Chapter 24: The African Adventure ✅

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When my eyes opened I was feeling a lot better than I was before, I had no idea how long I have been here. Or when I was treated, I just hoped whatever bit me didn't scar my body. That would definitely put a wedge in my self-esteem.

I looked around the room, it was empty and silent. Not a sign of one person. Where was the doctor, and most importantly where was Yoon? I know he didn't leave me alone in an unknown state. For him to have left me alone was honestly was an evil move. Once I get the chance I will definitely leave him in a country alone.

Not to mention he was the one with the debit card with all my millions. I swear if he left me, I'll kill him the moment I laid my eyes on him again. Right then, a male with a white lab coat walked in on me mentally practicing my future argument with Yoon.

"Ah, you're awake, good," he muttered.

"Uh, where am I?"

"You don't remember?" he questioned

"Well, I never knew," I softly chuckled, I guess he probably didn't know about the plane going down and most importantly us jumping out of it.

"You're in Keyna, Africa," he informed, I was thanking the man above that we landed in one of the safe states in Africa. "How did you end up here if you didn't know you were here? Road trip?" he questioned

"You can say that," I mumbled as I looked around the room avoiding his gaze for a moment. "Was there a man here with me? An Asian man?"

"Uh, actually yeah, he left after he carried you in here," he spoke as his eyes focused in on the chart in his hands, occasionally writing on the paper. "So are you having any pain?" he questioned

My hand slowly traveled up to my chest, touching the area I was bitten, "No"

"Good, well you were bitten by a Black Mamba," he informed, no wonder why I went paralyzed almost immediately. Without Yoon I know I would have been dead. "You will have to take it easy for a while. Not to mention you were suffering from extreme exhaustion and the bear trap markings..,"

"Not a total shocker," I mumbled, of course, I was tired. I trekked through a jungle for hours then jumped off a waterfall only to get bitten by a Black Mamba and a stupid bear trap. Welcome to Africa!

"Well, you are allowed to leave now..the anti-venom has been administered and you seem to be all healthy..." he spoke, before a couple of nurses entered to check me over. They also re-bandaged wrapped my right ankle before removing the needles from my body. I was able to leave within the hour.

I was walking the streets of Keyna, Africa.

I was alone, slightly limping, best husband of the year goes to Wei-Yoongi. I was focused on the road ahead of me before a car engine sound was getting louder behind me. Ignoring the car thinking it would just pass by I kept walking. The car wasn't going away, it was slowing down. It was following me rather than passing me by.

Angrily, I jerked my head right around, looking at the car. The glare in the mirror prohibited me from seeing the driver. So I turned to keep walking hoping they would stop following me. It was broad daylight with so many people here, nobody would be foolish to try to snatch me up anyways.

The car momentarily sped up, the window rolling down beside me. "So, you wanna keep walking?"

I let out a frustrated groan, "Oh, Yoon, you scared me," I muttered as I opened the door to the car, getting inside. He sped off down the road now that I was inside the car. "Where the hell were you?" I asked as I smacked his shoulder.

"I had to take care of things, they told me that you would survive and that they see this type of thing often," he explained. "I had to get reservations at a hotel, and not to mention this reminds me, don't mess it up it's a rental"

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