For a better life

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The arrow passed through the boys head and exited through his eye. Next to him a centaur killed with his front legs and a battle cry kkilled a grown man double his age. His ardetailed armor made a loud metalic sound as he fell on the ground drawing his last breath. But nobody gave any attention through the countless sounds of centaurs and men crying out loud. The sounds of swords crushing together until they stab.anthrough this mess an old centaur  witha very masculine body and short hair in a dark colour that was just slightly darker than his short beard was just pinned on the ground by a man half his age. In a matter of seconds his neck was captured in ropes and he was struggling to get free as he was slowly dragged away by the neck. About 10ft away a man on a horse just shouted  in victory as he was watching the centaurs being defeated in front of his eyes. A few drops of blood not his own were decorating his face. He turned around and run shouting in glory back to his camp. There he was welcomed with cheers and laughter by hiw fellow doldiers who loved to see their commanding officer return in victory. Out of the biggest tent came a man  with short blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. The features of his face were hand with beautiful sharp angles on his cheekboones and chin. He waved smiling a dignified smile. His clothes made of fine material and his armour decorated with battle scenes were proof to his royalty. A few feet behind him followed a young man he had the same hard features but darker hair. Clearly father and son. This man was standing a little behind. He was smiling but he wasn’t filled with the joy his father was. Someone could even argue that he wasn’t satisfied with something. Still he waved calmly to the crowds that were now bringing tied up centaurs. Some injured some fine but covered in blood. Through the crowds a man o  horse came close to the king  the crowds were cheering. But the young man looked more concerned than happy next to his father. The king with a wide smile turned to walk close to the mman on the horse. His son immediately grabbed his arm and stopped him. His father gave him a warning look and the son reluctantl;y let him go and watched as his father paraded through the crowds and through the strong cries of joy he gave a letter tto thr messenger and he waved him off along with the people off. He rode like the wind carrying the royal command to athens...
The road was harsh under their hooves. But they weren;t really feeling it. What bothered him was the rope around his hands. They were red now around his wrists. The outcome of his hands being like this for about twelve hours. But it wasn;t his hands that were making his heart ache.  He was much more concerned about how Filan was feeling next to him. Delano could see he was tired but that wasn’t what was making Filan’s eyes cloudy. When he was snatxhed from were he was working about 12 hours ago he left his little brother behind. And it wasn’t so much the emotional pain of losing him as much as what he will go through now that Filan is gone. His brother was only just a baby when the whole centaur race was enslaved by Theseus the king of Athens after the great battle.  Filan still remembered that day when the soldiers arrived and after killing  most of those who resisted thay enslaved the rest. At first they captured them and then transferred them to other cities where they were solved as slaves. Filan and his brother Marat where transported to Thebes along with their mother where Filan started working like a slave since he arrived as well as his mother. Their father had already died during the great battle. Marat started working when he reached the age of five. Their captors didn’t have any consideration about the age. As long as the centaur could carry out the job they didn’t care about what the job was. That resulted in Filan desperate to protect his brother taking up the heaviest jobs his brother was assigned to. But now he couldn’t do that anymore and his brother had only reached the age of seven. Delano tried to brush Filan’s hands but the ropes that were attached to the centaur In front of him put a stop to his movement. Filan caught the gestured though and turned to extend a faint smile to his companion and partner in life since they were fifteen. They met at Thebes were Delano was also transported to work as a slave along with his father who survived the battle but died a few years later due to the heavy work that his old body couldn’t handle. By that point Filan and  Delano had already developed a close friendship and after Delano mourned his father and he was again in a good mental state their friendship developed into something more. They were each other’s first love. And their relationship had lasted and grew during those last four years. And it was as strong as ever now that they were both being transported to Athens. It was a stroke of luck the fact that they were still together and the weren’t forced to leave one another behind. It wasn’t just the pain of being seperated that would have crushed them but the situation in Athens as well if they were apart. Athens hadn’t had any centaur slaves yet. They were so appaulled by their whole existense that they didn’t even want to have centaurs in their city as slaves. They were even considering the names centaurs were given barbaric. But recently Athens realised that centaur slaves would be more than welcome for the heavy jobs and as a first try into this particular slave trade they had asked for twenty centaurs from different cities. Filan and Delano were very lucky to be together still.  They couldn’t say the same for their companions. Some were snatched from their homes leaving all their loved ones behind or at least that’s all they got to gather for each other before talking was forbidded. From what they knew the most tragic figure was the tall centaur at the edge of the row in front of them. A tall male with beautiful features that had been distorted by the sun and his wrinkles. A little more than his age would normally demand.  He would be a war hero had the battle been won. Rumors had it that someone saved him from being killed during the battle and that he wished every day afterwards that he had died in the battlefield. The saddest and more tragic feature on him was his broken will. Maybe an angry expression here and there gave the impression that he still had something left inside. But his expression would quickly go back to being blunt. Still he held his head high. Convinced of his own importance and trying to keep his dignity. As much as he could. Suddenly a male on the first row fell down on his knees. Everyone was dragged back by the ropes and the man on the horse in front of them yelled for hawlt. He came down of his horse and walked slowly towards the fallen centaur. He kicked him hard on his belly.
