The room

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Looking around the room, it seemed like an average office consisting of a desk, chair, computer, and all other necessities that a businessman might need. I was confused as to why there would be a computer here, but it might do us some good later on.

Rachel and I looked through his desk for his phone. While rummaging through files and papers, my eyes wandered over one specific cabinet. It was labelled "girls". I glanced over at Rachel to see that she was still searching for the phone. I quickly opened the cabinet and just stood there.
"Rachel. You have to see this." I trembled.
She walked over towards me and looked beneath me at the cabinet. When she realized what she saw, she put her hand over her mouth and gasped.

There were pictures. One picture for each girl. When I came here, there had been a total of 8 girls, including me. There were exactly 8 pictures neatly organized into files. Each picture had its own folder. My folder was red. Rachel's was Blue. The rest of the girls' folders consisted of green, purple, brown,pink, yellow, and orange.

As Rachel and I pulled each folder out, we realized something. There was more to this than it seemed. Each color represented something. Inside each folder was a picture of the girl and a letter. He addressed the girls by the color of their folder.

I took out the red folder that had my picture inside. They were baby pictures of us all, taken inside of a hospital. "How did he get pictures of us- that too baby ones?" Rachel whispered. In response, I shrugged my shoulders. I had no clue. "This means that all this time he knew who he would capture and how he would do it. He's been stalking us ever since we were born!" Rachel whispered again. Except this time her voice was filled with fear.

Rachel's words sunk into my brain. She was right. This man had been waiting. Waiting for the perfect time to capture me. He probably knew where I lived. He knew my school too!

I cleared these thoughts out of my head and focused on what was important right now. If we wanted to escape, we had to understand the motive behind what this man does. That meant figuring out what the colors on the folders meant. I took out the letter that was inside my folder.

Dear red(Ariana),

Congratulations! It's been 10 years! Do you know how old you are? You are 26! When you first came here, I knew that you were special. That's why I named you red. You had a fiery spirt that I could recognize in a couple of hours. That's not the only reason I named you red, darling. I had planned on giving you some special moments with me that you could remember. I wrote this letter when you were 16. At this moment I haven't taken you to the special room. But I will. I promise. That's been your favorite part right? I know that you just wait for dinner to be over so that we can have some fun. Sadly, it's your time to go. It's been ten years. You have to return to your parents. But don't worry, I've left my mark. Something special so that you'll always remember me. When you'll read this letter, you'll be pregnant! Yes, can you believe it! My red is pregnant! Well, I hope you enjoy my present. It's time for you to leave now. I'll miss you babe.

You'll always be mine,

I threw the letter on the ground and collapsed onto Rachel. This man was sick.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2015 ⏰

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