Chapter 7 duel

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(Ahsoka's perspective)

3 hours later

I was just outside the senate room to see if I would be found guilty and it was also the same place where the Jedi will remove me from the order and only Padmé was there to comfort me the person who tried to kill me.

"Ahsoka that person you saw wasn't me I swear to you" she spoke in a soft voice with an arm around me.

I head fell in my hands I was just so confused "no, I don't believe it was you but they sounded exactly like you and technology like that isn't even found on Coruscant" I moaned I wasn't thinking straight I felt a lot of anxiety. The Jedi weren't helping me surely they would believe I'm innocent but instead they are just going with whatever the senate says it's ridiculous.

"Come on its time to go" I looked up and saw commander Thire along with 2 Jedi temple guards behind him me and Padmé stood up and Thire looked at the senator. "Is this who will be defending you Ashoka Tano?" He questioned and I nodded "yes" I replied. "Okay this way" he said as we followed him the 2 Jedi temple guards walked behind us Padmé had an arm around me and as we headed out there I saw hundreds of senators ready for the case I took one deep breath and Padmé gave me one more comforting look.

We all flew out into the centre of the room with Palpatine spoke up with Commander Fox and Mas Amedda by his side "this is about the attempted murder of Padmé Amidala the senator of Naboo, and the murder of Mee Deechi senator of Umbara" he announced as he looked down at me "first we will have the Jedi speak" he finished then Master Yoda, Mace Windu, Ki Adi Mundi and 2 Jedi temple guards came forward in a pod.

"Ahsoka Tano what do you say against the allegations" master Yoda questioned as he looked down at me. "None of them are true master, I was attacked by a assassin that sounded like—" I stopped myself as I turned to I gave her a questioning look and she nodded towards me as I faced the senators and Jedi once again. "The assassin sounded like Padmé Amidala".

"Impossible, she was being attacked by the assassin and your friend" the senator of Kamino spoke out.

"I was not working with anyone" I shouted.

"She's right, she was working alone" the senator of Lahn called out.

The room bursted out of whispers and I was being overwhelmed until Mas Amedda ordered for silence. I looked back at the Jedi.

"Sorry, we are but if you are proven guilty removed from the Jedi you will be"the last 3 words hurt the most how could they not believe me.

(My perspective)

Barriss arrived back at her room putting the mask away underneath my bed she breathed a sigh of relief she had done all she needed to do with Ahsoka now it was just her and Rex. She removed the part of the floor so she could go down the ladder and as she did she began to speak "don't worry Rex baby, soon we'll be on Naboo and we can—" she stopped herself as she turned around to see Rex with his helmet on aiming his blasters at her her mouth dropped open. "Rex what, how did you get out" she said in confusion and he didn't reply instead Skywalker came out from the darkness and attacked but she managed to turn her blue lightsabers on in time.

"What are you doing Skywalker" she hissed and Anakin only replied with "why do you have Ahsoka's lightsabers" he asked through gritted teeth she didn't have answer and just then Rex fired a blast and Barriss jumped up out of the hole but Anakin followed. The 2 battled in the room with Anakin being the aggressor and getting many cuts on her she knew she wasn't going to win against the chosen one so instead she used the force to open the door and rushed out heading down the hallway Anakin was about give chase but before he did he looked to see Rex coming up the ladder and he singled to him to chase her down and he nodded as he ran down the red carpet towards the traitor.

She was faster then Anakin he was still able to catch up with Rex a good distance behind but still being able to make up ground. She was almost at the end of the hallway when 2 Jedi temple guards rushed out from the corner and ignited their yellow lightsabers she looked behind and behind Rex was 2 more doing the same. She was boxed in. "How are you going to escape now you monster" Skywalker growled at her but to be honest she didn't know until she was saw the window and looked back at the Jedi knight "quite easily Skywalker" she chuckled and Anakin saw where she was heading but was too late to stop her as she jumped out of the window but Anakin was in hot pursuit as they ran down the side of the temple.

Barriss wasn't fighting she was running for her life.

Eventually she got to the edge and jumped down in the garden part of the temple where younglings were training with Sansee Tiin. Anakin jumped down after her and they locked blades again with Anakin going a lot more aggressive as he managed to back her up against a tree she used all the strength she had to get out of it as she jumped over him. And began to back away but as she was about to turn and run she saw Rex standing there his blaster pistol at the ready on stun. "Baby no!" She shouted as he stunned her sending her too the ground.

(Ahsoka's perspective)

20 minutes later

They were now tallying up the votes from wether I'm guilty or not I had tears rushing down my cheeks I was gonna be send to jail and removed from the Jedi order surely the Jedi would do more then this.

"And the senators have reached a decision" the Chancellor announced.

Padmé put a comforting arm around me as she told me it was okay while tears streamed down my face with no end in sight.

"The vote for 67% guilty and 43% innocent so Ahsoka Tano I sentence you too 100 year o—".

"Stop" a voice called out from a incoming pod which didn't even give Palpatine enough time to finish his sentence.

I turned and saw Anakin with Rex alongside 2 temple guards a senate guard and Barriss Offee infront of them in binders.

"Young Skywalker what is it that you have interrupted me for?" The man in red questioned and Anakin replied as he pushed Barriss forward. "This is the traitor" he shouted and gasps could be heard from the senators but Palpatine tilted his head "do you have proof?" he questioned and Anakin nodded aggressively as he muttered something into her ear.

"It's true I killed Mee Deechi and attempted to murder Senator Amidala, and framed it all on Ahsoka Tano, I murdered commander Stone and knocked out Ahsoka Tano and took her lightsabers and gave her mine, I used a voice droid to change my voice to sound like Padmé Amidala's, I have raped Commander Rex and beaten him aswell" she spoke to the entire senate and then the Chancellor asked another question.

"Why did you do this?" Sheev asked.

"Because this war has no end in sight, Umbara was threatening to join the separatists and nothing was stopping other systems from joining them so I took charge and made them fear their decisions".

Palpatine stood up again "I think we shall take a revote for Barriss Offee" he announced to the senators as the votes came in and Palpatine smirked at them.

"88% say Barriss Offee is guilty and 12% say she is innocent and since Barriss Offee has killed a Senator, Commander Stone and many other clones along with raping and beating Commander Rex on top of the senator murder of Senator Amidala with framing Ahsoka Tano for the entire thing I say life without parole" the senators all cheered and I looked over at Anakin who smiled at me and I gave a sad smile back I can't help but feel betrayed by the Jedi how they just believe whatever the senate tells them I just can't stay.

(One more part tomorrow)

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