“ Get up...” he said in a calm but commanding voice. The centaur gasped and let his torso fall in front of him.  “ You know what’s gonna happen if you don’t get up.” The centaur tried really hard to get up but his legs were too weak.  The man got ready to hit him again but the other centaur that was in the battle spoke.
“ He needs water” he said with a calm voice that didn’t much his furious expression.
“ You either keep your opinions to yourself and your mouth shut or you end up like him” The man said in the same commanding voice.
“ You won’t him to get up, don’t you? Give him water” The other centaur came back snarkily. The man smiled back at him sadistically.
“ Will you give him your share of water?” He asked calmly almost affectionately. The centaurs jaw clenched as he already knew the answer and what would follow.
“ Yes...” He said exhaling deeply. The man smiled widely.
“ Excellent...” He exclaimed. “ No water for you for the next twenty four hours.” The centaur looked away and for the first time he lowered his head not to look at the man. Maybe he was aferaid what he would do or say if his eyes met the monster’s. The man then tossed a bag of water to the fallen centaur.  He grabbed it hastily and drank all the water in huge gallops. He then shakily got up and the man got on his horse again. Filan and Delano were looking amazed. Both because of the bravery of the other centaur but also of the horrible way their captor treated the fallen one.  That only made things worse for Fillan. What if his brother was going through the same thing ...or even worse. His eyes got teary again. Delano didn’t have to ask. He already knew. He just gave him a look and as their eyes met they shared so much more than they could ever do with words.  They continued on their journey until nightfall where  they finally stopped . Not so much for rest but because it was dangerous to continue at night. Their captors also had to keep watch because the centaur trade around the cities was strong enough so that people would actually go on to steal the goods as their captors put it.  Finally their hands were freed and now they tied one of the legs of every centaur. With each other and on a tree. It was impossible to go far even if you tried. Filan and Delano ended up with the brave centaur between them.  Soon they were ordered to fall asleep and there were two guards walking next to them to check on them. Just like every night these guards changed after four hours so they could get some sleep too. When the guards were far away Filan turned to the centaur next to him and wispered.
“ What you did for the other centaur was very brave...” He said amazed and with a hidden hope that someone would do the same for his brother if he got in that position. He frowned.
“ It wasn’t brave...” He said with a deep voice that it was loud even as a wisper. “ It was humane...It was the way anyone deserves to be treated.”
“If only..” Delano wispered and turned around seemingly to sleep. But he couldn’t sleep. Yet he couldn’t speak anymore either. For everyone’s shake and most of all Filan he had to bury that rebelious  yell that was rising to his throat. That need to not be used to not let anyone harm his fellow centaurs, Filan...But if he even considered letting that yell out he would be doomed.
The next morning they were on the road again. It was a very tiring journey under the scorching sun that was even harder for the brave centaur who’s name they finally heard, Asar. When the time came for the tiny amount of water they were distributed each Asar didn’t get any again. The guard left him for last . And when he stood in front of him with the last drops of water in the flask he dropped it. All the water spilled on the ground and mixed with the dirt.  They were all looking holding their breath. Asar didn’t respond. He didn’t even look at the guard. He was distant like he was expecting this. Maybe he actually did. The guard smiled.
