The Princess Has Arived

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(Shoto POV)

"Come on Shoto, the princess of wisdom is coming in one hour you need to get ready!" "Not again, come on Fumi 5 more minutes." "No! you need to look presentable for the princess." BANG BANG BANG "Fumi stop banging on the door!" "If you don't come out right now I'll call the guards to drag you out!" Fumi screamed, "sire, your sister told me to help you get ready," a deep male voice spoke. "Ok, come in Tokoyami," I said exasperated. " hff" I heard Fumi's angry voice fade."Thank you, sir" the door creaked open. A man with the face of a bird walked through the door, wearing full armor and caring his specially designed helmet under his arm. "Would you like to take a shower, and I'll pick out your close for you?" "Sure," I said walking to the bathroom. After I finished brushing my teeth and taking a shower, I saw that Tokoyami had gotten me some breakfast and picked out some close for me. (picture above) "You look, good sir, I will be waiting for you outside if you need me. Oh, and make sure to brush your hair." Tokoyami grinned, bowed, and walked out the door. After I brush my hair I walked through the door, Tokoyami was waiting for me  "I will accompany you to the courtyard." He said face stern, "as my guard you may leave me now, I can take cair of my self. But as my friend." Tokoyami relaxed, "ok Shoto lets go to the courtyard," giving me a fist bump. Fumi was waiting for us at the courtyard "Shoto what took you so long?" "Sorry princess, prince Shoto took a long time brushing his hair," Tokoyami said with a grin. I punched him in the arm," Not funny." suddenly trumpets blared making me jump. "Ooo she's here!" Fumi said excited, this was not the first time a princess has come to see me in the past  3 weeks but Fumi seemed extra excited about this girl. "Hey, Toko what makes this girl so special?" " Well, the stories say that no one has seen the princess of wisdom's face since she was a baby." "Wow, how come I didn't know this? "I asked," shhh" Fumi shushed me and Tokoyami.

Finely the carriage came to a stop. A short man with spiky green hair jumps out of the back of the carriage. He looked at us his nervous face betraying his emotion.  He looked at the carriage, and then looked back at us and bowed quickly. Then rushed to the door of the carriage and opened it. Out stepped two of the prettiest young ladies he has ever seen. Both very tall but one was wearing a dark, red, floor-length dress, with a slit down the side and the other was wearing a pale lavender dress, also floor length with little gold flecks in the dress. The girl with the lavender dress had blond hair rapped into an elegant bun, with dangly moon earrings. The other girl had dark black hair flowing down her back about to her waist, she had no jewelry except for a little circlet of gold in her hair. They look like siblings, but opposite. They both held themself like princesses and walked like princesses, but witch one is the princess of wisdom?  

Turning my head toward Tokoyami "Ahhh, Toko witch ones the princess?" I asked him, "I don't know sir." The two girls stop about 5 feet from us "Hello," a soft voice said, " I am the princess of wisdom." I jolted my head, " My name is Luna." The girl with the lavender dress said, " and this is my bodyguard and personal helper Momo." Luna pointed to the girl in the red dress, Momo bowed slightly. " Hello I am prince Shoto and this is my sister Fuyumi" I pointed towards my sister " and this is my bodyguard Fumikage Tokoyami," I said in a monotone voice. " Follow me to the main hall," I turned around quickly and started walking Tokoyami following me. " Sir try to be nice, I know you don't like this but you have to try," " ok fine." We finally got to the main hall, my father was waiting for us wearing robes of scarlet. "Ahh the princess is here," my father said in a booming voice. Luna walked to the front of the procession bowing slightly. "Lord Enji I have come from the kingdom of wisdom, King Arthur and Queen Harmony wish you great spirits." " It is good to see Arthur's little girl has finally come out of hiding," My father said with a devilish grin. Luna didn't look offended but right next to me Momo tensed. "Now let's go to lunch," lord Enji stood up and walked out of the main hall.

We walked into the dining room, a big long table covered the center of the room big enough for a great feast. Me, my father and my sister sat on one side of the table, and Luna and her bodyguard sat on the other side of the big table. "Servants aren't allowed here, they eat in the servants' quarters," Father said sternly. " I'm sorry I don't mean to be rude, but Momo never leaves my side," Luna answered with a hint of anger in her voice. "Are you so week that you need a bodyguard with you 24/7," father said with mockery. "FATHER!" Fumi screamed, Momo opened her mouth to say something but Luna shushed her by squeezing her hand. Luna leaned over to say something to Momo that I could not hear. "So if your a bodyguard why do you not have any armor?" I hear my father say, "My armor is in my trunk because it is a little revealing, I want to make a good impression, for Luna's sake at least." Momo spoke for the first time, her voice was a little deeper then Luna's but it was just as elegant. We sat there for a long moment, then the food finally arrived and we started to eat in silence. 

(Momo's dress)

(Momo's dress)

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(Luna's dress)

(Luna's dress)

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