Chapter 3 escape

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(Rex's perspective)

2 days later

Padmé had told us everything that had happened to Ahsoka but I don't believe what admiral Tarkin has accused her of she would never kill anyone, never. Me, Anakin and Padmé had headed to the Coruscant prison where they keep they keep some high tier criminals like Jedi which included Kit Fisto and now my wife.

"Fox I won't ask again" I threatened the commander but he seemed under phased as his helmet stared back into my eyes. Padmé and Anakin stood behind me they knew Ahsoka was my wife and they were angry but not as angry as me.

"I'm sorry, Commander CT-7567 but admiral Tarkin has ordered no one to visit Ahsoka Tano while she is in prison until her trial" my hands slowly clenched together I just wanted to punch the window and snap Fox's neck. "Commander Fox please I am a Senator surely I can see her so she has someone to defend her during the trial" Padmé begged but the commander faced Amidala and shook his head as he crossed his arms. "Unfortunately she has to be removed from the Jedi order first, then she can see a senator or lawyer" immediately I felt the Jedi behind me begin to get mad and confused.

"What do you mean removed from the order" Anakin snarled as he moved closer to the window.

"Admiral Tarkin has said himself that he wants Ahsoka Tano to be removed from the Jedi order first before a trial" Fox kept the same solemn voice on the entire time.

"What! But she might not have done it, the Jedi and the Chancellor won't stand for this" my general growled as his breathing hit heavier.

"Actually the Jedi themselves have agreed to this and I think we've found enough evidence that her and a colleague are working on this together so I think it's safe to presume she's guilty" I was about loose it and I knew Anakin was about to loose it aswell but Padmé put a hand on both of our shoulders and pulled us back but I broke out of it "Rex" she called but I didn't turn back as I went towards the glass. "Listen here Fox I don't care if she is guilty or not I just want you to let me in" he hissed as I punched the glass making it shatter slightly then Fox looked over to 2 guards and gave them a small gesture with his head to come over and they did. They switched on their staffs and both stood beside me one on each side as Fox spoke up again "I'm sorry CT-7567 but I don't want to see you here again or I might have to arrest you aswell and place you as a suspect for all these murders, understood".

I punched at the glass again this time shattering it almost grabbing Fox by the throat but he clinched back just in time so I missed and with that I was shocked by electro staffs with electricity following all around my body making me cry out in pain and and then my general pulled me out of there and back towards him and Padmé.

"If you take another step inside this building any of you before the she is removed from the order I will have you all arrested and placed in republic custody" the commander of the guard shouted as Anakin dragged me out of the building glaring at commander Fox.

1 hour later

"But Chancellor surely you can have a say in this" Anakin begged the leader of the republic but he just shook his head "I'm sorry my boy but I cannot, the Jedi have made up their minds and while I don't feel it's the right decision it's their decision" the supreme commander stood up and looked out the window of his office as me, Anakin and Padmé all looked at each other. "I suggest you go see the Jedi, maybe you'll get them to change their minds I'm sure they will listen to you I mean you area Jedi after all" his voice grows deeper with each passing word but the Jedi and the Senator dont seem to care about this and they both stand up "thank you Chancellor" my general says as I stand up next to him and we leave the room and head towards the Jedi temple.

30 minutes later

"Change our minds, we do not".

Anakin seemed more pissed off with the Jedi as me and him stood side by side as we spoke to master Yoda and Mace Windu. "She will be removed by the council, I'm sorry" General Windu looked down at the ground in sorrow. "You are we turning your backs on her, she might have not done it" I argue but to nothing changes "there is too much evidence stacked against her and we believe we may have a lead on who her accomplice is" I heard Anakin's fists clench together I looked over at my general with slow visible rage starting to show.

"Masters we are—"

Anakin was interrupted from a hologram of commander Fox that appears in the middle of the holotable.

"Generals, Ahsoka Tano has escaped".

(Ahsoka's perspective)

I was sleeping in my cell and to be honest it wasn't that bad while it wasn't perfect it was clean and wasn't dirty at all so I could sleep without much issue. I heard a loud buss and as my eyes fluttered open I saw my door was open I sat up and thought maybe it was roll call or something. I stood up and walked towards the door but as I got there I saw 2 Coruscant guard clones cut up on the floor by what looks to be a lightsaber I looked around and saw no other doors open and when I looked up I saw the security camera's cut in half. I walked towards the exit and with every corner I turned I saw more dead clones all cut up by a lightsaber.

"Who could've done this" I muttered to myself and as I towards the exit I saw 4 clones all cut up on the ground and as I looked at the cut up soldiers I heard a door slide open just behind the glass I looked at saw commander Fox. "What the hell" he shouted as he readied his blaster pistols "it wasn't me" I told him but he fired so I ran as I ran I saw more dead clones but this time they were with my sabres "what is going on" I shrieked as I force pulled my blades towards me as I came under fire again by Fox. I ran as around the corner and out of his sight.

(Fox's perspective)

I stopped running as I looked at all the dead clones all cut up from her lightsabers I got on the com "guard, Ahsoka Tano is heading towards the exit kill on sight" I ordered and I switched that off so I could send a message to the Jedi.

"Generals, Ahsoka Tano has escaped, we need your help to capture her" I send the message and I ran after the fugitive.

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