New Freind and Bites

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<Clem's P.O.V>
Sam and I don't even walk for one minute without finding a, walker. He sniffs out a gun without ammo. "Well, this helps!", I say sarcastically. Sam growls and barks grabbing walkers attention. One tackles me nearly bites my neck. I save myself from neck up, but my arm slips and the thing bites my arm, but it wasn't bleeding just a mark. Sam rips its neck off, 'good thing dogs can't get infected.', I think. Sam licks my wound and grabs bandges from my bag I took before leaving. I take the bandages and rap my arm... "I- I", I am bit no doubts on it, I saw it happen, Sam licks my face and helps me up. we walk for a bit (See what I did there? No ok continue...) I see a tree that is climbable so I take Sam and carry him up, Sam was skinny so he was light wieght. "HEY! THERE SHE IS!" I here a group yell. I unhook Sam. One guy comes after me but Sam kills the guy. I take out the next one with the empty gun..

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