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Huaisang rushed around his apartment attempting to clean up the last few items lying around and clearing the practically nonexistent dust from the tables and chairs. His heart was beating wildly in his chest as he fixed his hair in the reflection of the fridge.

Wen Chao woke up and got ready, feeling pretty good about today. Until he left for Huaisang's place and the anxiety started to kick in.

The ticking of the clock in Huaisang's quiet apartment was growing irritable, his finger tapped in time with it against the table, his leg bouncing with nerves. Not being able to stand it anymore he turned quiet music on and took out a piece of fabric he had been working on last night and continued with the embroidered pattern to past the time.

Wen Chao arrived at the apartment and walked up to the door anxiously and paused for a few seconds before knocking.

Huaisang's gaze kept shifting toward the door every few minutes, a mix of anxiety and excitement spiking within him.

After knocking on the door Wen Chao stood there anxiously, hoping he had gotten the correct address.

A sharp rap on the door startled Huaisang and he pricked his finger, quietly cursing under his breath he rushed to the kitchen for a band-aid while shouting to the person behind the door.

"I'm coming, just a second!" Wen Chao gulped slightly when he heard Huaisang's voice, he looked down and started messing with his hands anxiously.

Rushing to wrap his finger up, Huaisang opened the door with a bit too much force causing himself to tilt backwards with panic.

Wen Chao quickly looked up from his hands a bit startled when the door suddenly opened.

Huaisang's eyes widened and a soft red blush settled on the tops of his cheeks. He tried to speak but only a few stuttered sounds came out, he instead let out a huff and offered for Wen Chao to come inside, Huaisang moved to the side for his guest to walk past.

Wen Chao smiled not really knowing what to say then walked inside and looked around.

"You have a nice place," Huaisang shut the door and did a little shuffle run to catch up with Wen Chao.

"T-thanks, da-ge bought it for me for my 20th." Huaisang fiddled with his hands and looked at his feet unsure of what else to say.

Wen Chao stayed silent for a bit, searching for what to say to ease his nerves.

"It's definitely a lot nicer than my place." He chuckled.

Huaisang let out an awkward laugh and shuffled toward the kitchen.

"Do you want anything?" He asked.

"Eh..what do you have exactly?" Wen Chao questioned, standing in place not really knowing if he should follow or sit down.

"Uh- um... tea, water, coffee, should be a few biscuits in the cupboards, fruit maybe, cereal... I think?" Huaisang listed off on his fingers.

"Sorry I don't keep much food here..." Huaisang faced Wen Chao with an apologetic look.

"That's alright, tea and biscuits are fine with me," He smiled.

Huaisang's heart flipped and more red rose to his cheeks at Wen Chao's smile, his eyes darting around he noticed Wen Chao's awkward posture and gasped, slightly flapping one of his hands towards a chair.

"I'm sorry, sit please sit, make yourself comfortable," Wen Chao let out a soft chuckle as he watched Huaisang.

He went to reach his hand out and ruffle Huaisang's hair but stopped himself just before he did.

"Okay." He nodded and walked over a chair and sat down.

The flustered Huaisang worked his way around the kitchen getting the tea and biscuits ready. Occasionally looking back to steal a glance at Wen Chao. Huaisang had to admit Wen Chao was quite a good looking man, maybe he could use him as a model for one of his projects in the future if they become good friends. Right...friends.

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