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"Kenma! We're going to be late!"
"One second! I just need to tie my Jinbei!"
Once Kenma was done he walked out all flustered. Kuroo's face was a light shade of red starring at Kenma.
"Does it really look that bad?"
"N-No! It looks great on you!"
"Fine let's just go."
Kuroo and Kenma walked to Masturi as everyone was there looking all nice with their Yukata' s and Jinbei' s.
"Hey Kenma, you wanna get some Takoyaki?"
They walk to the stand and get their food. They ate as the walked up a little mountain to watch the fireworks as it was getting dark.
Soon after they were greeted by Sakura.
"Oh, what nice surprise Kuroo!"
"Playing the silent game again? Was I a bad girl?" She pouts and walks up to him.
Kenma stood behind the taller boy as Sakura put her finger tips under Kuroo's chin.
"Step away Sakura"
"Oh, Kenma! Hi! Why are you here?"
She noticed the flowers that just now bloomed on his forearm.
"Have you told him yet Kenma...how you-"
She was cut off before she could even finish by Kuroo.
"I think that's enough Fujisaka-san"
"Yes, Fujisaka-san" Kuroo pushes her away and continues to walk up with Kenma behind him.
Kenma couldn't help but think how he is from stopping her to exposing something so private even though he wants to know himself.
"You okay, Kenma?"
"Do your feet hurt? Want me to pick you up?"
Kenma turned a light shade of pink and looked up
"No, no, and no"
"Ooh~ angry Kitty" Kuroo says approaching him while putting his finger tips under his chin.
Kenma felt a strong pain in his chest for a slight second and another flower grew on his right leg.
Kuroo looks at Kenma's arm and sees the flowers. His head is filling with confusion. (They were sorta hidden from the sleeves of the Jinbei)
"What's that thing on your arm?"
Kenma looked down at the flowers and kinda coughs a bit.
"O-oh..it's just-" he cut off by Lev
"A new style! Everyone seems to like them!"
"Weird I haven't seen them anywhere"
"Heh..look harder I guess"
Soon he realized how many people had flowers all over themselves.  He didn't even know what Hanahaki was so he didn't suspect anything.
"Well imma head out with Yaku"
"Bye love birds"
"Screw you, Kuroo"
"Love you tooooo"
After that, Kuroo puts a blanket on the grass for him and Kenma to sit on.
"Hey Kenma, quick question"
"Out of curiosity, do you...like anyone by any chance?"
"What makes you want to know that?" A flower bloomed on the back of his neck.
"Like I said, out of curiosity"
"Well...yes I do..."
"O-Oh...okay..who is it?"
"Maybe someday I will tell you.."
"Awe! Don't be like that!"
"Too bad"
The fireworks started while they were mid conversation. Kuroos eyes moved onto the fireworks, but Kenmas stayed on Kuroo.

Hanahaki~ Kuroo x  Kenma  *CURRENTLY EDITING* Where stories live. Discover now