Chapter 3

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Hello!!!! I'm greatly sorry about yesterday, I was reading a lovely book about alternate realities. Let's move on towards the story!

It's relatively rude to ditch someone. But if course no one cares about the narrator. Let's just "move on towards the story!"

Remus Lupin, upon arriving at his job, grabbed the apron of the peg, his book (because Minerva was a lovely woman and didn't mind if her workers were reading while waiting for customers.) The bell rang almost as soon as he had stood in front of the counter, and he looked up, expecting to see another teenaged girl wanting the normal pumpkin spice latte, or an old man dressed in a business suit and in a rush, wanting his bitter black coffee ASAP. Instead, he was met with eyes. Eyes a stirling silver, shimmering with mischief. He (Remus discerned the eyes belonged to a male, and a handsome one at that.) had a crooked smile, as if expecting something to explode at any moment. His hair was longer than expected, but it definitely matched him well. Two more men walked in, a tall one and a short pudgy one, and the moment was ruined.

Meanwhile ...............................................................

Sirius Black arrived at the coffee shop quicker (is that even a word?) than his partners in crime, and walked inside. The shop was cozy, with chestnut wood tables and red couches. Gold throw pillows decorated the couches and one mauve armchair. The barista was standing at the counter. And dang, was he cute. He had hazel-ish hair, fluffy and messy, that was long enough to get in his eyes, but barely touched his ears. His golden eyes were intelligent, but that might just be because he was reading a book. A couple scars littered the visible skin. Three or four big ones in his face, a couple smaller ones next to them. Fewer on his hands, but his neck was littered with them. There had to be at least two dozen, and that was just what was visible. He was smiling at the book, but he looked up with an annoyed expression, and upon realizing how close they were, blushed a tiny bit. Not that either of them noticed. Then the other two walked in, and ruined the atmosphere.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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