“ It was an accident..” He said chuckling. “ It’s a pity really...Now you can’t help your friend even if you want to... You have no water to give him...oops” He chuckled. These were the words that almost crushed Asar. He raised his eyes and looked at him. His normal brown colour black. His sight burning with a fire that anyone could swear it would burst. But he didn’t say anything. The guard looked at his almost mad eyes and chuckled again. He waved for the guards on the horses to start. After an exhausting day they were at Thebes by nightfall.  It was a beautiful city under the moonlight. It was a beautiful stary night and the only light besides the moon were some small flickering waves made by the candles in the city. If it wasn’t meant to be their new prison  Delano would have found the sight quite beautiful, even romantic. But as it was it was only a dark prison that would bring even more suffering to him and Filan in the morning. The guards walked them to the gates were they were opened. Then to their surprise they made their way to the palace. The most magnificent and and beautiful building in the city.
“ So it’s a royal prison” Delano said sarcastically.
“ Exactly” A voice agreed from behind. Filan and Delano turned to look at Asar who was in a really bad shape. He hadn’t had water all day and  it was doubtful he’d get any now.  Filan and Delano followed the rest of the centaurs to the stables. So that’s were they’d stay. Along with the horses. The place smelt horribly but it was quite big. To Filan’s and Delano;s surprise  the door was left open. Since they were close to the door they could look at the sky outside. This time Filan and Delano ended up sleeping next to each other.  Filan’s eyes had turned wide with awe at the beautiful sight he had in front of him. The stars flickering in the sky and the moon almost full. It had at least three nights for a full moon.
“Delano look...These stars seem like they  form a centaur.” Filan said with a calm wisper. Delano turned his eyes to the sky to see. Somehow Filan’s voice allowed him to see some of the beauty he was seeing. He chuckled silently.
“ It remind me of home...” Delano said taking a deep breath. His voice full of nostalgia.  A faint smile formed on his face.  Filan sighed melancholically.
“ At leats we have each other...” He said in a serious tone. His voice wasn’t so cheerful now.
“ Like we always had...” Delano said with a sigh and then turned his head to look at Filan. “ Like we always will...” He said with a confident smile. His eyes burning with love and stubborness.  Filan;s lips formed a huge smile and they both leaned closer for a light yet very emotional kiss.  Filan moved a little closer to Delano who run his hands through Filan’s hair. And in that position both exhausted fell into a deep sleep with sweeter dreams than either of them expected.
The next morning just when the rooster yelled the guards were there to wake them up. In five minutes from when they were woken up they were already moving towards the palace’s big gate. They could faintly see two figures. Both very masculine and well dressed.  When they got close they realised the man standing infront of them with an authoritative figure was the king. Theseus had gron e in the past years. His hair were longer and mixed with white as well as his natural blonde. He also had a small beard and anyone could see the years around his eyes and temple. He was wearing a beautiful white tunic that had small circles of cold on it. The man standing behind him was a man in his thirties.  His hair darker than his father’s but also shorter. He was very masculine. The epitomy of his age. Perfect except from that scar that was crossing his left cheek from ear to lip.
“ Well...” The king commented looking from top to bottom each and everyone of them. “ They seem strong and able.” He said turning to the head guard.
“ The finest in Thebes my lord...” He responded smiling widely. 
“ Hmm... What do you think Akamas?” Theseus asked the man behind his stroking his beard thinking.
“ They will do...” Akamas answered without even looking at them.  He seemed disgusted with what he had in front of him. Delano thought that he was worse than his father. At least Theseus didn’t seem utterly appauled by them. But still HE was the one that led the war. A wave of anger and hatred rose inside of him but he didn’t speak.
“ Where do you want them , my lord?” The head guard asked Theseus.
“ Hmmm...” He stoke his beard some more. “ Is anyone educated? “ He asked the first guard.
“ Not to our culture, sir” The head guard answered with a small bow.
