Chapter 18 - Katherine

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I wait patiently for Killian to come back, not at all bothered by Tank literally throwing me out. It's club business, I get it. I'm an outsider, so obviously I'm not allowed to know about everything.

"Hey Kathie." Maggie greets me, sitting beside me at the bar. "Jinx, a beer." She tells the prospect.

"Hey Mag. What's up?"

Maggie smirks teasingly. "If I told you, you'd be scarred for life." She chuckles, making me frown for a moment before I get the joke.

"I do not need to know about Gun's... thing." I scowl at her.

"You're adorable. It makes me wonder how you're going to handle Killer's thing." She taunts playfully and I almost choke on my drink. Why do people here always talk about me and Killian having sex?! I can't even remember how many times I heard them talking about whether Killian is a 'beast in bed' or if he's 'too big' for me. The sluts, as Treasure called them, only give me knowing smirks whenever they see me, but I would sometimes hear them whispering between themselves about how I can't satisfy Killian the way they could.

I mean, I didn't expect my boyfriend to be celibate before he met me, but I sure as hell don't need to know how he fucked those women. And that's exactly what they're talking about whenever I'm near. I know they do this to mock me and make me feel bad, but I can't help but feel a bit jealous. They had a taste of my man, while I'm still too afraid of taking the next step with him. What if he decides I'm not worth the wait? What if I can't satisfy him like the women say? What if he thinks I don't want to have sex with him because I don't love him? What if he leaves me if I don't put out?

All those doubts and questions that go through my head are only making me feel more and more inadequate. I'm just a weakling that he took care of. What if he needs a strong woman that can be by his side for the better and worse?

What if I'm not enough?

"Kathie, what're you thinking? I don't like the sad look on your face..." I'm pulled back to reality by Mag's worried voice.

"It's nothing. Just work stuff."

"I know it isn't..." She trails off, giving me a stern look. I don't miss how Arthur, or rather Jinx, goes back to the kitchen to give us privacy.

"Mag, do you think Killian will leave me if I... if I don't have sex with him?" I quietly ask, getting an incredulous look from her. She blinks rapidly in stunned silence as she gapes at me with dropped jaw.

"Who fed you this nonsense?" She questions with an angry scowl.

"N-No one. I just... I hear people talk." I avert my gaze in shame, focusing on the amber substance in my glass.

"Who?" Maggie demands sternly.

As much as I want to tell her about my worries, I'm afraid of looking even more pathetic than I feel. But who can I talk to about this if not her? I mean, Treasure is my friend, sure, but she has different things on her mind right now with her pregnancy and the upcoming wedding. Maggie, however, feels like a mother to me. I know she won't judge, but I'm still embarrassed about talking about sex. I've never had that talk with my mother; she'd rather stuff her veins with heroin than talk to her daughter.

I catch Maggie glance around the room quickly before she pulls me from the stool and leads me by my hand to the beauty room, where we find Anna doing Treasure's hair.

"Hey girls, don't mind us." Maggie greets quickly then pulls me to sit right beside her on one of the couches.

Anna gives us a curious look. "Wanna get your hair done?" She smiles warmly.

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