Wrong Person [Yoongi]

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[Your P.O.V]

" Y/N..."

A sweet voice called my name as I felt a presence beside me.

" Baby. "

A soft whisper echoed through my ears.

*alarms* I woke up due to the loud sound of my alarm. " Damn it. " As I reminisced what I've just dreamt of, a realization hit me like a truck.

" C'mon, Y/N. You must not like him more than a friend. He's taken, girl. " I flicked my forehead as my phone buzzed. Speaking of him, Yoongi sent me a message ' Good morning, bestfriend! Meet up? 5pm at --- café. '

Haha, " bestfriend " okay...

Few hours have passed and I still don't know what to wear later. I mean, it wasn't a special day but I have to look good though. I got bored so I decided to go the park. I still have 3 hours before our meet up, so yeah.

As I've reached the park, I found an empty seat and wandered my sight. I sighed. " Look at these flowers, they seem to love eachother..." I stared at the two daffodils and sulked.

" Look at those couple, they definitely love eachother. " I rolled my eyes as I saw a lot of couples, flirting with eachother. " Damn, two swans formed a heart..." I must call this ' Love Park '.

Damn it, Yoongi. We're supposed to be like them. I'm supposed to hold your hand, take care of you, kiss you, cuddle with you, and everything.

Unfortunately, it was her doing all of these.


It's already 4pm and I have one hour to prepare. I decided to wear sweatpants and an oversized tee.

-phone buzzes-

Maybe that's Yoongles. I unlocked my phone and yeah, it was him.

' You done? ' She texted. ' Yeah. Hby? ' I replied. ' Yes! '

I guess I have to go.

It took me 30 minutes to reach the café before the rain poured out. Ah, what a perfect mood. Imagine, you're in a cafe, chilling with the person you love while it rains. (A/N: Unfortunately, he doesn't love you the way you love him, jk)

As I was staring outside, someone gently tapped my shoulder. I flinched and looked back to see Yoongi, showing his heart-melting gummy smile. Damn it, you never fail to make my heart flutter. " So, hey? " He sat down infront of me. " Uh, what's up? " He added. " My love for you is always up..." I mumbled as his eyes widened.

" Woah, you do really love making cheesy jokes. Don't ya? " Woah, he took that as a joke, I see. Upon hearing that I forced a smile, pretending to make his statement true. " Anyway, I'll go order. What's yours? " He stood up and went beside me. " Oh, mine's Caramel Macchiato and a blueberry muffin please~ " He nodded and went to order.

I took a sip of my drink and stared at him. Why does he make my heart flutter every damn time. Damn it, damn it. I placed my drink on the table and sighed.

' I do love you, Yoongi. '

Out of the blue, that words accidentally escaped my lips which made him kinda choke on his drink. You're screwed, Y/N.

" D-did I hear it right? " He asked. I have to tell him now. I can't deny it anymore. I have to tell him.

" I-I love you Yoongi. I see you more than a friend. " He looked at me with his eyes, widened. " But, you know that I can't love you back right? W-we're bestfriends-"

" I know, Yoongi. I know. I knew it from the start. " I looked down and bit my bottom lip, trying my best not to cry.

" S-someday, you'll find the right person for you...And that person will take care of you, make you happy, and love you back. And that's not me, Y/N. I'm sorry but please accept it. " I nodded, still not looking into his eyes. I can't. I feel like I'll collapse if I do.

His phone suddenly rang and he immediately answered it.

" I have to go, Y/N. Thank you for coming. Uh, once again, I'm so sorry..." With that, he stood up and left.

Well, ouch.

I fell in love with the wrong person, wrong time, and wrong place.

I guess he's right.

For now, I should just love myself.

Someday, I'll find the right person for me.

Not now, but soon.



+. Lately, stories end in such a sad/tragic way and I apologize for that, hahaha. I feel like writing it that way :< Anw, stay safe, everyone! Xoxo.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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