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Brandy rested her cheek against Daryl's back, her eyes turned towards the overgrown road side as they drove on his motorcycle down an abandoned highway. It had only been a few hours since their group's frantic departure from the CDC, and only a few hours since Jacqui committed suicide along with Dr. Jenner. The group had reverted to Shane's plan and were en route to Fort Benning. There were a few road blocks to this plan including the group's dwindling supply of food, water, and gas.

"What the hell," Daryl muttered, slowing the bike.

Brandy straightened her back and peered over Daryl's shoulder to see an actual road block. There was a massive pile up of cars stretched out before them. While Daryl's bike could get through, Rick's car and especially the RV had a slim chance.

Daryl steered the bike back and pulled up next to the RV. As always, Dale sat in the driver's seat.

"See a way through?" Dale asked.

Daryl looked over his shoulder, squinting at the pile up, then nodded and returned to the front. The group began to slowly weave their way in between wrecked cars. Just as they approached what seemed like an impassible pile, the RV's radiator let out a loud 'thump' and 'hiss' as steam shot out from the hood.

"Shit," Brandy said as Daryl turned off the motorcycle. Brandy and Daryl walked back to the RV as the rest of the group(Rick, Lori, Carl, Carol, Sofia, Dale, Shane, Glenn, Andrea, and T-dog) gathered around the sputtering radiator.

"I said it. Didn't I say it? A million times! Dead in the water," Dale grumbled.

"Problem Dale?" Shane asked, resting a shot gun on his shoulder.

"Well there's the small matter of being stuck in the middle of nowhere with no hope of-"

Dale trailed off as Daryl turned away from the scene and began rooting through the back of one of the wrecked cars.

"Okay that was dumb," Dale said.

"If you can't find a radiator hose here..." Shane muttered.

"Can find a whole bunch of stuff here," Daryl said, examining a pack of toothpaste. He tossed it to Brandy, who gleefully snatched it out of the air.

"Siphon more fuel from these cars," T-dog said.

"Maybe we can find a gun or two," Brandy said, looking through the windshield of another car.

"Maybe some water? Food?" Carol said, holding Sofia close to her side.

"This is a grave yard," Lori said, looking between the group members. "I don't know how I feel about this."

"They don't need it anymore, Lori," Brandy said, bluntly. "No harm in us taking it."

"Brandy," Carol said, frowning.

"What? Its the truth. Better we nab it than someone else. Or worse, let it sit here and rot," she said reaching into a car and pulling a 9mm handgun gun out of the lap of a corpse. She popped the clip and saw it had only five rounds left and one in the chamber. She turned on the safety then tucked it into her waist band.

"Brandy is right," Shane said, nodding to the blonde. "Lets look around y'all. Find what you can."

The group scattered, everyone carefully searching the cars while Dale took watch on top of the RV. Brandy and Daryl walked farther down the line than the others, carefully checking around each bend for any walkers. They were thorough with their search, not moving onto another car before fully clearing the one they were on.

"Hey man, were we short on water?" Brandy heard Shane call from somewhere in the pile up. A loud splashing sound filled the air and Glenn whooped.

"Guess they found a water truck," Brandy said, rifling through a duffle bag. It was full of women's clothes. Nothing exactly worth taking. She also found a half used first aid kit, some granola bars, a switch blade, and a box of matches.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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