Lucas' Secret

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"Missy, I like you!!"

These words stung Lucas like a Man-o-war. It paralyzed him. Why, would his best friend since birth, be in love with the same girl he was? Lucas thought for a moment. Well, who wouldn't like Missy? She was sweet, formal, cute, and most of all, a genius. She discovered 27% of all the Pokemon in the Sinnoh region! Still, it hurt to be beat by your best friend. Now, Ms. Dawn said she had to get some time alone, but Barry, the impatient boy he was, asked her about it every day. And every day, she said she'd need some time alone.

Around 9pm, Lucas needed a walk alone. He needed some room to think, and Barry seemed to forget no one was going to respond on his time, which proved to be immediate. On this walk, he ran into Prof. Rowan, a stoic old man with a kind look in his eyes. "Ah! Lucas. How are you this wonderful evening?" At this, Lucas told him everything. All about his mixed feelings, the way Dawn seemed to have thoughts scattered, and the way Barry confessed everyday. "I see... so basically, you and Barry love the same girl, and you are an introvert patient young man while Barry is bold and impatient. He confessed first, but it seems Dawn needs some time. I'd consider giving her a week or two."

Which is exactly what Lucas did. Even though he wanted her to be his girl, he only really wanted what's best for Barry and Miss. So, as to not feel like a third wheel, he decided to distance himself from them. Soon, he was taking strolls in Pastoria Great Marsh and hanging out with Riley more often than talking with his friends. Miss Dawn seemed to notice, as did Barry.

A week into this, Barry confronted Lucas. "What the heck do you think your doing!?!"

"Doing what's best for you guys," responded Lucas. He wasn't in the mood to be confessing everything to his friend. "Well, your ruining Missy! She looks really sad all the time, and no matter what I do, she never changes!" This hurt Lucas, but he couldn't go back to being jolly good friends. It would tear him apart. "I'm sorry, but I can't help. Starapter, use fly!" Barry had a look of contempt on his face. Lucas couldn't bear to look at his rival. He landed in Snowpoint city, where he met Candice and Maylene training. "Oh, hey Lucas! How are you doing?" Candice said. "We're practicing against our weaknesses, so we can get stronger. Want to join?"

"Sure," Lucas replied. He needed to blow off some steam. "Hey, Lucas," Maylene shouted. "Can you use Starapter's priority Brave Bird on my Machamp? I need to see if he can take it."


After training, it was clear who was in need of improvement. Lucas was a great threat to Maylene, as his Starapter OHKO'd every single one of her Pokemon except Lucario. Maylene used brick break on Candice's Pokemon, while Candice used her ice types on Lucas's Flying type. However, in the end, Candice won because of the sheer number of her Pokemon. Lucas handicapped himself to 1, Maylene had her full team of 3, and Candice with 5. "Well, it was nice training, but I do have to head home. Se you guys later!" He then proceeded to use fly to go home. However, Starapter paused and landed in Veilstone City. This place was riddled with people, and he wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. He saw a couple kissing under a maple tree, and wished it was him and Dawn under that tree. He turned to his Starapter and frowned. Then, he had Starapter fly him to Solaceon's ruins. There, he could have some peace and quiet...


"Lucas? I didn't expect to see you here..." Dawn was here. How was he supposed to tell her... well, anything?! He started heading for the exit. "Wait, don't go... please? I wanted to talk to you about something..." Well, alright. He could talk with her here..."Alright. What do you want to talk about?"

"Lucas... why are you distancing yourself from me? I thought you and I were friends?" It squeezed his heart. They were friends, but... "You and Barry are getting together, aren't you? I just didn't want to be a third wheel. I thought if I weren't in the picture, you and Barry could be happy. I didn't want to ruin your guy's relationship."

"Really? That's why you ran away? I denied Barry! Sure, he's sweet and funny, but he's not the one I like." Oh. Who was it then? "Sorry. I won't bother you with questions. I should really be heading home..."

"No! Don't you see? The person I like is you!" Wait. What? The feeling he has in his chest... was it  mutual with the girl he likes? Wait, you... you like me?"

"Sorry if I'm too sudden, it's just... your just so dense! I... well, I've actually liked you for a while. I thought you would have realized by now. I guess I was wrong... sorry. I should be leaving."

"No, wait! Miss Dawn, the truth is... I like you too. I thought you liked Barry, so I... distanced myself so I wouldn't hurt my friend, or you!" This was it. The time to get it all out. "I love you, Dawn!" She was blushing now. "W-well then, um... w-well, couples... should we..." That trail led to the next action. "Not if your not ready, Miss. However," Lucas said as he picked her up bridal style, "I'm taking you home as a knight would a princess." And as they walked off into the sunset, Lucas had a feeling he was the luckiest man in the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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