Chapter 4

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I wake up with my head on Kams chest. I sit up and get out of bed. I get dressed in a comfy crop top with some black leggings. I put my phone in my pocket of my leggings. I go downstairs and I start to make some pancakes. Am comes down with messy hair sticking up in every direction. He see the pancakes and he smiles. We did inti our food. Once we are done we do the dishes. "Hey do you wanna go and hang out with the rest of our friends?" I ask. Kam nods.

We text our friends and we decide on a scary movie at the movie theater. We will meet them there. I grab my purse and wallet. Kam follows me with his phone and money. I grab my keys and I lock the front door and we head out Asher is behind us. I pull into a movie theater. We get out and we see our other friends. We wlak up to them. "So what movie would you guys like to see?" "Horror." Cole, Kam, Mark, and Emma say.

I shrug. So we buy a ticket and we get our food. We then sit down. I sit next to Asher. The movie starts and we start to watch it. In the middle there was a jump scare and I screamed. I clung to Ashers jacket. He chuckles. Then there was another really scary part and I stuff my face in his jacket. I look and see Kim did that to Mark and Emma is just laughing. Then I look right in time to see a girl bloody man jump at the camera. I scream again. Kim dies to. Asher loves me on his lap.

I don't complain. I was clinging onto his jacket. Kam actually jumped and threw his popcorn in the air. "God dammit my popcorn." He said. I laugh. "I'll go and get some more with you." Kam nods and we both leave. We stand in line for more popcorn. "I am not gonna be able to sleep tonight." "Me to." "You can spend the night again and we can just figure out more dance moves to do." He nods. We order more food and we pay.

Then we go back in the movie theater we were at. I plop down right on Asher's lap. "Ouf." He says. I cuddle up to his body heat. A scary part comes up and I hide my face. I then hear Asher's heart beat pick up and i look at the screen and i see the girl all bloody that looks exactly like me. I scream. I get up and stand. Looking at myself and then the character. My friends look at me wide eyed. I shudder and I sit back down.

Once the movie is over we all leave the theater and we go to my house. I order Chinese food. Once it gets here we eat and talk. "Y'all wanna play Truth or Dare?" I said. They all nod. "So I'll go first." I said. "Emma truth or dare?" "Truth." "Who is the hottest male in this room?" I said. She looks around. "Colten." She said. I shrug. "Truth or Dare Mark?" Emily says. "Dare." "I dare you to lick anyone's foot of your choice?" Mark gags. "Emily I choose you." "Eww no." "You said anyone." I said.

Emily pouts and we all laugh. Mark like she foot and Emily screams and wipes it if. I was rolling on the ground laughing same with Kam and Colten. "Davina truth or dare?" "Dare." "I dare you to dirty dance with Kam and we all get to choose what you dance. And how you do it." Mark says. "What!!?" We both yell. "You are the only 2 that can dance now we are gonna pick one so good." Mark says I huff. "Then you go that while me and Kam change into something more movable."

They nod and we both get up and got o my room he puts on what he had on last night. I chan gsd into a sports bra and cotton shorts. "Kam we need to work on what our costume will be." He nods. We go down and they all are smiling. They show us and I frown. "Do we have to do the kissing part?" They nod. "Ewwww!!!" Me and Kam say. "Oh well do it and add on to it do something after this dance like continue it." Kim says. We both frown and me and Kam get up and get in position we take off our shoes and socks then we start.

When it comes to where he had his arms around my waist I kiss him he spins around and I let go. When the dance ends we keep going like we were told to. He dips me down then I come up and I twirl he grabs my hand and pulls me back. I wrote my arms around his neck and my legs straight out on his left side. Then I run away truwlring my hair spinning with me given it's down. Then his arms are around my waist and he picks me upside down me dowing a cartwheel in the air.

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