“ Fair enough...” Theseus answered decisively. “ The fields will do for now...” He announced.
“ As you wish my lord...” The head guard answered. And with that said the guard led them on foot to the wheat fields. There they were used to take care of the crops. At this time of the year they started with picking up the wheat. It was avery tiring job. The sun was making it almost unbearable. Delano was surprised to see that there were other slaves there with them. Humans. Most of them were looking at them with hostllity. So in Athens they were worse than the slaves. Even the human slaves felt superior. Not to mention the high ranking slaves. Those who were educated and the rich families were using for their child’s education.  A young woman came with someone’s child to show  him the wheat fields accompanied by a guard cause even enslaved women couldn’t walk in Athens publicly without a male accompanying them. Yet another thing Athens despised in the centaurs. Like in Egypt women could have property, choose who they wanted to marry. They had liberties woman in Athens couldn’t dream of. After a whole day at the fields they were back at the stables. Exhausted and sunburned. Filan was in a bad shape. His face was all red from the sun and he was feeling itchy. Delano was feeling somewhat better but his nose was really red as well and the skin on his back had started peeling. About an hour after they were settled back at the stables the human slaves  came to distribute water and food for the centaurs and the horses.  An act to emphasize the fact that that they weren’t considered equals with humans but with horses. A young  female noticed the really burned flesh on Filan’s back. She leaned close to him to give him water. Delano was watching carefully curious she wasn’t acing like the other’s, practically tossing the water at their feet and leaving. She looked at Filan’s face then she dipped a cloth that she was holding in her  hands into the water and moved her hand towards his face. Filan instictivilly pulled back.
“ It’s ok...” She said in a calm voice. “ This doesn’t look good...” She explained. “ Let me help you...” She offered again with a gentle smile. Filan gave a side look at Delano. Delano looked at her suspiciously but he nodded positively at Filan. Yet he had his eyes on her. If she tried anything  to him he would rip her to shreds! But something In her eyes was telling him that her kindness was genuine. She raised the cloth again and gently pressed it on  Filan’s temple and then cheeks.
“ Is it better? “ She asked but before Filan could answer a man interrupted her.
“ Anthousa...That’s enough...” He said appauled. “ Let’s go...” He added in a hurry. She nodded.
“ Thank you...” Filan said in alow voice as she was leaving. Delano moved close to Filan and lied next to him exhausted.
“ Maybe not all of them are horrible...” He commented still not quite convinced of Anthousa’s kindness.
“ She was the first human to treat me nice in...” Filan thought for a moment. “ Well forever...” He concluded.  Delano nodded.
“ Is this supposed to be our lives?” Filan asked. “ Is it going to be Meliton’s life?” He added reminded of his brother. An echo of desperation in his voice. Delano turned to him. HIs first instinct was to say no. That in no way this would be their lives or Meliton’s that things would get better. But with a quick look around him he felt the same desperation that Filan was. Thinking of the other slaves made it even worse. When Athens conquered another place the slaves were mostly slaves forever. That was the key mostly.  He turned with knew hope to Filan to tell him that maybe they could buy their freedom. And before he even opened his mouth he realised that this wasn’t option for centaurs... It barely was for human’s. And even if it was how the hell would they raise the money. And what about Meliton. Sure maybe they  would manage to buy their freedom but would Meliton be able to do it too? The terrifying thought of having no choice crossed his mind. And suddenly he felt weak and tired. Like the life force was sucked from inside him. Like he was sinking in a dark existence that made him contemplate death. Filan next to him felt the same way. A tear run down his cheek as he was thinking both of himself and his brother and of course Delano. But as horrible as he was feeling too he at least let himself feel it. Delano on the other hand noticed the tear and didn’t do something. Not that he didn’t want to. Because he did want to more than anything to console the one person that he loved so much. But he couldn’t he was unable to think a single thing that would make their lives even slightly better at this point. Even the fact that they were together wasn;t enough anymore. Not because it wasn’t important. It wasn’t enough because it coyld be temporary. At any moment someone could decide that they shouyld be apart and no one could do a single thing about it. And what then? How could they live without each other. Delano just turned around his eyelids heavy and a huge desire to sleep overcame him to avoid the reality he was living.  