11. Paul and Parker Trent

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Isabella's pov
After the run in with Emanuel, I went to see my brothers. I entered the territory and an arrow was shot at me in my shoulder.

"Hey! We have a treaty you mutt!! Treat me with respect. I'm here to see my brothers," I scream as the pack warrior comes down.

"Who are your brothers?" The pack warrior asks.

"Paul and Parker Trent," I state and he stood there shocked.

"Fucking do something then," I screech are him. He then looked like he was concentrating so mind linking.

"They are coming now," the warrior says and nods in respect. I nod back confused. They were taking ages to come out of the damn house and when they did. Oh my gosh, did they look horrible.

"Why are you here so early?" Parker groaned.

"It's 9am guys," I say.

"And?" They both day in unison.

"One. Paul you should be at alpha training by now. Two. Parker, by being the delta, it means training. Wake up or I'll train you myself," I say and they jerked back.

"Damn sis, what's with your mood change?" Paul asked.

"Not my fault my brothers piss me off," I snarl.

"Hey we are not that bad," Parker enthusiastically says.

"Oh I know," I say sarcastically.

"Can you really train us? It'll be way easier than training here," Paul groans.

"I'll talk to alpha Derek," I say and they nod. I walk towards his office and knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Derek asks.

"It's me isabella, I need to ask a question," I say and he unlocks the door.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Paul and Parker want me to train them," I said it bluntly.

"Yes you can, I can't deal with them moaning in a morning," he says with relief.

"Good but they will stay with me for a month so they can get straight to training. Is that okay?" I say and he nods.

"I want to get to know you and Emanuel. Please," he pleaded.

"If Emanuel wants to then I will. You abandoned us because of your supposed guilt and it takes time to get over the abandonment," I say while on the brink of tears. I exit and let my brothers know to pack their bags as we are going to my pack.

We went to my pack and Emanuel came out and said hello to our brothers. We entered and I gave the boys a room.

It was a pack meal in the evening and Xavier knew about Parker's time off. Me and Xavier snuck upstairs and hid fifty alarm clocks each in Paul and Parker's room set for six in the morning. We had our fun too in our room. ;)

Everyone decided to go to bed except for the people who were on the night shift and Xavier had to deal with pack stuff at the palace. He said he'd be back to see Paul and Parker's reaction and honestly I can't wait. I soon let the darkness take over.

—————————DREAM~12 YEARS——————
I was twelve years old and it was my birthday. I knew the witches put a spell on the room but I wanted to go out.

"Stay sage and don't get caught," the voice in the back of my mind said. I tiptoed down the stairs and saw the exit. I sprinted through the door near the cabin where a young boy was sat crying. He looked about my age and I sat myself down.

"What's wrong?" I ask the boy.

"My dad... he prefers my brother," he says.

"That's like me but with my sister. She died after I was born," I say sadly and he looks up.

"What's your name?" The boy asked.

"I'm Bella, what's yours?"


"ISABELLA, YOU KNOW YOU ARE NOT ALOUD OUTSIDE!!" My father shouts from afar.

"It's okay, go home and I will too," Parker says and I nod.
I walk down the path and my father is there with an angry expression on his face.

"Father I can explain," I pleaded. All he did was shake his head and grabbed a whip while it was laced with something. He whipped me about thirty times....
————————END DREAM—————————

I jolted awake from the alarm clocks that were placed in my brothers room. I enter both rooms and say, "wake up boys cause your training starts now!"

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