1. All it Takes is a Wallet

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*Important* This is not really canon, parts of it is, but most of it is made up by me. The League never attacked USJ they had a normal day of training (or as normal as you can get with Aizawa as your teacher)

*Your POV*

I was about to head to class, when I realize brother left his wallet on the counter. I pull out my phone and find my tracking app that he thinks I don't know is on my phone, luckily for me it works both ways.

I start on my way towards where it says he is, looking at my phone instead of where I was going, I bump into someone. "I'm so sorry!" I say and start bowing repeatedly, "Oh, it's ok! Where are you going in such a hurry anyways?"

The figure wasn't much taller than me, 'almost the same height as brother...' "Just out to see my brother! My name is Y/N!" I answered and outstretched my hand. He took it in his own, "do you have a last name Y/N?"

This question made me a little uncomfortable, "brother told me not to tell people..." I said a little nervous, "sounds like your brother really cares about you! But I can understand his reasoning, if I had a little sibling, I'd be overprotective too!"

"Anyway, I need to hurry and find brother! Bye sir!" I say as I continue on my journey. As I slowly maneuver my way through the busy streets getting closer to the address that brother was at.

When I arrived I saw an old wore down building, but my app said he was inside so I knocked on the door. I heard a slightly muffled come in from inside, 'guess they were expecting someone' I thought as I opened the door.

"Who are you!" Someone with light blue hair and a crusty face yelled once he saw me. "Well aren't you cu-" someone with blonde hair started but was cut off after brother turned around and saw me after the outburst.

"Y/N?!?!" he yelled at me, "I'm sorry but you forgot your wallet at home..." I said pulling the wallet out of my pocket and handing it to him. "Ok, you gave it to me! Now go to school!" He said putting it in his pocket and pushing me out the door.

"Did I do something wrong...?" I asked after we got outside, "no, you didn't do anything wrong, it's just...I don't work with the best people, and I don't want you getting hurt..." he said looking ashamed of himself.  "It's ok! I know you have your reasons" I said trying to make him feel better

I think it worked because he gave me a small smile, "just get to class before you're late!" he said ruffling my hair. "Hey! Leave my hair alone! And I'm going" I said before walking out of the alley we had somehow ended up in.

*Dabi's POV*

After Y/N left the alley and started heading towards school, I went back inside the bar, "Dabi, who was that!?" Hands asked sternly. "None of your business handjob!" I shot back and took a drink of my cup of whiskey I was drinking before Y/N showed up.

"Aw~ Dabi-kun is he your boyfriend~?" I spit out my whiskey on Kurogiri and started coughing "WHAT!" I had a coughing fit, "NO!" "Why would that be such a bad thing? He is really cute~" she gave a loud gasp "Is he single~?" She started spouting questions.

"He's my brother and you're not allowed to touch him!" I yelled getting up from my seat and backing her up against a wall, "ok, just asking Dabi-kun, no need to get upset about it!" I turned around and started yelling at all of them, "that goes for all of you, if any of you touch him, I will personally roast you alive!" I lit a flame in my hand to let them know I was serious.

*Your POV*

I had just sat down in my normal seat in class 1-A, to the left of Tokoyami (yeah we got rid of Mineta), I was staring out the window when Aizawa came in and told us that we were going to have a guest today.

We had changed into our training outfits and headed out to the field. I was one of the first to arrive, so I headed over to Kirishima and Bakugou. "Hey guys!" "Oh hey Y/N! Didn't see you there!" Kirishima said in his usual cheerful tone.

Bakugou just grumbled in response, a slight blush on his cheeks, "hey Kirishima, how about you go talk Denki, I need to talk to Bakugou for a minute!" Bakugou looks confused and so did Kirishima, but he agreed anyways.

After he was a good enough distance away, "You like him, don't you?" "What no!" He yelled in retaliation as the blush on his face got brighter, "I mean it's either him or me so..." I trailed off giving him time to think.

Everyone had finally arrived so Aizawa started his speech. "As I said earlier we are going to have a guest today to help us with training, and because this person loves to make an entrance, they'll be here in a minute"

As soon as he finished his sentence, a shadow was above us. We all looked up to see who or what the figure was, I heard Midoriya start mumbling so I figured it was a Pro-Hero. Right before they landed I saw hints of red on what looked like wings.

"How is everyone today!" Pro-hero Hawks said as he landed. Everyone just grumbled in response, "Excuse me sir Hawks, but where did you come from?" Iida said doing his robot hands. I chuckled seeing how he does this almost everyday, this make the hero turn his attention to me.

"Just the roof!" he said in a closed eye expression like it was the most normal sentence in the world. "Didn't you say we were going to be sparing, Eraserhead?" He turned his head slightly to look at him crawling into his sleeping bag.

Just as he got fully into his bag of sleep, "Yeah whatever, wake me up when you're done" "Ok, let's start with Y/N!" he said pointing at me.

I curious how many of you know where this is going

Word Count: 1,064

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