And that’s how the next month went by. Working and then back to sleep. With nothing to console them whatsoever. Filan was trying hard to keep his spirit high. He even tried to cheer up Delano gifting him flowers when he got the chance. Always careful not to be seen. Delano was always smiling kindly and those little acts of love were the only things that inspired any emotion out of him now. But it was unbearable because it was always followed by the realisation that there was a good chance he’d lose him and there was nothing he could do about it. In other words Delano was broken.  He wasn’t the only one. Everyone seemed broken. Their lives wasn’t theirs anymore.  They all walked with the same bland expression and the same emptiness inside. Except from three centaurs. One of the was of course Filan who was barely holding on. The other two were Asar and another centaurs named Kor. Kor was a scrawny fella. Beard somewhat long and hair short. His most notable characteristic was his witty and mischievous eyes accompanied and enhanced by his arched brows. It didn’t take all of them to understand what kind of person he is. Soon after they got there he started hanging out with the guards being extra nice. By that point everyone was disgusted by him. The guards did take advantage of his slimy and treturus ways. He soon started helping the guards in enforcing discipline. At first he was ratting out those that were getting tired or were getting distracted Which was already awful. But soon he started going after the People that were getting on his nerves. In return the guards allowed him his own private stables and better food. Asar was getting on his nerves most of all. And there was a lot of tention there. And while Kor was feeling fine because he was treated quite nicely. Asar was not depressed because he was given someone to fight. A way for him to feel he was somehow resisting. Fillan and especially Delano didn’t see any point in that. Sure they hated Kor. How could they not. But at the end of the day Asar was a prisoner...a slave just like them only with more bruises. Soon the summer was over and fall came. Everyone was working Extra hours because of the harvest season. Fillan and Delano had stayed out of kors radar for the time being. But Delano was already wondering for how long. And the answer was not long. One of the last days that were still warmer than usual they were all very tired and sweaty from harvesting all day. It was already noon by that point and Delano had spotted Filan at the other side of the field feeling rather tired. He wanted to go to him but his job was not yet done so he reluctantly returned to it. Unfortunately Kor had also spotted Filan and soon he was running to him.
“well well...what have we here...” he exclaimed with a sadistic smile. “ I really thought you’d try harder I really have no choice...” he said with a fake pout. Fillan knew what that meant. Kor was already signalling the guards to come and flog him. Instinctively Filan grabbed kors arm.
“ Wait Kor...” he yelled but before he could make another sound Kor had turned around and panched his face. Filan fell on the ground holding both his hands to his nose. Blood was streaming between his fingers. Delano had seen the whole thing and was now racing like the wind to get to Filan with his heart beating so hard it ached. His vision was blurry and quaky because of his anger. As Kor was raising his fist to punch Filan again Delano got there. Just in time to get between them . His front legs up in the air over kors head who had raised his hands to cover himself. A moment later Delano landed his hooves on kors head breathing heavily. He was ready to attack again when he was apprehended. Asar was already heading towards them racing like the wind.  Fillan looked up and at the scene in front of him.  His eyes fixed on Delano as his heart was pouncing in terror. Delano might have not be thinking straight. He saw the person he loved being bullied by Kor. But Filan was seeing things in another way and he was terrified of what would happen to Delano. If he had just stayed put the worst Kor would do to him would be a few more punches. Worst case scenario whipping. But Delano after that act of defiance...he couldn’t bear to think what would happen to him. Asar was next to him before he could react. And he was ready to react in the same passionate logic Delano did but Kors put a cloth on his bleeding nose and wispered.
“ Stay put...Don’t make this worse than it already is.” Fillan turned his gaze desperately to him. Pleading for his help. But Asar’s eyes darkened as he looked back at him.  There was nothing he could do and he couldn’t be more sad about him. His gaze turned burning with fury towards Kor who was smiling proudly in an inoccent way watching the scene. Or rather enjoying the scene. Fillan’s eyes turned in desperation to Delano who was fighting as hard as he possibly could to get rid of the guards and get to Filan. His eyes locked with Fillan’s in a brief moment. Then the guard punched him in the face so hard he lost consciousness.
