rogers ~ Fluff Alphabet.

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A. Affection - loves to cuddle, anywhere. Watching movies, or just talking. 

B. Beauty - Face, eyes, body. Not too picky.

C. Comfort - Steve will hug you, do and say anything to make sure you feel better. 

D. Dreams - Dreams of having a future with you. 

E. Equal - Steve can be a mix of both dominant and Passive in your relationship, it depends on how you're both feeling.

F. Fight - Rarely fights, but when he does, it's because he's worried about you, will apologize after you both have calmed down.

G. Gratitude - Will always find time to tell you how grateful he is to have you. Anytime, anywhere. 

H. Honesty - is always honest, unless he's planning a surprise for you. 

I. Inspiration - Wasn't a big flirt, but tries to show you that you're the only one that matters to him. 

J. Jealousy - Hides the fact he's jealous but raises an eyebrow at you to let you know he's jealous. 

K. Kiss - Again, wasn't a flirt, but over time with practice because good at kissing. 

L. Love confession - Steve had finally asked you out on a date, he had taken you to your favorite restaurant, him in a suit, and you in your favorite dress.  You had both made small talk, Steve complimenting you every so often. there was a short silence between you both before after you both had received you both before he spoke up again;

"Darling?" He had asked, causing you to look up at him from your food.

"Yes, Steve?" You had responded.

"I just wanted to say that I love you." Steve had told you, somewhat nervously.

You smiled warmly at him, gently taking his hand across the table. "I love you too."

M. Marriage - Wants to marry you and start a family. Big family man. 

N. Nicknames - Love, dear, honey. Uses multiple nicknames. 

O. On Cloud Nine - Will stare at you lovingly and in admiration smiling at you. 

P. PDA - Hand holding, wraps his arm around your waist, kisses your cheek. Is mostly into tame PDA. 

Q. Quirk - Will surprise you with little gifts like jewelry, movie dates, or just random cuddle sessions. 

R. Romance - Needs help planning dates, will often ask others for help, but over time becomes very romantic. 

S. Support - Steve is very supportive in anything you do. 

T. Thrill - Not into trying anything new without talking to you about it first. 

U. Understanding - Very understanding, goes without saying, he's a gentleman. 

V. Value - Does everything to make you know he values you, puts you first. Always. 

W. Wild card - Took you out on a date when you were having a bad day. Did all your favorite things, afterward you both watched movies on the couch until you both fell asleep in each other's arms. 

X. Xoxo - Very affectionate towards you. Kisses, hugs, sometimes at random times during the day. 

Y. Yearning - Looks forward to seeing you, texts you randomly throughout the day. 

Z. Zeal - Steve is willing to do absolutely anything for you.

( This chapter was co-written by @19Amethyst96 )

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