Chapter 2

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Once the lesson was finally over, Noya walked out of the classroom with Asahi right next to him. Their shoulders lightly brushed and sent an indescribable electricity through Noya's body. He shivered and wanted nothing more than to feel it again, using every fiber of his being to restrain himself from reaching out to Asahi.

As Noya turned to the taller boy to ask him a question, Nagasaki ran up from behind them and matched their stride - well, Asahi's long strides and Noya's fast and short ones that would have to work double to match the ace's.

"Asahi!" she huffed. "Glad I caught you before you ran off." She smiled and Noya shot her an annoyed look that she didn't see. That, or she didn't care enough to acknowledge that she saw it.

As she caught her breath from sprinting down the hallway to catch up to them, Noya instinctively moved closer to Asahi and leaned into him slightly.

"I was seem to be pretty good at math" she said as she looked up at Asahi with a warm smile.

"What made you think that?" Asahi asked, rubbing the back of his neck and tucking the nonexistent loose strands of hair behind his ear out of habit.

Noya noticed the little motion and he swooned a little. Noya had seen Asahi do it thousands of times before, but little motions like those, ones that not many people pick up on, made all the difference to Noya. These little details about Asahi, ones that only he knew, ones that he gets to see so up close and intimately made Noya's stomach flutter. For just a moment, he forgot that Nagasaki was even there before she started talking again.

"Well, you seemed to be able to pick up what we were learning pretty quickly and apply it right away when we were doing the new worksheet. You must be pretty smart since everyone else was struggling. Plus, I was talking to the teacher briefly before I caught up to you to see if I could get any help. He suggested to ask you to help me since you're one of the top in the class."

Asahi blushed under the praise and glanced down at Noya to see him glaring daggers at Nagasaki. Asahi had been picking up on the unconscious movements and the unusually cold demeanor that Noya was displaying towards the girl, and, being so close to the smaller boy, he used his body to nudge him. Noya was startled out of his thoughts and looked at the ace to see what prompted this movement. His expressions immediately softened when he saw Asahi look down at him with a playfully quizzical look. His eyes said "you good?"

Noya sheepishly smiled under Asahi's warm gaze. 

"Those eyes," Noya thought. "They say everything I need to know. I can tell in just an instant what he's thinking." Noya blushed while thinking of their unspoken method of communication and was about to say something to Asahi before Nagasaki interrupted their moment. 


"So, will you tutor me?" she asked with a hopeful expression on her face, searching Asahi's to see how he would respond. He looked up from Noya, biting his lip. Again, seeing the small gesture, Noya's heart raced and his stomach fluttered. A feeling he only got around Asahi.

"S-sure," Asahi replied hesitantly, knowing that the smaller boy might feel a bit slighted by him agreeing to tutor somebody else. After all, he was going to tutor Noya tonight.

At Asahi's response, Noya turned his head sharply to face the girl, indeed feeling slighted that he wasn't the only one Asahi would tutor. 

Somebody else, somebody but me, would be sharing Asahi's undivided attention and time. I'm not going to be the only one anymore.

Noya thought this as his blood started to boil.

This girl has only been here for a few hours and she's already messing everything up! Getting in between me and Asahi. How dare she try to take him away from me! Emphasis on "try" because I'm not going to let her. Not without a fight.

"Great!" Nagasaki beamed at Asahi, using her body language to pointedly ignore Noya. For a second, she glanced down at him with a challenging look in her eyes, both seeing the other as a threat.

She turned her attention back to the awkward Asahi. "Here." She handed him her phone that she dug out of her back pocket. "You can put your phone number in and I'll text you soon. That way, we can coordinate everything." Asahi took the phone reluctantly and typed his number into it. "We can also just talk whenever" Nagasaki made a point to look at Noya as she finished her sentence, "and stay in touch." As she said that, she took her hand and rested it on Asahi's shoulder. Asahi's eyes widened and he went slightly rigid under the unexpected contact. She eventually took her hand away and smiled at Noya.

As she beamed even brighter back at the smaller boy in a taunting manner, he gritted his teeth and sneered at her when Asahi wasn't looking. As the two began to glare daggers at each other, Asahi quickly dissipated the heavy tension by handing Nagasaki her phone and promptly wrapping up their conversation. 

"...I, um. We'll see you later," Asahi said.

Noya audibly scoffed. "I hope I don't" he said under his breath.

"You can just..uh, text me later? We can work out a time that works for both of us," Asahi said as he awkwardly stumbled his way through the conversation. He wasn't really one for ending conversations because that required initiative and possible confrontation. Things his social anxiety didn't allow him to think about.

"Sounds great. I'll catch you later!" Nagasaki said cheerfully as she patted him on the back before bounding down the hall in the opposite direction.

Asahi and Noya resumed their walk to their next respective classes. They walked to the end of the hall and said their goodbyes as they went separate ways. This part was always the hardest for Noya, and he would often turn back around and stare longingly at Asahi as he walked off, wishing they didn't have to part ways.

Noya sighed but thought to himself, I'll see him at lunch. Hopefully Nagasaki won't sit with us. I'll make sure we go to an area of the cafeteria that'll be hard for her to spot.

With that thought in mind, Noya entered his next class and sat down, thoughts of Asahi running circles around his brain.


Hello again! Sorry this chapter wasn't as descriptive as the last since it was more dialogue. Don't worry though, I will definitely be writing more from Noya's thoughts and that will get hella angsty and detailed. I might also do some parts from Asahi's POV or his thoughts! Also, I promise that you (hopefully) won't hate Nagasaki by the end of the book haha. 

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! As always, let me know if anything needs to be fixed! I'm always open to constructive criticism and feedback!

Love ya longtime, Lainey <3

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