He woke up with his vision blurry. The first thing he realised was that he was cold. Then that his hands were handing in the air. He took a brief look at his wrists as his vision was returning. The were sackled to the wall. His nose felt rather sore and he couldn’t breathe through it.  As he moved his mouth to lick his swollen and dry lips he felt the dry blood on his face crack.  From what he could make out in the dark he was in a dungeon. He couldn’t make out how far the door was. He was hearing distant heavy breathing. Like it was coming from another corridor. From what he could understand he was alone in that place. Or at least almost alone. He was much more hearing the mice than seeing them. Maybe a shadowy figure running really fast every now and then running in the dim light of the moon that was coming in from a small hole on the sieling.  As he started feeling more concsious he started analyzing  the situation he was in. The toruble he was in. But from his point of view he wouldn’t be in trouble for much longer. His residence in the dungeon was only temporary. He would soon be dead. He punched Kor and a guard on his attempt to break free. Maybe if he was a human slave. But being a centaur he was considered way less than human. Even less than a horse cause the horse is considered an animal and not an abomination.  It was weird sensation knowing that you’ll soon be dead. His first thought was than he hoped it would be quick. But other than that he was feeling remarkably calm. His life was practically already over. Death might actually be a relief. He was willing to bet the underworld would be a better place. Giving up and accepting fate never felt so tempting. And maybe he would. If it wasn’t for Filan. His heart left a painful beat at the memory of Filan being hurt. And all his chest started aching when he realised he wouldn’t see him again. That he would never be there for him again. And that was the thought that broke him. That was the thought that brought him the tears. That kept him from accepting the mercy of execution. He doubted he would survive this. But he would have at least tried. For Filan! Those were the thought that allowed the tears to fall and the emptiness to fill with pain and love. Surprisingly not fear. Until the moment he heard footsteps from the distance. At least three  people and from the sound of hooves probably a centaur. He felt a pinch of fear at that sound not knowing what would come but he was overwhelmed by his need and desire to fight for Filan.  Moment later the door of his cell opened and in walked Asar and Akamas followed by two guards. The princes posture authoritative and cold. Asar’s sympathetic but still stiff. The two guards stood outside the cell without closing the door.
“ Thanks to Asar’s pleading...” Akamas started with a gruff voice. “ Me and my father were convinced not to execute you for this act of defiance...” He took a side look at Asar. “ Asar insists that you’re a good worker and for that we decided to give you a second chance even though you deserve no more than a filthy worm.” Delano would get mad about the insults but he was more focused on the fact that he would live! That he would see Filan again! “ However...” the prince continued. “ Your actions won’t go unpunished...You’re gonna spend the next two weeks here in isolation with absolutely no contact with anyone but the guards keeping you in...” He almost spitted the words out.  Delano took a look at Asar. He looked back at him with a look that said this was the best he could do. “ Guards..” Akamas commanded and as the guards walked in he tried to talk to Asar. To ask about Filan. But he was gone without even turning his head. That sent shivers down his spine that he didn’t even notice that he was unchained.
The rest of teday he spent in silence in the dungeon. No one was there but the guards outside his door. When silence started driving him crazy he made an attempt to talk to the guards but they either considered him not worthy to be spoken to or they were instructed not to talk to him.  Hunger was already hitting him pretty hard as it had been more than 24 hours since the last time he ate. Just when thought and silence were finally crushing him and he started talking to himself for distraction there came Anthousa.
‘’ Food for the prisoner...’’ She said showing the guards something Delano couldn’t quite make out in the dark.
‘’Three minutes...’’ The guard said opening the door to his cell. Delano stood up and looked at her confused. His eyes immediately fell on the basket in her hands and the bread that he could see inside. Without thinking he just rushed into her and violently grabbed the bread from the basket stuffing as much as he possibly could in his mouth. Then he looked at Anthousa  thanking her with his expression. Anthousa came close to him seemingly in a hurry and whispered in his ear as he was swallowing.
