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A luxurious wallow in the bath.

The water is perfect.

Yangyue Qin Feng feels the deep heat on her sore muscles after a long day of physically energetic pursuits. Precisely because the air is cold, prodigious steam curl up and out in great clouds. It is difficult to see through the condensed vapor.

The bath is absolutely transcendent, calming, and healing. Qin Feng swirls her hands within the water, contemplating about her tribe. It has been one day since her family returned to the Yang Province.

Qin Feng drifts away in thought, indulging in the Southeast's sceneries. She envisions the vast mountain chains and the river valleys that stretch miles long. The rice fields, the damp and moist soil, and the poplars and willows that thrive across the land.

Then, through the curling steam, Qin Feng feels something cold and sharp, barely pressing against the skin on her neck.

A mellifluous and smooth voice suddenly declares, "Who are you?"

Qin Feng gulps but does not respond to the person holding the weapon against her neck. Her heart thumps loudly as a million thoughts speed through her mind.

"Answer me," the fellow moves the weapon closer to Qin Feng's neck. "Who are you and why are you here?" This time, the voice sounds even more familiar. Qin Feng ponders the possibilities: a person who is capable of moving without emitting sounds and without her taking notice..

Bai Xuan Ye.

Yangyue Qin Feng counterfeits a feminine voice, attempting to catch the person off guard, "I.."

With a sudden and swift movement, Qin Feng dodges and swerves the hand away from her face. Her right hand grasps the person's wrist and her left arm yanks the person's upper arm, forcefully dragging the man into the water.

Hoping to buy enough time, Qin Feng pushes herself from the water and propels into the air by using the muscles in her legs and feet. Quickly wrapping the towel around herself, she attempts to make a run for it, but the Warrior Prince rises up from the waters prior to her escape.

A last-ditch effort to catch the potential spy, the Warrior Prince expeditiously clutches onto the back of the intruder's towel. With an intention of seizing the intruder, Bai Xuan Ye's tight grasp pulls the intruder towards him.

What he does not expect: the towel loosens and he snatches the entire towel off instead.

Yangyue Qin Feng's eyes widen as she gasps, "HUH-"

To his chagrin, Xuan Ye diffidently glances at the towel that is in his right hand. His target attempts to escape, but Bai Xuan Ye grabs her arm this time. Due to the heavy cloud of steam, Bai Xuan Ye has trouble seeing the face of the intruder.

At this point, all Yangyue Qin Feng can do is exert force and push the Warrior Prince away. Unexpectedly, the Warrior Prince slips on the ground's water; before he falls, he pulls his target along with him.


For a fleeting period, their lips are an inch away from each other.

Yangyue Qin Feng rapidly covers Bai Xuan Ye's eyes, preventing him from seeing her face. They can feel each other's hot breath. Yangyue Qin Feng's body is pressed against that of the Warrior Prince, who lays perfectly still.

Just then, Yangyue Qin Feng discovers a loophole. Like a whirlwind, she rises in a progressive motion, snatches the towel, and disappears from the scene.

His brows arch up. "Hm..." He recollects the woman's accelerated breathing and racing pulse. He runs his hand through his wet, silky hair.


As Bai Xuan Ye trails back and enters the residence room, Hao Ming greets him with joy. "Ah, Brother Bai! Welcome back." Hao Ming's attention diverts back to Jun Shao Han, who proceeds to chat with him.

"Stupid," speaks Jun Shao Han, "that was not what I mean! What I mean is that..." Their conversation proceeds as the Warrior Prince observes the room.

Out of curiosity, Bai Xuan Ye inquires, "Have you two been here the whole time?"

Jun Shao Han annoyingly glances at the Warrior Prince. "Uh, no. The two tribesmen was here but they left earlier to get us some new towels. The old ones looked dirty." He ponders for a moment, "Wait, why are your clothes wet?"

Hao Ming nods, "Yeah, yeah, Brother Bai! And did you find your jade pendant?"

Bai Xuan Ye ruffles his semi-wet hair before changing his attire, "I did. On my way back, I encountered a small, mischievous fox. It's a shame I let it slipped out of my hands." He leisurely pulls out a book on top of his quilted mattress and begins reading it.

"Fox? There are foxes here?" Hao Ming wonders, his eyes glittering in inquisitiveness. "That fox must be very skillful if it can slip away from the Warrior Prince!"

Jun Shao Han shakes his head, "Bai Xuan Ye, are you jesting with us? Why would there be foxes here?"

Bai Xuan Ye gazes out to the distance. A smile stretches from one side of his cheeks, "I wonder why too.."

Meanwhile, in the garden's stone benches sit Yangyue Qin Feng and Yu Mu Rong. The lanterns dimly light up the surrounding trees and florals.

Mu Rong begins, "Young Master, what happened? You hurriedly returned with a disheveled appearance and sloppily worn clothes." He examines her, "Don't tell me.. someone discovered your identity?"

A brief sigh of helplessness escapes from Qin Feng's lips. "I encountered Bai Xuan Ye. The chances are low that he saw me; after all, I chose a time in which the steam made it difficult to see. I was also able to escape fairly quick."

"Is that so?" Mu Rong smiles, "That's our Young Master for you." He suddenly realizes something, "Ah, I told the other two that we will retrieve new towels from the storage room. Shall we go now?"

"Yes," says Qin Feng before proceeding, "But Mu Rong.. these days, I am afraid we will have to keep our guard up. The Warrior Prince, for all we know, may be a cunning and calculating person."

When they return to the occupancy, the two tribesmen hear cacophonous noises. As Yangyue Qin Feng and Yu Mu Rong open the door, they are met with three squatting men on the floor. They all have a bowl in their hands.

Hao Ming grins, "Hey! You guys are back! Please lay the towels on the quilt mattresses."

"What's this?" Qin Feng blinks, dumbfounded. On the floor, a small fire blazes out from a metal pot.

Poker-faced, the Warrior Prince turns towards the door, "Heating up some left over meat buns." His composed expression puzzles Qin Feng.

Their squatting positions appear very pathetic, as their buttocks almost touch the ground. "D-Do you not have any shame?"

Defeating the Warrior PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now