Chapter 1

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I blindly stumble and crash my way through the woods, too overcome with terror to make note of what direction I'm running in. All I can think about is putting as much distance between me and them. Daring to sneak a look back, only leads to me running into a tree. I groan and rub my head, thankful that it is nothing more serious. They are no longer on my tail, but I continue to run. As the minutes pass, I can feel my lungs beginning to burn. Deciding to pause just for a moment to catch my breath, I stop running and begin to examine my surroundings.

Wide oak and skinny birch trees intermingle with one another. Their leaves are colored golden yellows, rusty oranges, and vivid reds, contrasting nicely against the white bark of the birch trees. The brisk autumnal air is refreshing as I gulp it down and continue to scan the trees. I spot a green bird, a finch, barely hidden in the tall branches of a tree. It brings a smile to my face and I relax a little. I have always loved animals. My thoughts were interrupted by a sudden, faint rustle behind me, causing me to seize with panic as I imagined the worst possible scenario that I would be caught. My heart begins beating faster in preparation to fight and run away. How could I be so careless with my time?

I turn around to face my feared assailant, lowering my hand to grip the hilt of my dagger, only to lock eyes with another creature. My tense body slowly relaxes as I realize that I am only in the company of a wolf. I let out a laugh, full of relief, but it is cut short as I take in the wolf and realize something else. There is something off with the wolf. He has curious coloring that can only be described as the silver glow of water reflecting the moon. It's breath-taking. We continue to cautiously study each other when I notice its eyes. They are a brilliant emerald green that depicts an intelligence way beyond what a wolf should be capable of.

" Hello," I gingerly begin. " My name is Eliessa."

The wolf responds with the tilt of its head as if to ask why would I even try speaking to it. Strange, I think. Normally, animals immediately recognize my ability to communicate with them. It slowly dawns on me. With its intelligent eyes and its failure to notice my gift, that this is no wolf. No animal for me to communicate with. The fear that once dissipated returns and surges within me.

The wolf rises from the ground and begins making its way over to me. I freeze with fear. How am I supposed to face a creature that I have never studied before? My chance at freedom that once seemed so near looks as if it'll end with death by wolf. As I stare at the wolf, considering my options, there is a sudden flash of blinding green light, forcing my eyes closed. When I can open them, I am met with a puzzling sight. There is no longer a wolf in front of me, but a human. A human with silvery hair similar to that of the wolf's fur and the same eyes. Peculiar features on a human but strangely alluring on him.

" So were you expecting an answer? Or were you just talking to yourself?" he asks.

" No," I stammer out, flustered, " I just didn't expect you to turn into a human."

"Not human," he says cooly, "Fay." I am confused until I notice the pointed tip of his ears and an almost insignificant tattoo under his right eye. It's a white sun that stands out on his tan skin, marking him as a member of la Cour Solaire, the Sun Court.

Before I am able to form a response I hear the faint thudding of horses, continuing to get louder. Alarm rushes through me as I recognize the voice roaring orders to the other riders. They have caught up to me. I have stayed in one spot for far too long.


Her warm brown, round eyes widen in sudden fear. I can hear the thudding of horses and the shouting of what I think is her name. Eliessa. An interesting name for a human girl.

Eliessa seems to hesitate, conflicted with what action, to run or to hide, she should take.

She must have formed a plan because she suggests that I need to hide, her voice full of concern, her eyes pleading. This surprises me, her concern. Humans are normally apathetic and even disgusted by the fay. Her strangeness causes me to take pity on her. Against my better judgment, I decide to help Eliessa. I can't help but sigh at the possible punishments I may for helping a human girl. Fays are prohibited from interfering with mortal affairs.

Before she can turn to run away, I speak up. " I know a place where you can hide from..." I hesitate.

"My sister," she completes sounding regretful. I am curious about why she would be running away from her sister but the look on her face stops me from asking any more questions. After asking her to follow me, only mildly surprised when she does, we take off running towards the hiding place. She must be really desperate to trust a fay.

She continues to surprise me with how fast she is able to run, managing to keep up with me. But I suppose fear is a great motivator. Within minutes we reach our destination, just as one of Eliessa's pursuers reaches us.

The man, who sits atop an ivory horse, is wearing a purple guard uniform with the royal insignia of a dragon, denoting his affiliation with the kingdom of Aliawyr. Eliessa must be a considerable threat to be pursued by the royal guards. What could she, so unthreatening, have possibly done to be treated this way?

As if reading my mind, Eliessa answers this question. Before the guard is able to notify the others of our location, she throws a sizable rock, hitting him in the head and knocking him out. The guard slumps over in the saddle causing the horse to take off. Unaffected by what just happened, Eliessa just turns to me, "We better get going. The other guards must be nearby."

I nod in response as I step in front of an unassuming oak tree. I reach out, touching the trunk, causing the tree, with a burst of green light, to reveal a doorway. Taking Eliessa's curiously calloused but warm hand, I step through the opening.

The doorway closes behind us as we make our way into a large, round room. It is furnished with luxurious divans that are covered in rich jewel tone pillows. The floor is covered in lavish rugs, creating a space that emanates warmth. Eliessa begins to circle the room, examining it. I take this opportunity to covertly study Eliessa, taking in her striking, ebony hair in contrast with her glowing, pearly skin. Her face emanates warmth and kindness and she carries herself with grace. It is strange to think that this is the same girl who only moments before did not hesitate to throw a rock at a person. Eliessa seems to be full of strange surprises and contradictions.

Eliessa looks at me. "You never told me your name."

"I never had the opportunity since, you know, we were being chased." Eliessa appears apologetic, but she rolls her eyes in response. I smile, "It's Kalan."

"Kalan," she tests out and returns the smile.

"So are you ever going to tell me why they are chasing you? I think you owe me an explanation."

"I guess you could say I had a falling out with my sister." A wistful look crosses Eliessa's face as if she longs for a former time. It oddly compels me to comfort her. I have to resist the urge to embrace her.

Instead, I prompt for more information. "Your sister must be pretty important to warrant the royal guards to pursue you."

Eliessa hesitates, debating how much she is willing to tell me. "Well, she might be the queen."

"The queen?" This comes as a shock to me. "So does that mean you are..."

"The princess," Eliessa finishes, although she seems uncomfortable at this statement.

I try to cheer her up. With a bow, I respond, "Wow, that means I am in the presence of royalty."

Eliessa laughs a bright, cheerful sound. "So are you ever going to tell me where we are?"

" This is just a -" I break off as I watch Eliessa fall over and another fay standing over her. Outraged, I ask "What did you do?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2020 ⏰

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