‘’Dont worry Delano...’’He was surprised he couldn’t remember them being introduced. ‘’I took care of Filan’s wounds he’s going to be ok...’’ She said and moments before she concluded her sentence the guards demanded her getting out.  She smiled to him as she was leaving.
‘’Thank you....’’ He shouted at her as she was leaving. And he couldn’t be more greatful. Knowing that Filan was alright was such a great relief. And also a reminder why he had to last. He wasn’t going to die and Leave Filan alone and he certainly wouldn’t lose his wits for the time he would spend in prison.
It felt like years when the guards finally came to ascort him out of the prison. When the door opened to the outside world and the morning sun hit his eyes he felt them burning. Truth is he hadn’t really seen the sun in two weeks.  When his eyes adjusted somewhat to the light he saw Kors and the field guards waiting for him.
“ Time to get to work...” Kor announced with a delighted smile than made Delano want to punch him so hard he would lose all his teeth and fucking blood would come out.  Kor saw him looking at him with those pissed off eyes and smiled. “ I hope you know Delano that prison is no excuse for inefficiency...” He added with a sardonic smile. The guards smiled mischievously as well.  One of them grabbed his arm and  with Kor leading the way they all headed to the fields.  When they finally got there it was almost noon. Delano’s tired eyes started searching for Fillan from the moment he started making out shapes from afar. As they were getting closer he finally recognised him. He was working in silence but he seemed alright. He din’t seem frail or hurt for that matter. But he seemed depressed. A wave of guilt filled Delanos chest. This was his doing. Did he regret? The simple and short answer was no.  He didn’t give it much thought  to that answer at this  point.  Soon they were close enough for the slaves and the guards to notice them. Delano’s eyes fixed on Filan  saw him slowly rising his head and looking at them. He saw the realisation in his eyes. The drifting but precious moments his eyes went wide with recognition and then a smile formed on his face and  the very next moment his eyes went wet with relief.  Delano hadn’t realised that he had stopped staring at Filan with also a smile on his face. He only did when he was pushed hard from the guards beside him.
‘’ Ooooo...’’ Kor exclaimed playful and almost sarcastically. ‘’ Afrodite has  really blessed you...’’ Delano’s eyes fixed on Kor and for a moment he contemplaited wether to kick him or punch him. But he held back. He knew he would end up dead if he tried  something like that again.  A grim and depressed part inside  him wondered if that would be better. 
He was lead quite far from where Filan was working and was put to work.
‘’ I’ll keep an eye on you...’’ Kor said with a sardonic smile as he turned around to leave. ‘’ And your boy...’’ He added with a brief  turn of his head and went on his way somewhere further to play the guard. Delano focused on work whatever it was he had to do now.  He was far away from Filan and that was excrusiating but he was taking comfort in the thought that he would see him after they were done. Or at least he hoped so.
‘’ Quite the rebel aren’t you?’’ Asar’s gruff voice brought him back from his thoughts. Delano raised his head and looked somewhat behind him. Kor was looking somewhere else and the guards were far away.
‘’ I’m not a rebel...’’ He answered after making sure he was not being heard.
‘’ You stood up for your the guards...’’ He insisted. Delano stopped for a moment and looked at him trying to understand what he had on his mind. ‘’Doesn’t that make you a rebel?’’ Asar asked to clarify seeing his confusion.
‘’ No...I did what I had to...’’Delano answered and returned back to his work .
‘’Hmm...’’ Asar thought for a second and continued. ‘’ And what do you thing makes a rebel?’’ It sounded to Delano like he was going somewhere with that but he wasn’t sure. Nevertheless he answered.
‘’ Rebels go against the status ...whatever that is...’’ Delano answered as he was starting to feel somewhat uncomfortable.
‘’ And why would they do that?’’ Asar chuckled. Delano felt like he had accepted a challenge without realising it. He took a deep breath not sure where this was going.
