Red's Problem

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Red, the Champion of the Kanto region... has one thing no matter what happens, he can not do. Leaf, his first friend, is all the things he dreams of; A cute girl in clothes ready for a picnic, Pokemon that are cute, and of course, those eyes. Teal in color, they sparkle like the ocean. Only problem is, well... he can't speak. He was mute when born, and has been afraid that writing down his confession would be indecent. But he can't stop looking in those eyes. Sometimes, she notices. Sometimes, she smiles. That goofy smile of hers that makes him melt. On normal days, it would go something like this:

"Hey Red! How are you doing?" Grunt. "Hehe, your so weird! But, I guess it comes with not being able to speak. Say, want to hang out with Blue later?" Double Grunt. This, as Blue and Leaf figured out, was an affirmative. "Great! See you at 2pm!"

Obviously, he got kind of jealous how she always invited Blue, his first and greatest rival. Blue was quiet, boring, serious, and a huge killjoy. However, she seemed to be happy around him. His team wasn't very impressive, but, they were still a serious challenge any time they fought. His Charizard Completely obliterated most of his team, save his Rhydon. Back to the present, Red is doing an exercise on the road. Feeling tired, he stops and sits down on a bench.

"Red? What a surprise! Didn't expect to see you here." This was the voice of Ethan, the only one in the world to beat his strongest team. However, since it was on a mountain and not in a stadium, it wasn't an official match and Ethan stayed as champion in Johto Region only.

"Red, are you doing a workout? You do realize that doing this won't strengthen your team..." Another thing was the fact that Ethan wanted a rematch in a stadium. For that, Red agreed on paper that he would battle him again once his team was stronger. Ever since then, he avoided Ethan like the plague (Cough Cough, the Virus...), hoping one day he would just forget.

He didn't.

Red continued to ignore Ethan as he got a bit loud. Soon, Lyra came to see the fuss. "Wait, isn't that Red? Oh my gosh! What if you and Ethan had a rematch here? Don't worry, I can move the trainers. That would be so fun!" Red looked down. He wasn't wanting to fight. He wanted to get a gift for Blue and Leaf, as it was their Friendiversary. He had the perfect idea, but these two were ruining it! Grunt... Grunt. He agreed, but a short one, 3v3. This would greatly increase his chances of getting home on time.


Red had a set team of Pikachu, Venusaur, and Rhydon. At least he had some coverage. All of them were well beyond level 80, so this wouldn't be too tough. Ethan, however, looked smug. Red remembered Blue doing the same thing...


He sent out his Pikachu first, Planning on going with Iron tail if things got rough. Which, it did. Ethan started with his Metagross, which was a STEEL-PSYCHIC type. Pikachu ended up fainted after using two volt tackles, bringing Meta's health down to a measly 279/357 hit points. He then sent out Rhydon, using Earthquake and fainting the Metagross. Ethan sent out Lapras, Using Ice Beam Boosted with a nevermeltice to faint Rhydon. things were not looking good...

He then sent out Venusaur. The last thing he could think of was a Solarbeam, if Ice Beam didn't faint him first. Then, a misspeak:"Lapras, use Surf- wait, no!" Too late. with a not very effective hit, Venusaur was charged up and fired the massive beam. It hit Lapras square in the face, fainting the poor Pokemon. Yes! I might actually have some luck... or so Red thought. Then, Typhlosion was sent out. A simple Flamethrower was all that was needed to faint Venusaur, so Red needed to think of something quick. Wait... Venusaur knew dig! This could work! Venusaur, as if realizing the same thing, started to dig a hole. "Wait, Typhlosion! Use Earthquake!"

This was bad. Since Ground is super-effective on poison, and earthquake was a special move with a base power of 120, he could easily faint Venusaur while still digging. It hit... and silence. No Pokemon returning to a ball, no digging, no nothing. Had Typhlosion killed Venusaur?!? It seemed so until....


Typhlosion fainted! Venusaur barely held on, and finished the job! "Aw... even with the misspoken attack ,I thought I could win this..." Red Grunts in response. He was able to beat Ethan! He looked at his watch. Crap! It was past the time he needed to be in Kanto! He quickly hopped on his Aerodactyl and flew to his home, where he was sure Blue and Leaf were waiting for him.

He got home, but... Pallet town was empty. Where was everybody? He opened the door to his house.... still, no one. He realized how dark it was... "SURPRISE!!!!!!" Everyone screamed as the lights were turned on. "Happy Friendiversary, Red! I can't believe you were late, but it worked in our favor." Said Blue, his rival since kindergarten. "I cant believe we've all been friends for 5 years!!" said Leaf, already looking like she was up to something. Red, full of happiness, looked around the room. Prof. Oak, Mom, Blue, Leaf, even the one fat dude who liked the electronic advancement. Everyone from Pallet Town was here! "I'm so happy you made it, sweetie." said his mother, smiling with pride. It had been so long since he'd seen her. "Oh! The gifts!" yelped Blue, Surprise on his face.

Blue, Red, and Leaf took their time opening the gifts they had gotten each other. Blue got Red a Pokeball with Mewtwo, a gift from Blaine to complete the Pokedex. He got Leaf an egg, saying: "It's a surprise. Hatch it to find out what Pokemon it is!" Leaf got them both friendship bracelets, with the names of the opposite person to them. "That way, you'll never forget each other!" Now, it was finally time for Red's gifts. Red gave Blue a card that said: "Thank you for being my rival through this entire journey. I really liked how you finally grew up after I beat you and became the champion." Blue laughed. "Yeah, well... only cause Gramps told me what I did wrong."

Then, he turned to Leaf. He pulled out a card and gave it to her. It said: "Leaf. we've been friends for a long time now. I'd like to give you a heads up about what's gonna happen." Leaf read this. "What's going to happe-" And Red kissed her right there. He didn't have the courage to tell her, let alone kiss her. But he did it. Not to shut her up, nor to prove he loved her. It was because now, he felt like it was the time. It was a long, sweet kiss, her lips tasting like melted caramel. After five seconds, he drew back. And pulled his had over his eyes. He was embarrassed. Not because he finally kissed Leaf, but because he finally kissed Leaf in front of everyone in Pallet town. Why? Because he felt like it. "T-that... was very... u-um..."

"That was awesome, Red! I didn't know you had it in you!" said Blue, a playful look in his eyes. "Well, I um, just remembered I got a go... battle some kid on route 19. Gotta go!" Everyone soon followed suit, saying an excuse and leaving. His mom said: "Go upstairs. I'm currently doing a few things down here." He did as he was told. He looked into Leaf's eyes. Those beautiful, Teal eyes. And he kissed her one more time.

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