Pregnancy Test

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It was a cool autumn evening in Goiky. X was at Gelatin's Steakhouse buying food for them and Four to share for dinner. Four and X were not familiar with intercourse and partook in the act months ago. Four had been feeling ill for quite a while and had also been gaining weight. Two had made jokes about Four being pregnant, but now Four was getting scared and finally bought a pregnancy test to try while X wasn't there. Four went into the bathroom, and carefully took the pregnancy test out of it's packaging. The back of the box stated that if there were two bars you were pregnant, and that if there was only one you weren't.  Four took a deep breath as they began to micturate on to the stick. Now was the moment of truth.

As Four finished releasing their urine onto the pregnancy test, they exhaled. They examined the test. They dismissed the bars by saying "Ugh, Two." Not realizing what it meant. They flushed the stick down the toilet but only then realized that the two bars on the test meant that they were in fact, pregnant. Four was excited, but also afraid. What would X say, were they ready for the child? Four sat down on their couch, they wanted to relax after finding out the big news. As the blue number turned on the television "16 And Pregnant" was airing. Four sat in silence to avoid watching that until X returned home with their food.

When X arrived home, they set out the dinner on the dinner table. Four sat on the other side of them, not very hungry. "H-honey," Four stuttered, quietly "I have something to say..." X stared at Four with the cute eyes that caused Four to fall in love with them in the first place. Four always got lost in X's eyes, simply staring without saying a word. "Foury?" X spoke up. "O-oh! Y-yeah," Four muttered "H-have you ever considered wanting to start a f-family, maybe?" Four finished nervously. "I mean... I don't know if I'd be ready but if you want to I-" X started before being interrupted. "Oh- that's fine.." Four responded. "Why do you ask, honey? Is all of Two's jokes worrying you?" X inquired, aware something was strange was going on with Four. "Y-yeah... Sure," Four whispered to themself. "I'm not really hungry anymore... Sorry.." Four said before standing up and walking into their room in the dark. 

Four crawled into their bed, tired. They laid their head on their pillow and tried to get to sleep, but ended up staying up the entire night, thinking about what they could do.

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