‘’Because they are not happy...’’ He started answering. His voice somewhat higher than usual. Protesting to the thought of this having anything to do with him.  But as his thoughts were progressing his voice went deeper and gruffer as the things he was saying started reasonating with him. ‘’Because they are suffering...Because they prefer death to the hell they are living....’’ His voice trailed to a whisper. He wasn’t paying attention to Asar anymore . His focus had shifted along with his eyes  towards Filan.  ‘’ For the people they love...’’ Delano concluded as the words barely made it out of his mouth. He resisted them like he was scared of their truth.
‘’ For the people they love...’’ Asar repeated and his voice was low and gruffer than before. They both stood there in silence for a few moments and then Asar spoke again. ‘’If you want to meet the other rebels  meet me tonight  at the well...Say nothing to Filan’’ And with those words that left Delano stunned  he moved away and back to work.
‘’ Get back to work, Delano, or Ill call the guards...’’ Kor’s voice woke him up and he went back to work unable to decide if his heart was lighter or heavier.
When the work was finally over the guards called for them to lead them to the stables. Delano got a glimpse of Filan only to realize he was already looking back at him. As the centaurs gathered together in a crowd Filan and Delano slowly got next to each other. Their fingers seemingly absentmindedly were brushing each others. But that’s all they dared under the guardss watch. When they arrived at the stables Dolan fell asleep almost immediately feeling exhausted but holding Delano’s hand who couldn’t sleep. He was too busy wandering what was he about to do. Was he out of his mind? Did you have any idea where he was supposed to go not even a little bit. Was he losing his mind?? Was he being completely insane? he wasn't sure! the only thing he was sure was that his his heart was pumping so hard in his chest that he was unable to sleep or even think anything else than the plan getting out of there. The plan that would mean that he and Filan and everyone would finally be free. somehow fired had started in his chest the fire that he couldn't ignore no matter how much he tried. He looked at Filan next to him. He was sleeping peacefully after the The tiring days that he had. Unsure of whether Delano was still alive or not whether he would stay alive or . What was he about to do to him. but who was he was doing that about if not for him. soon everyone was almost asleep. his time was almost there. now his heart was pumping even harder. he had this impulse to get up and start pacing that he knew he had to wait because everyone had to be asleep. and yet even more thoughts troubled his mind about where we see about to go. they didn't even give him a location. what if the guards got him. he could say he went for a piss.But it was doubtful they would believe him. and if they got him this time he would most certainly end up dead. Soon he could see the moon outside the stables bright and beautiful to him itseemed ominous. it was the time for him to make his decision. would you go or not? and suddenly his mind that was a very simple question. did you want a chance to live or not. by life he didn't mean spending his the rest of his days in the stables probably losing Filan in the process.No! deep inside he knew this was hihis only chance. That fire burning in his heart was a fire he hadn't felt since before he was captured. it was the thought of the future. that that could exist. And As for Filan He was doing this for him. so that he would not lose him so that he wouldn't die so that you could have a life and maybe they could have a life together. drunken those beautiful thoughts he lifted himself up before he could understand what he was doing. and he was at the door carefree and careless until he realized what he was doing and fear captured him again. He hid behind the door of the stables and waited. making sure no one was passing by. and when he was surehe even tried to convince himself he was going for a piss and not to start the rebellion.He walked in the green grass slowly at first cautiously and then faster and faster heading world he was told to wait already in his mind he was feeling free and then he went slowly again. because he knew. he knew he wasn't free. and somebody could hear.So he was at the well. He’ll look down. wondered if the water there was his future if somebody would drown him. And suddenly he wondered why did he even trusAt Asar.What if that was a scam what if he was being scanned what if that was the end of his life . panic started rising inside him. but before he could even think of what to do turn around go away stay and wait. somebody grabbed his shoulder. He jumped up. and quickly turned around to see who it was. much to his horror the person holding him was Kor.
Well well well look what I got? going somewhere Delano? ,Kor asked.
No not really, he answered nervously, I was just... I just couldn’t... get any sleep, he answered almost trembling
So you thought the well would help you sleep?, he asked.
No I..., Delano Started explaining himself but before he could somebody put a bag over hisHead.
Not not a word, Kor Warned him as two set of arms we’re grabbing each of his. He tried to run away. But he strikes were futile. the two people holding him were to strong. and that's when he knew he was going to die.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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