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Naruto pov

The baskets disappear. I hear a door squeak and turn to see who it is. I see not a “who” but a “what”: A dog with a pointed nose stands a few yards away from me. A growl gurgles from deep in its throat, now I see why the cheese come in handy wait do dog even like cheese? Gonna have to ask Kakashi-sensi if dogs can eat cheese or Pakkun another growl came from the dog as it comes near, dammit, what do I do, the dog charges at me and I quickly dojes it's attack it keeps coming at me while I keep dojing " Alright mutt,  enough playing around I am gonna show you what I Uzamaki Naruto will do. " I said and charge towards the dog, the dog also charges towards me till we are about to clash I jumped in the air and kick it's face as hard as I can.  The dog crashes to the other side of the cafeteria whimpering I grin "How you like that." while I was cheering the dog started making more whimpering noises I look at its directors only to find a puppy lying on the same place that big dog was I jog towards its and the puppy move it's head towards me still whimpering.  It looked at me with sad eyes did I hit it to hard " hey little guy, "I reach my hand towards it,  but it back away from me a little"  hey, hey,  I'm not gonna hurt you don't worry, no one's gonna hurt ya, ok." after I said that the puppy nuzzled his nose on my hand.

I blink, and when my eyes open, a child stands across the room wearing a white dress. She stretches out both hands and squeals, “Puppy!”. The puppy that was just nuzzling my neck now turned back to the beast ready to pounce at the little girl I quickly lock the dog up by wrapping my arms around its neck, it struggle against my hold moving back and forth to free itself I look at the little girl who has fear in her eyes "Get out of here kid,"  I yelled and quickly pulled the dog with me to the ground.

My head hits the ground. The dog is gone, and so is the little girl. Instead I am alone—in the testing room, now empty. I couldn't see myself in the mirror I walk towards the door thinking that the test was over but boy was I wrong.  I push the door open and walk into the hallway, but it isn’t a hallway; it’s a bus, and all the seats are taken.I stand in the aisle and hold on to a pole. Sitting near me is a man with a newspaper. I can’t see his face over the top of the paper, but I can see his hands. They are scarred, like he was burned, suddenly he asked “Do you know this guy?" He taps the picture on the front page of the newspaper. The headline reads: “Brutal Murderer Finally Apprehended!” what does apprehended mean I thought while starring at the headline,  in the picture beneath the headline is a young man with a plain face and a beard. I feel like I do know him, though I don’t remember how. And at the same time, I feel like it would be a bad idea to tell the man that.

“Well?” I hear anger in his voice. “Do you?” definitely a bad idea " Sorry man I don't know this guy, " I said,  the man stands, and finally I see his face. He wears dark sunglasses and his mouth is bent into a snarl. His cheek is rippled with scars, like his hands. He leans close to my face. His breath smells like cigarettes. “You’re lying,” he says. “You’re lying!” "why are you so curious about this guy,  who is he?"  I question looking at him I still don't get a good feeling from him “If you know him,” he says in a low voice, “you could save me. You could save me!” "Save you from what?"  I ask again but the man keep repeating the same sentence "You could save me,  you could save me,  you could save me,  YOU COULD SAVE ME!"  I jump back " Listen buddy I don't know what your problem is but I aint telling you nothing,  believe it. "

I wake up to see I am back in the testing room is this another test I thought while observing the room this I see Amanda standing near the machine,  however her eyes held a bit of sadness in them "Is the test over?" dumb question but I still ask,  Amanda look at me and said "Yes,  the test is over,"  she started pulling out the wires from my head, " So I pass the test,  what did I get? " I ask but instead of replying she just said an "excuse me"  and left what happened was there an error or did she figure out I am not from this world,  dammit Sakura-chan gonna kill me if that's the case should I just leave now I mean the results doesn't matter anyway............ But still it wouldn't hurt to know, lost in thought I didn't hear the door open and Amanda came back until I she called my name " Naruto, I requested the teacher to let you go early since you probably feel abit sick from the drug." She said,  " But what about my result?" I ask " Naruto your results are inconclusive. " inconclusive what does that mean Amanda saw the confusion on my face so she cut to part of what my results are " You have gotten abnegation,  dauntless and erudite,  however people who get these are …” She looks over her shoulder like she expects someone to appear behind her. “…are called…Divergent.” She says the last word so quietly that I almost don’t hear it " Divergent?  What faction is that? " I ask,  " It's not a faction,  it's more of a different way of thinking from the society,  seeing more options then one,  but those in power fear the Divergent that's why under no circumstances should you tell ur results to anyone understand. " She said the last part with seriousness I have alot of questions but I kept quite and nodded at her " You can use the back door to go home. " She said but I rejected and went towards the door connected to the hallway " I don't know what those bastard are gonna do to me but they haven't seen what Uzamaki Naruto can do, " I look back at her, " I am going to beat each of them and stop them from hurting others,  believe it. " I grain and left the test room.


Yolo how you guys doing these days.  So you all probably know school and colleges are open again soo I have attending my classes regularly but half of the lesson just skip my head.

Anyway where not here to talk about my boring life,  soo you all have heard of bts new single "DYNAMITE"  which is a full English song,  so if you haven't heard yet please check it out and share it with your friends or anyone who having a bad day.

Besides that rn my wifi has stop working on me soo this chapter will be up when the wifi return (which I have no idea when)  :'(,  so that it's for today.  If you enjoy this chapter please vote and share your opinion on the comment section I read and respond to all your comments (why do I sound like those youtuber😕,  guess I am bored out of my mind) .

Stay safe and take care,

Sakurabloom over and out ~

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2020 ⏰

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