3. Exchanging Numbers

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*Your POV*

Everything was still black, but I could tell my (dominant hand) hand was scarred. Everything slowly started coming into view, Kirishima was pacing muttering, Bakugou was trying to calm him down, Mina was crying while Denki and Sero were trying to make her feel better, and Hawks was sitting in the chair next to my bed looking sad.

"Ugh!" I groaned trying to sit up only to be tackled by Kirishima, Denki, and Mina. "Too Soon!" I squeaked as I was pushed back onto the bed. "Now, now, lady and gentlemen, Y/N needs his rest." Hawks said standing up and used one of his wings to brush them off me.

"Y/N what happened!?" Mina semi-shouted now sitting at the foot of my bed. I looked at Hawks and thankfully he got the hint, "I think he has some questions for me, but he'll answer yours later!" nobody got the hint except Bakugou, "He's telling us to leave!" He said mad his friends were idiots.

"Oh~" the rest said in unison and got up to leave, well Mina hugged me first, but then left. "Now" I started once they were gone, "how do you know about my brother, I haven't even told my friends I have a brother" I stated.

"We literally met this morning and you've already forgotten me!" He acted mad and crossed his arms, turning away from me. "Wait that was you!?!?" "Yup!" he said turning back around. "Well now thats even more embarrasing!" I said burying my head in my hands.

"At least it was me and not someone like Endeavor!" he said chuckling, "I guess you have me there!" I said looking at him once again. "Anyways I have a question for you" he said pointing at me. "Fire away!" I said making him chuckle once again.

"Very funny." "huh?...oh~" I chuckled at my own pun I didn't even mean to make. "How old are you? Because don't you look 15 to me" "Thats because I'm not!" "Huh?" "I'm older than 15, I'm 17, going to be 18 next month!"

"I got held back a few years due to fighting." I continued, scratching the back of my head. "They let me into UA because I was only defending other people!" I chuckled slightly at the memories.

"Interesting..." he thought for a moment, "anyway, I'll let you get some sleep" he walked out the door giving a small wave as he did. Recovery girl walked over, "you can leave whenever you want dear, your clothes are on the dresser!" She pointed at the dresser at the foot of the bed.

I got up and walked over to it grabbing the clothes. I pulled the changing thing around and put my clothes back on. As I was slipping on my hoodie a piece of paper fell out of my pocket. I crouched down and carefully picked it up, it read 'text me :) ***-***-****' Suspicious I shoved it back in my pocket so I could look at it better later.

I finished getting dressed and started heading to the common room. As I arrived a few people pulled me into hugs and started asking questions.

*Time Skip*

It was around 8:30, I had just got back home from hanging out at the mall with 'Bakusquad' as they call us. They mainly just wanted to ask questions about had happened in a 'normal' environment. I was taking off my jacket when the piece of paper from earlier fell out.

I glanced at it wondering how it never out my pocket before now. I called out to my brother now realizing I hadn't seen him yet. Seeing he wasn't home I set it on a table and went to quickly change. As I got back I quickly entered the number into my phone and sent a message.

^Hey, I found this number on a peice of paper. Mind telling me who you are? 

8:37 P.M.


Oh yea, this is Hawks! Nice to see you didn't ignore it thinking it was some pervert or something^
8:39 P.M.

^I mean for all I know, you could be some pervert!
8:41 P.M.


Ouch! That hurt you know!^
8:42 P.M.

^I know, just wanted to get a small jab in!
8:43 P.M.


Anyway I gotta go, I'm on patrol😭! But we can talk more tomorrow if you want!^
8:45 P.M.

^Eh~ not that big of a deal, my brother should be home soon anyway
8:46 P.M.

I turned my phone off and set it on my bedside table. I pulled the sheets over me and curled into a small ball feeling the warmth of the room take hold. The feeling of safety taking over and lulling me to sleep.

Sorry that this one is a little shorter than usual

Word Count: 814

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2022 ⏰

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