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All my life, well ever since I can
remember, it's been my absolute, all-time, number one on the bucket list dream to have a New Years kiss.

Cliche? Over-done? Boring? Yes yes I know it's all 3. But when you're 17 and living your what seems like absolutely ordinary life, a New Years kiss is something so exciting and almost magical.

A kiss that lasts from 11:59 and goes until 12:01. A perfect end to the year and a perfect start.

It's like you're ensuring you are going to have a good year. There's no refuting it, I mean if you've started off your very first seconds of the year with an absolute killer kiss, then you're bound to have good luck for the rest of it.

This is all well and great and I'm sure you're absolutely dying to hear about mine.

Well don't be. Let's just say it was less than magical, and nowhere near my expected fairy tale and Hollywood-esque dream..

31st of December 2014

"Oh my god oh my god what do I wear?!" My friend Lara shouted from the room next door, which is practically a walk in wardrobe holding the most incredible clothes you will ever see. I swear a Hollywood actor would be jealous of Lara's closet.

"The sparkly top and the White skirt! I've told you like 8 times it makes you look so tan and your tits look great in it. What's the problem?" My other friend Eloise laughed, she was sitting on the bathroom floor currently shaving her legs and trying to dry her nails at the same time.

"I swear we are so unorganised and I love it" I said as I was frantically trying to blow dry my hair.

"Wait how are we unorganised it's only lik- WAIT WHAT?!" Lara shouted checking her phone and realising we should've been at my friends Tom's house an hour ago.

"I thought you knew it was already 8:30, actually I was wondering why you were so chill about getting ready. Guess it makes sense now."

Lara sat on the floor of her closet and shrugged, "Well I guess we're going straight to the beach then! No drinks for us before."

"Hey maybe it's a good thing" I said trying to reassure them that it wasn't the end of the world.. You know how girls get, "It'll be my first time kissing a guy when I'm not completely off my head."

"Oh pip you know that's not true. And plus New Years kisses are soo overrated! We can just chill together if you can't find anyone." Eloise said, putting on her mascara the fastest I've ever seen it done.

Although I appreciated her offer, I knew it was not a legitimate one. Almost every time I went out with Eloise and Lara they ditched me for their boyfriends, or whoever they were into at the time, and left me to fend for myself. Probably the reason why I ended up getting piss drunk every time we went out. I felt it was the only way I was confident around new people, and kinda the only way I could flirt with guys without feeling super needy and self concious.

Pretty pathetic hey, but I won't sugarcoat it for you, this was pretty much my life.

Although I outlined my life long dream was a New Years kiss, I didn't mean a meaningless hookup with a random. That would be easy. I wanted one I would remember, one that would stay with me for the year and make me feel good about what was to come.

I wouldn't call myself an optimist strictly speaking, but the future is something I think about a lot. Well practically all the time. I am constantly thinking about what it will be like in a day, a year, a life time.

So I guess with this weird theory I have about a New Years kiss meaning a good year. I would be reassured that my the future year to come would be a good one.

Was I wrong.

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