Jason...your insane!

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" You want me to what?" I asked in disbelief. Jason sighed and chuckled.

" I want you to go on the patrol around Manhattan. Is that so hard to understand? " he asked.

" Yes, yes it is...Listen If I bale on Solace again I swear he's going to force me to stay with him from a week to 40 years. Jason! Your officially insane! What did your girlfriend do to you." I answered.

" So? Your both in love and...the both...of you...don't know....ok. yeah its bad, but come on just a jinx for you old pal? And by the way death breathe she did absolutely nothing !" He asked with pleading eyes.

" Yeah you are old, that's why your brain doesn't function correctly. " I said.

" Oh come on! Your going no matter what! " he finally huffed.

" Come on. I thought I had a say in this." I yelled.

" You did, not any more. Have fun~ Bye." He waved cheerfull." And with that he run away....skipping. .....he is a werido.

" Thanks....alot.! Oh I swear Solace will kill me! "

Oh so cherry! Mmmm~ I could go for a cherry lollipop, or cake...mmmmm~

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