Chapter 5

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After I arrived home everything was great for about half an hour. Mum and I then again started arguing over the same thing. She doesn't understand how much I try to please her. My grades keep dropping with all the stress lately and then to top it off I'm scared about next year as people that are coming this year are from my primary school and they use to tease me. Yes I might of hurt one of them but I was protecting my cousin who is 2 years younger than us. I went straight to my teacher afterwards in tears because I knew I did the wrong thing and I hadn't yet controlled my anger. Was I wrong for standing up for family? After that day they took all my friends away. They teased me about everything and to top it off and I had stuff happening at home. I refused to go to primary all the time and now they are coming to the same high school as me. Yes it's a free country but you know what. I am afraid of losing of my friends and have everything come back to me as bite me in the butt. High school was a new start for me and now this. I just want to drop out of school. I don't want to go back.

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