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It was cloudy, late spring day outside as the three high schoolers and three middle schoolers discussed their school's Earthday project. They had all gathered at Dan, the local rich kid, a prideful kid, and group leaders home. Dan had raven black hair with a few, small, dark purple streaks, which his father had given him under his request, his eyes were hazel in color, he wore dark jeans and a purple t-shirt.  "Wow, looks like a unicorn barfed in here." Alistor, a tan kid with butched blond hair and blue eyes, that were a few shades darker than the light blue tank top he wore companies with the dark blue jeans, scoffed as he looked around the living room and plopped down onto a footstool then looked up at the girl who spoke next, his eyes softening just a bit, "Come on now Alistor, I know being the school bully is your thing and all, but this place is pretty nice." Kiara, a delightful girl, with light brown hair with deep blue streaks, fair skin, and grass green eyes chatted with an ecstatic look in her eyes. though cut short when her twin brother, Kevin, a boy with light blond hair and the same grass green eyes, though dulled by his stoic, yet angry, expression directed clearly towards Alistor before clearing his throat, wanting to get back to the topic at hand "so," he began, voice clear and precise, "what should we do for our project?" Kevin wore a hoodie that went to the middle of his thighs, sleeves covering his hands partially, though unseen due to him crossing his arms and leaning back, waiting for a response. On his head, he wore a black NASA baseball cap. "Well, how about we clean up around town a bit, most of the town is a big mess anyhow." Loretta, a tall woman with a darker tanned brown skin tone and reddish-brown eyes, wearing a candy red turtleneck sweater and dark purple jeggings from her spot on the couch. nestled by her feet was her green backpack, made for hiking but currently being used for school. Dan nodded at the idea, "yeah, but many other people probably have the same idea, maybe a specific area of town?" he commented as his father, a man who resembled a rainbow Harajuku god, decked out in rainbows, walked into the room with a smile, setting a plate of cookies fresh baked cookies down for the group, "here you go, don't eat too much at once or you'll get a bellyache, kids." to which alistor grabbed a handful and stuffed into his face, ignoring the rainbow doused man's warnings, as the rest of the kids took a single cookie to eat as they thought, except one, who held his cookie in one hand and tried to use sign in the other, but was completely overlooked by the rest of the group.  "Maybe Caleb has an idea!" he exclaimed, causing Caleb, to tense up and stop completely as the others, except Alistor who was still stuffing his face with cookies, turned to look at him. Caleb was a kid with a pinkish tone to his skin like he was constantly lightly sunburnt, with two scars over the right side of his thin lips, he had a deep magenta tone dyed into his, naturally dark red hair.  He wore faded blue jeans and a red T-shirt with a long-sleeved dark blue and magenta striped shirt underneath. He gulped down a thick build-up of saliva and shakily signed out something that no one understood, or at least he thought no one understood. "Finding new purposes for the objects in the junkyard is a great idea. You're bound o find something interesting there since that science lab was closed down for illegal experimenting and inhumane practices." announced the flamboyant man that was Dan's father. "I'll even take you, maybe I should pick up AJ as well," he said allowed as he got his keys and headed out to the car, followed by the group of kids one by one, ending with Dan, who grumbled something about the idea of his cousin coming along.

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